Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.04.13.remarks_at_the_compassion_forum originally had 6970 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 119 cue terms and an average lag of 54.3. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 senat_clinton 22
0.988 0.000796 0.0115
0 0 0
2 senat_obama 8
0.039 0 0.000398
0.953 0 0.00776
3 senat_clinton 9
0.042 0.000199 0.00139
0.949 0 0.00716
4 hillari_clinton 44
0.169 0 0.00756
0.819 0 0.00418
5 senat_clinton 21
0.0798 0.00139 0.0209
0.887 0 0.0109
6 senat_obama 61
0.174 0 0.15
0.649 0 0.0267
7 san_francisco 4
0.0149 0 0.0426
0.767 0 0.176
8 senat_obama 86
0.419 0 0.00915
0.545 0 0.0267
9 democrat_parti 51
0.204 0 0.000199
0.795 0 0
10 fellow_american 32
0.122 0 0.00219
0.876 0 0
11 make_clear 8
0.0316 0 0.0163
0.95 0 0.00219
12 good_time 28
0.119 0 0.00139
0.873 0 0.00637
13 bad_time 2
0.0119 0 0.000995
0.98 0 0.00756
14 move_forward 83
0.277 0.00259 0.0376
0.679 0 0.00398
15 senat_obama 35
0.131 0 0.0285
0.806 0 0.0344
16 san_francisco 177
0.242 0.00119 0.498
0.213 0 0.0462
17 good_man 26
0.0444 0.00179 0.0649
0.367 0 0.522
18 good_men 10
0.0115 0.00279 0.0896
0.316 0.00139 0.579
19 polit_issu 62
0.111 0.00597 0.0788
0.236 0.00179 0.567
20 senat_obama 18
0.137 0 0.0422
0.241 0 0.58
21 holi_spirit 58
0.0752 0.00637 0.119
0.238 0 0.561
22 hard_time 117
0.15 0.0444 0.0878
0.189 0.00358 0.525
23 god_grace 88
0.0517 0.0119 0.186
0.169 0.0161 0.564
24 make_decis 77
0.0846 0.000398 0.211
0.13 0 0.574
25 god_love 61
0.1 0.0111 0.042
0.176 0.000398 0.67
26 turn_point 76
0.554 0.000995 0.0123
0.154 0.000796 0.278
27 make_life 149
0.476 0.00139 0.0225
0.372 0 0.128
28 god_gave 76
0.19 0.0283 0.108
0.532 0.000398 0.141
29 meet_peopl 119
0.503 0.000199 0.00438
0.414 0.000398 0.0778
30 fellow_human 212
0.0947 0.0185 0.734
0.0754 0 0.0776
31 religi_leader 45
0.0356 0.0127 0.0273
0.141 0.0159 0.767
32 fall_back 103
0.108 0.38 0.0287
0.0583 0.0257 0.399
33 public_life 53
0.611 0.00259 0.0133
0.126 0.031 0.216
34 import_part 417
0.105 0.000398 0.817
0.0131 0 0.0641
35 make_process 5
0.00338 0 0.0141
0.106 0.000199 0.876
36 push_back 4
0.00318 0 0.00358
0.106 0.000199 0.887
37 unit_state 41
0.0209 0.000597 0.0386
0.085 0.000199 0.855
38 make_process 90
0.0281 0.00199 0.0643
0.0667 0.000398 0.839
39 life_begin 69
0.0203 0.00657 0.106
0.0356 0.000995 0.83
40 govern_author 142
0.00299 0.000597 0.302
0.00557 0 0.689
41 open_societi 13
0.00159 0 0.0324
0.00498 0.000199 0.961
42 privat_citizen 36
0.277 0.000597 0.0249
0.00438 0 0.693
43 foster_care 32
0.61 0 0.00159
0.25 0 0.138
44 __NUM___year_ago 16
0.0623 0.00119 0.0119
0.791 0 0.133
45 person_experi 38
0.00896 0.00438 0.785
0.0575 0 0.144
46 chines_govern 34
0.00159 0 0.0866
0.0109 0 0.901
47 bear_wit 21
0.0225 0.000199 0.0201
0.0123 0 0.945
48 communist_regim 49
0.00139 0.00119 0.0511
0.0125 0 0.934
49 secret_polic 43
0.00597 0.000398 0.0195
0.0125 0.000398 0.961
50 terri_schiavo 149
0.00398 0.00378 0.0844
0.0117 0 0.896
51 schiavo_case 0
0.000796 0.000199 0.00119
0.0153 0.00378 0.979
52 good_faith 29
0.15 0.00259 0.0346
0.0135 0.00139 0.798
53 govern_action 47
0.0472 0.00955 0.178
0.0856 0.00159 0.679
54 senat_clinton 125
0.877 0.00199 0.0161
0.0695 0.000199 0.035
55 hillari_clinton 23
0.124 0 0.00219
0.852 0 0.0223
56 polit_life 32
0.122 0 0.00756
0.852 0 0.0183
57 public_life 2
0.0129 0.000199 0.00199
0.96 0 0.0251
58 larg_measur 93
0.00318 0 0.963
0.0119 0 0.0219
59 public_squar 32
