Assignment Information

Unless stated otherwise, check-ins and homework assignments are due on Monday noon EST the week after the associated content is taught.
Unless stated otherwise, assignment revision deadlines are due on Tuesday noon EST the week after the associated homework is due. Checks and Homeworks are paired so that revision deadlines occur at the same time.

Hw1: Programming Skills and Computer Organization
Check1 01/21 - Week 2 Tuesday no programming component starter file - submit 01/13 - 01/17 [Algorithms - Data Representation] collab form
Hw1 01/27 - Week 3 Monday starter file - instructions - submit starter file - submit 01/13 - 01/24 [Algorithms - Function Definitions] collab form
Revisions 02/04 - Week 4 Tuesday
Hw2: Programming Skills and Computer Organization
Check2 02/03 - Week 4 Monday starter file - instructions - submit starter file - submit 01/27 - 01/31 [Conditionals - While Loops] collab form
Hw2 02/10 - Week 5 Monday starter file - instructions - submit starter file - submit 01/27 - 02/05 [Conditionals - Strings] collab form
Revisions 02/18 - Week 6 Tuesday
Hw3: Data Structures and Efficiency
Check3 02/17 - Week 6 Monday starter file - instructions - submit starter file - submit 02/07 - 02/12 [Lists - Recursion] collab form
Hw3 02/24 - Week 7 Monday starter file - instructions - submit starter file - submit 02/07 - 02/21 [Lists - Dictionaries] collab form
Revisions 03/11 - Week 8 Tuesday
Hw4: Data Structures and Efficiency
Check4 No Check4 Due to Spring Break
Hw4 03/17 - Week 9 Monday starter file - instructions - submit starter file - submit 02/24 - 03/12 [Runtime - Tractability] collab form
Revisions 03/25 - Week 10 Tuesday
Hw5: Scaling Up Computing
Check5 03/24 - Week 10 Monday 03/14 - 03/19 [Parallel Programming - Fault Tolerance and Security]
Hw5 03/31 - Week 11 Monday 03/14 - 03/28 [Parallel Programming - Libraries]
Revisions 04/08 - Week 12 Tuesday
Hw6: CS as a Tool
Check6-1 04/11 - Week 12 Friday 03/31 - 04/07 [Data Analysis I - Machine Learning I]
Revisions 04/16 - Week 13 Wednesday [Check6-1]
Check6-2 04/18 - Week 13 Friday 03/31 - 04/14 [Data Analysis I - Machine Learning II]
Revisions 04/23 - Week 14 Wednesday [Check6-2]
Hw6 04/25 - Week 14 Friday 03/31 - 04/14 [Data Analysis I - Machine Learning II]