Course Schedule

Below is the week-by-week schedule for the course.

For copies of the demo code written in class, please see the demo code repository.

Week Dates Event / Topics Other
Week 1 9-Jan to 13-Jan Introduction to Computing
User I/O (Input/Output)
Data and Expressions
Variables and Functions
hw1 (due 18-Jan)
Quiz 1 (13-Jan)
Week 2 16-Jan to 20-Jan Loops
hw2 (due 25-Jan)
Quiz 2 (20-Jan)
Week 3 23-Jan to 27-Jan Lists
hw3 (due 1-Feb)
Quiz 3 (27-Jan)
Week 4 30-Jan to 3-Feb Lists Part 2: Aliasing
hw4 (due Monday 7-Feb)
Quiz 4 (3-Feb)
Week 5 6-Feb to 10-Feb Graphics
Object Oriented Programming (Part 1)
hw5 (due Sunday 13-Feb)
Quiz 5 (10-Feb)
Week 6 13-Feb to 17-Feb Object Oriented Programming (Part 2)
Exam #1 (17-Feb)
hw6 (due 22-Feb)
Week 7 20-Feb to 24-Feb Animations hw7 (due 8-Mar)
Quiz 6 (24-Feb)
27-Feb to 3-Mar Spring Break!
Week 8 6-Mar to 10-Mar Object Oriented Programming (Part 3)
hw8 (due 15-Mar)
Quiz 7 (10-Mar)
OOP Practice (due never)
Week 9 13-Mar to 17-Mar Recursion (Part 1) hw9 (due 22-Mar)
Quiz 8 (17-Mar)
Week 10 20-Mar to 24-Mar Term Project Introduction Quiz 9 (24-Mar)
Week 11 27-Mar to 31-Mar tp0 (Sun,Mon 27,28-Mar)
Exam #2 (29-Mar)
Week 12 3-Apr to 7-Apr Searching & Sorting
Quiz 10
tp1 (Thu 7-Apr)
Week 13 10-Apr to 14-Apr Hashing
Object Oriented Programming (Part 4 - Hash)
Big-O Practice
Week 14 17-Apr to 21-Apr Advanced Python Features
Term Project Showcase
tp3 (due 19-Apr 8pm)
tp3 meeting (due 19-Apr 10pm)
Practice Set 1
Practice Set 2