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lookup_index_of.c File Reference

Return an index to be used for lookup of supplied value. If value hasn't been entered in the table yet, add it. Note that we first try to assign the identity mapping. If that's occupied, we next search from the end, till the first empty slot. More...

#include "ngram.h"

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int lookup_index_of (lookup_table, lookup_table_size, intval) int *lookup_table


int lookup_table_size
int intval

Detailed Description

Return an index to be used for lookup of supplied value. If value hasn't been entered in the table yet, add it. Note that we first try to assign the identity mapping. If that's occupied, we next search from the end, till the first empty slot.

Definition in file lookup_index_of.c.

Function Documentation

int lookup_index_of lookup_table   ,
lookup_table_size   ,

Referenced by store_count().

Variable Documentation

int intval

Definition at line 30 of file lookup_index_of.c.

Referenced by sih_add().

int lookup_table_size

Definition at line 30 of file lookup_index_of.c.

Generated on Tue Dec 21 13:54:47 2004 by doxygen1.2.18