We use Piazza as an announcement and discussion forum. You can configure it to get email digests. This page serves an archival purpose where we include those announcements that we believe would be of interest to everyone.
- Welcome to 15110. The first lecture is on Monday January 14.
- (1/22) Office hour times and locations are being finalized. There is an office hour every day of the week. Please check the office hours link on the course Web page to get the most recent information.
- (1/31) Office hour locations have been updated again. Since students have problem finding the course assistants in the Gates Cafe on Sundays, we will be holding them in GHC 4303. The only one that remains to be in the Gates Cafe is the Friday office hour.
- (2/11) On Monday February 11, Kathy Yu will be holding her office hours from 3:30-5:00 pm. in the clusters. Note that this schedule change is just for this week.
- (2/11) We corrected a typo in PA4, question 3 on Saturday February 9. We emalied the whole class as soon as we noticed the problem. Please make sure to follow the class emails and other class forums such as Piazza.
- (2/13) Exam information
2:30 Exam: Sections A, B, C, D, E go to Rashid (GHC 4401) and Sections F, G go to PH 125C.
3:30 Exam: Sections H, I, J, K, L, M, N all go to Rashid (GHC 4401).
Bring your CMU id!
- (2/19) There will be no office hours on Wed Feb 20.
- (2/26) Corrections to the OLI module on data representation has been posted on Piazza and along with the assignment on the SCHEDULE page.
- (3/22) The locations for the second exam are as in the first exam.
2:30 Exam: Sections A, B, C, D, E go to Rashid (GHC 4401) and Sections F, G go to PH 125C.
3:30 Exam: Sections H, I, J, K, L, M, N all go to Rashid (GHC 4401).
Bring your CMU id!
- (3/22) The Sunday office hours will be in the review session format, one from 6-8 pm and the other from 8-10 pm, in GHC 4303.
- (4/23) The locations for the third exam are as in the previous exams.
2:30 Exam: Sections A, B, C, D, E go to Rashid (GHC 4401) and Sections F, G go to PH 125C.
3:30 Exam: Sections H, I, J, K, L, M, N all go to Rashid (GHC 4401).
Bring your CMU id!
- (4/23) The last programming assignment has been out since last Tuesday. It is the last assignment for credit. You cannot drop that assignment but the due date is the last day of classes.
- (5/7) The final exam is scheduled for Monday 13th, 5:30-8:30. You will be given 3 hours to complete the exam.
- (5/7) We will be holding a review session on Sunday May 12, starting at 5:00 pm. The location is PHA18A.
- (5/7) We posted a sample final exam in addition to all the previously posted study materials. All of these can be found on the web page
- (5/12) Final exam locations are as follows:
Sections A, B, C, D go to DH 2315
Sections E, F, G go to DH 2302
Sections H, I, J, K, L, M, N go to DH 2210.
Bring your CMU id.