0.00537 0.000995 0.0346
0.0127 0 0.946
60 religi_peopl 43
0.00318 0.000597 0.0523
0.00896 0.000398 0.935
61 unit_state 34
0.035 0.00119 0.0577
0.00358 0.000398 0.902
62 public_affair 55
0.0639 0.00597 0.0633
0.0265 0.000398 0.84
63 senat_clinton 16
0.0579 0.000597 0.0173
0.0828 0.00478 0.837
64 govern_action 150
0.0181 0.00418 0.288
0.00896 0.000995 0.68
65 religi_belief 26
0.00119 0 0.0565
0.00458 0.00119 0.937
66 chines_govern 12
0 0 0.0293
0.000398 0.000199 0.97
67 bush_administr 46
0.000199 0 0.0591
0 0 0.941
68 strateg_interest 33
0.000199 0.000398 0.0356
0 0 0.964
69 chines_govern 31
0 0 0.0332
0 0 0.967
70 dalai_lama 30
0 0 0.03
0 0 0.97
71 chines_govern 16
0 0 0.0171
0 0 0.983
72 develop_countri 55
0.0143 0.000199 0.0597
0 0 0.926
73 trade_polici 2
0.0231 0 0.00179
0.0155 0 0.96
74 extrem_difficult 5
0.00876 0 0.00139
0.0378 0 0.952
75 poor_peopl 2
0.00637 0.00179 0.000995
0.0466 0 0.944
76 free_trade_agreement 123
0.115 0 0.0185
0.0418 0 0.825
77 central_america 3
0.00279 0 0.00279
0.155 0 0.839
78 pharmaceut_compani 15
0.0352 0.000597 0.0155
0.154 0 0.795
79 presid_bush 90
0.27 0.0601 0.468
0.0219 0 0.18
80 love_god 70
0.28 0 0.0511
0.213 0.000199 0.456
81 innoc_peopl 2
0.000597 0 0.00139
0.492 0 0.506
82 god_call 94
0.0225 0.00199 0.0217
0.49 0 0.464
83 christian_faith 49
0.0227 0.00219 0.0167
0.499 0.000995 0.459
84 sundai_school 275
0.79 0.000796 0.00915
0.192 0 0.00816
85 execut_director 208
0.555 0.00199 0.0302
0.409 0 0.00318
86 senat_clinton 17
0.0854 0 0.000398
0.902 0.000597 0.0119
87 american_muslim 14
0.0583 0 0
0.938 0 0.00358
88 organ_call 6
0.0121 0 0
0.987 0 0.000398
89 faith_commun 14
0.00617 0 0.000199
0.994 0 0
90 global_poverti 29
0.00836 0.00119 0.00219
0.988 0 0.000199
91 greenhous_ga_emiss 162
0.979 0 0.000597
0.0205 0 0
92 global_warm 46
0.00796 0 0.00119
0.991 0 0.000199
93 trade_system 110
0.0293 0 0
0.971 0 0
94 foreign_oil 9
0.0482 0 0.000398
0.951 0 0
95 middl_class 15
0.412 0.404 0.00159
0.182 0 0
96 poor_peopl 4
0.0211 0.00756 0.00677
0.566 0.397 0.00159
97 execut_director 42
0.504 0.00119 0.0714
0.396 0.0219 0.00478
98 senat_clinton 22
0.117 0.000796 0.0165
0.796 0.00617 0.0635
99 nation_secur 42
0.148 0.000995 0.0531
0.728 0.000796 0.0687
100 health_care 59
0.239 0.0567 0.00159
0.69 0.00119 0.0111
101 introduc_legisl 11
0.0215 0.0175 0.205
0.695 0.0488 0.0125
102 unit_state 41
0.478 0.00836 0.00896
0.422 0.0199 0.0633
103 __NUM___million 7
0.0975 0.0105 0.000199
0.861 0.0263 0.00438
104 health_care 16
0.104 0.00557 0.00259
0.859 0.0265 0.00259
105 women_health 12
0.0714 0.00358 0.238
0.665 0.0171 0.00517
106 unit_state 30
0.155 0.00119 0.0273
0.612 0.00617 0.198
107 privat_sector 38
0.215 0.0159 0.00876
0.645 0.00458 0.111
108 faith_commun 8
0.0358 0.00378 0.0896
0.741 0.0163 0.114
109 presid_bush 17
0.0277 0.00657 0.732
0.0513 0.00597 0.176
110 unit_state 15
0.00697 0.000398 0.0394
0.0573 0.00259 0.893
111 south_asia 31
0.0127 0.000597 0.0458
0.042 0.00119 0.898
112 muslim_countri 7
0.00259 0.000199 0.0199
0.0438 0.00119 0.932
113 moral_author 52
0.00756 0 0.122
0.00637 0 0.864
114 unit_state 18
0.00338 0.000199 0.0209
0.0107 0 0.965
115 moral_author 55
0.00716 0 0.0601
0.00597 0 0.927
116 abraham_lincoln 63
0.00876 0.00299 0.0657
0.00478 0 0.918
117 peopl_live 229
0.845 0.103 0.0119
0.00478 0.00119 0.034
118 great_deal 126
0.468 0.00617 0.00279
0.513 0.00776 0.00279
119 senat_clinton 58
0.209 0.00597 0.0227
0.754 0.00537 0.00318