

Hw2 Reading and Checkpoints deadline Mon 22-Jan at 8pm
Hw2 Main deadline Sat 27-Jan at 8pm
Hw2 Late deadline (see syllabus for details) Mon 29-Jan at 8pm
  1. The same basic rules as hw1 apply here.
  2. Be sure to read this entire write-up before starting!
  3. Do not use string methods or functions, lists, or any topics not covered in Week2.

Part 1: Solo Reading and Checkpoints

This part only concerns reading and checkpoints, and not code tracing or exercises (those are assigned below). Read all the notes and carefully complete all the checkpoints in Unit 2 up to and including 2.3.1.

Part 2: Collaborative CS Academy Exercises

This part is collaborative, as explained in the syllabus. Collaboration is not required but is encouraged. Be sure to properly cite your collaborators!

Complete (with green checks) the following:

Part 3: Solo CS Academy Exercises

This part is entirely solo. It is not collaborative. See the syllabus for details.

Complete (with green checks) the following:

Part 4: Collaborative Friday Collab (in person)

See collab2 for details.

Part 5: Solo Writing Session

The writing session for this hw will occur in lecture on the Tuesday after the hw deadline.

Part 6: Solo Bonus (Optional)

You may optionally complete these exercises (working solo!) for some modest bonus points (each worth 1% of this assignment):