
5 Homeworks (40%)

There will be one homework assignment roughly every other week. Homeworks are usually handed out on Thursdays after class, and they are due the next Friday 12:00pm (noon). The homeworks will not overlap with the weeks of the midterms. Every student will have a total of 3 grace days for all homeworks, and for each homework, you may use up to 2 grace days.

We use Gradescope to distribute the homework. If you're not registered on Gradescope, please specify your AndrewID and contact Hao Chung ( to get the access

Lab (10%)

There’re two checkpoints for the Lab, Checkpoint 1 and 2. Checkpoint 0 is to prepare you to understand how the framework functions. You should write all the code by yourself. After you submit the code, autograder would run it automatically and results would come within 10 min after submission. Some test cases are hidden for purpose. No grace days for labs. Refer to the syllabus for the date of lab release and due.

3 Midterms (40%)

We will have three midterms, and no final. The midterms will be administered during a normal lecture. We will make them available right before class start, and you have to submit the answers by the end of the lecture time.

Participation (10%)

We will uses quizzes to record participation. There will be one quiz for each lecture. The quiz will consist of 1-5 simple questions. They should take you 5 minutes to answer if you have attended or watched the lectures. They are designed for taking attendance and helping you to learn the course materials, so you will get full points if you just answer all the questions (regardless of correctness). Each week’s two quizzes are both due on Sunday 11:59pm of the corresponding week. You can miss up to 5 number of quizzes and still get full participation points.

Collaboration Policy

You are required to work on the homeworks on your own. You may discuss with your peers, in which case you must clearly specify on the solution who you have discussed with (otherwise it will be viewed as a violation of academic integrity). Regardless, you are required to typeset the solution yourself. Copying another student’s solution is regarded as a violation of academic integrity. You are allowed to use information on the Internet. Similarly, you must explicitly specify the source you used (otherwise it will be viewed as a violation of academic integrity).

For midterms, you are required to solve it on your own. No discussion with peers is allowed. You may look at the lecture notes, or watch the lecture videos. You should not search for answers on the Internet.

Academic Integrity

We will take academic integrity very seriously. Honesty and transparency are important features of good scholarship. Equally importantly, plagiarism and cheating are serious academic offenses with serious consequences. If you are discovered engaging in either behavior in this course, you will earn a failing grade on the assignment in question, and further disciplinary action may be taken. For a clear description of what counts as plagiarism, cheating, and/or the use of unauthorized sources, please see the University Policy on Academic Integrity and the Carnegie Mellon Code on Academic Integrity.