Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning

10-715, Fall 2018

Carnegie Mellon University

Maria-Florina Balcan

Course Project Guidelines

One of the course requirements is to do a project in a group of 3 or 4. Your class project is an opportunity for you to explore an interesting machine learning problem of your choice, whether empirically or theoretically. This can take one of the following forms.
  • Conduct an experiment (pick some datasets, and apply an existing or new machine learning algorithm)
  • Work on a theoretical question in machine learning
  • Read a couple of machine learning papers and present the main ideas (these should be outside the topics covered in class, and the papers should be at an advanced level)
If you are having trouble coming up with an idea, feel free to consult with a TA or the instructor. We provide several ideas below. Your project will consist of 25% of your final grade, and will have three deliverables:
  • Proposal, Oct 10: 2-3 paragraphs (10%)
  • Midway Report, Nov 5: 4 pages (20%)
  • In-class Presentation, Nov 26 & 28: around 8 minutes, exact time TBD (20%)
  • Final Report, Dec 12: 8 pages (50%)
Each group should submit one proposal and final report. Your project will be evaluated based on a few criteria:
  • If the project is experimental, it will be graded on the extensiveness of the study and experiments. Projects which have well-designed experiments and a thorough analysis of the results are scored higher.
  • If the project is theoretical, it will be graded on the formulation of the questions and the quality of proofs.
  • If the project is to look at a few papers, it will be graded on the clarity of the ideas, whether the report demonstrates a deep understanding of the papers, and whether the project displays an ability to synthesize the ideas from the related papers. See good examples of survey papers: (Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives, Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy)
  • Projects that cleanly expresses the main ideas and concepts of the papers are scored higher.
  • The writing style and the clarity of the written paper.

Project Proposal (Due Date: Oct 10)

A list of suggested papers, projects, and data sets are posted below.

Page limit: Proposals should be 2-3 paragraphs (excluding references), in NIPS format.

Include the following information:
  • Project title and teammates
  • Project idea. This should be approximately two paragraphs.
  • If it is an experimental project, list the potential datasets and the experiments you plan to run. If your project is to read a few papers, list the papers.
  • Project goals: what do you expect to complete before the project presentations?
Midway Report (Due Date: Nov 5)

This should be a 4 page (excluding references) report on your project, in NIPS format. Include the finalized project idea, background or related work, the main ideas behind the project, as well as any theoretical and/or empirical results and conclusions derived so far.

Presentation (Nov 26 & 28)

You should prepare slides for a 8 minute presentation of your project, with 2 minutes for questions (exact time TBD). Your slides should contain a full summary of your project. Each group member should present part of the slides.

Final Report (Due Date: Dec 12)

This should be a 8 page (excluding references) report on your project, in NIPS format. Include the project idea, any background or related work, the main ideas behind the project, results (if applicable), and conclusions. The final report should be of high quality. Since most of you are graduate students, we hope that many of these projects go on to become publications at top conferences like ICML, NIPS, COLT, ACL, EMNLP, CVPR, ICCV, AAAI etc.

Privacy Semi-Supervised Learning Distributed Machine Learning Boosting Interactive Learning Online Learning Clustering Adversarial Machine Learning Contextual Bandit Learning Text Generation Structured Prediction/Graphical Models Reinforcement Learning Unsupervised Learning and Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation Brain Activity for Meanings of Nouns Ethics and Fairness in Machine Learning Understanding Recurrent Neural Networks Multimodal Learning Transfer Learning