Introduction to Machine Learning

10-701, Spring 2021

Carnegie Mellon University

Geoff Gordon, Aarti Singh

Home Teaching Staff Lecture Schedule Recitations Homeworks

There will be five homework assignments that will have some combination of short answer, written and programming components and two depth exercises. Written and online components will involve working through algorithms presented in the class, deriving and proving mathematical results, and critically analyzing material presented in class. Programming assignments will involve writing code in Python to implement various algorithms.

Assignment Link Due date
HW1 HW1 Feb 17, 11:59 pm ET
HW2 HW2 March 04, 11:59 pm ET
HW3 HW3 March 31, 11:59 pm ET
HW4 HW4 April 14, 11:59 pm ET
HW5 HW5 May 05, 11:59 pm ET