Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.01.29.remarks_following_the_florida_primary originally had 803 tokens. You can view the original text here.

thank you so much __PUNCT__

oh __PUNCT__ my good __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ florida __PUNCT__

thank you __PUNCT__ florida democrat __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ i could not come here to ask in person for your vote __PUNCT__ but i am here to thank you for your vote todai __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ thi ha been a record turnout __PUNCT__ becaus floridian want their voic to be heard on the great issu that affect our countri and the world __PUNCT__

i am thrill to have had thi vote of confid that you have given me todai __PUNCT__

and i promis you i will do everyth i can to make sure not onli ar florida democrat deleg seat __PUNCT__ but florida is in the win column for the democrat in __NUM__ __PUNCT__

i want to thank my friend __PUNCT__ congresswoman debbi wasserman schultz __PUNCT__ and congressman alce hast __PUNCT__ mayor manni diaz __PUNCT__ and my great friend of so mani year __PUNCT__ senat_bill nelson __PUNCT__

you know __PUNCT__ thi ha been an intens elect becaus peopl realli care about what is happen to our countri __PUNCT__

so mani of the peopl who talk to me everi singl_dai ar worri about the economi __PUNCT__

thei worri about their health_care __PUNCT__

thei worri about their colleg_educ for their children __PUNCT__

thei worri about whether we can restor our leadership and stand in the world __PUNCT__

well __PUNCT__ i am convinc that __PUNCT__ with thi resound vote __PUNCT__ with the million of american who will vote next tuesdai __PUNCT__ we will send a clear messag that america is back and we go to take charg of our destini again __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i am so grate to the countless floridian who __PUNCT__ on their own __PUNCT__ organ __PUNCT__ work_hard __PUNCT__ talk to your friend and your neighbor __PUNCT__

you made a veri big differ __PUNCT__

and we know that __PUNCT__ as we move_forward in thi campaign __PUNCT__ all of your voic will go with me __PUNCT__ becaus i am not onli go to take my __NUM___year of experi to the white_hous __PUNCT__

i go to take your voic __PUNCT__ your concern __PUNCT__ your hope __PUNCT__ your dream __PUNCT__

we have a lot of tough decis to make __PUNCT__ but we american __PUNCT__

we can make these decis __PUNCT__

we can meet our challeng and seiz our opportun if we start act like american again __PUNCT__ we roll up our sleev __PUNCT__ we set about solv our problem __PUNCT__

and i want to ask you __PUNCT__ do you agre with me __PUNCT__ becaus here is what i believ __PUNCT__

i believ everyon who work_full __PUNCT__ time in america should bring_home an incom that lift that person out of poverti and give them and their children a better chanc __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i believ that everi __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ child ha a right to qualiti __PUNCT__ afford health_care __PUNCT__

i believ that everi child ha a god __PUNCT__ given potenti that we could help to develop if we have univers_pre __PUNCT__ kindergarten and we have a school_system that is not so worri about give test as about make sure our kid can learn __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i believ that our tax_system should be fair for everyon __PUNCT__

it is wrong that peopl_make make___MONEY__ __MONEY___million a year on wall_street pai a lower percentag of their tax __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ time for us to begin to bring our troop_home from iraq as carefulli and respons as we can __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i believ it is import we do everyth to promot better relat in our hemispher with all of our neighbor and that we continu to support democraci in cuba __PUNCT__

__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ and i believ that we can __PUNCT__ work togeth __PUNCT__ feel pride and progress in our countri again __PUNCT__

you ar give me a tremend gift __PUNCT__ not onli with your vote __PUNCT__ but with your trust __PUNCT__ becaus i believ that public_offic is a trust __PUNCT__ and i will get up everi singl_dai worri about you __PUNCT__ your famili __PUNCT__ your futur __PUNCT__

i think it time we again had a presid who put the american_peopl first __PUNCT__ and that is what i will try to do __PUNCT__

so thank you __PUNCT__

thank you for thi tremend victori tonight __PUNCT__

thank you for all you did to make it possibl __PUNCT__

stai with us __PUNCT__ becaus __PUNCT__ start tomorrow __PUNCT__ we go to sweep through the state across our countri to __DATE__ __PUNCT__

and we will togeth not onli take back the white_hous __PUNCT__ but take back our countri __PUNCT__

thank you all __PUNCT__ and god_bless you __PUNCT__