15-451/651: Algorithm Design and Analysis (Spring 2025)



There will be two midterms: one during week five and one during week ten, and a final during the finals period. There will also be homework assignments. The homework assignments will consist of six written assignments (some of which include one programming problem which requires you to implement an efficient algorithm) and three oral presentation assignments that you will do in groups of three.

Assessment Grade weight
Homeworks 30%
Recitation Attendance 5%
Midterm exams 20% + 15% = 35%
Final exam 30%

Homework problems are weighted by their point values. The two midterm exams will be weighted based on whichever you perform better on. We will give a higher weight to the exam on which you earn a higher score.

There are no predetermined letter grade cutoffs. These are determined at the end of the semester based on everyone's performance. We will post approximate cutoffs based on midterm grades in the middle of the semester. Overall letter grades may be curved at the end of the class. Graduate students (15-651) may receive plus or minus grades. Undergraduates (15-451) can not be given plus or minus grades.


There will be written homeworks (some with a programming problem) and oral presentation homeworks, described below.

Written HWs

Oral HWs

Programming Problems

Bonus Problems




Extensions and excused absenses

Communication and getting help

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Academic Integrity