Exams - Spring 2018

IMPORTANT POLICY ABOUT SPRING BREAK: There is a lab exam on Thursday, March 8, the day before midsemester/Spring break. Do NOT make plans to travel before your classes end on Thursday, March 8. Noearly exams will be allowed, and if youwant tovacation early, you risk getting a 0on the lab exam. SpringBreak starts on Friday, March 9 for those without mini-3finals,not earlier.
IMPORTANT POLICY ABOUT FINAL EXAMS: Do NOT make travel plans until you have the official final exam schedule, and you know definitively when your last final is. No early exams will be given, and students with conflicts or more than 3 exams in 25 hours might need to take a final on the official makeup day (Tue., May 15). Travel cost or a parent booking a trip for you is NOT a valid excuse for an alternate final. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
There are two types of exams in this class: written and lab. Written exams (3 midterms and a final) cover key concepts in the class and occur during your regular lecture time, except for the final exam which is scheduled separately. Lab exams test basic programming skills and occur during designated lab periods just prior to midsemester break and prior to the final exam period. All exams are required in this course; no exam will be dropped.
Approximately one week before each exam (except the final exam), a sample exam will be posted for you to use as a reference to give you an idea of the range of topics on the exam and how the exam is generally organized. Questions on the actual exams will differ, but the overall topic coverage will be similar. We recommend that you review your notes and course material once a week as you progress through the course, rather than wait until an exam to cram. This will likely give you a better outcome since you'll review the material several times and give you time to ask questions while the material is fresh and new. Click HERE for more tips from Academic Development about preparing for exams.
Links to practice exams will be posted here as we come into range of each exam:

Sample Exam 1, Sample Exam 1 answers
Wed., Feb 21 Units 1-4 (all)
Sample Lab Exam 1, Python Reference Sheet, Sample Lab Exam 1 answers
Thu., Mar. 8 Basics, functions,
conditionals, loops, 1D lists
Sample Exam 2, Sample Exam 2 answers
Mon., Mar. 26 Units 5-8 (all)
Sample Exam 3, Sample Exam 3 answers
Fri., Apr. 27 Units 9-12 (all),
AI: guest lecture, Watson video
Sample Lab Exam 2, Python Reference Sheet 2, Sample Lab Exam 2 answers
Thu., May. 3 Graphics, lists of lists,
recursion, files
FE FINAL EXAM Mon., May 7, 1-4PM
Lecture 1: DH 2210
Lecture 2: DH 2315
Units 1-14 (All)