Hillary Clinton

This speech titled 2008.05.11.remarks_in_grafton_west_virginia originally had 4820 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 99 cue terms and an average lag of 44.9. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 methodist_church 35
0.936 0.0215 0.043
0 0 0
2 __NUM___year_ago 10
0.111 0.000199 0.000199
0.877 0.00478 0.00637
3 elect_offici 49
0.196 0.000199 0
0.803 0.000398 0.000398
4 west_virginia 70
0.247 0 0.00159
0.751 0 0
5 walk_back 77
0.238 0.0742 0.0442
0.643 0 0.000995
6 sundai_school 40
0.253 0 0.00438
0.73 0.00199 0.0103
7 __NUM___year 22
0.129 0.000796 0.0271
0.83 0.000398 0.0125
8 work_dai 36
0.132 0.000597 0.0444
0.791 0 0.0318
9 rais_fund 11
0.0392 0.0109 0.0189
0.858 0.000398 0.0726
10 hard_work 182
0.658 0.0139 0.000995
0.326 0.000796 0.000796
11 stabl_famili 47
0.182 0.00577 0.0153
0.791 0.00557 0.000995
12 young_daughter 12
0.0734 0 0.000597
0.915 0.00338 0.00756
13 high_school 96
0.362 0 0.000995
0.634 0 0.00279
14 singl_dai 82
0.285 0.00219 0.000398
0.712 0 0
15 sundai_school 22
0.083 0.000796 0.00478
0.911 0.000199 0.000199
16 hard_work 77
0.296 0.0137 0.000398
0.689 0.000199 0.000199
17 high_school 239
0.65 0.000199 0.000199
0.349 0 0
18 good_job 6
0.0269 0.000199 0.000199
0.973 0 0.000199
19 citi_council 74
0.216 0.00199 0.134
0.648 0 0.000398
20 polic_chief 3
0.0111 0.000796 0.00657
0.848 0.00139 0.132
21 long_time 67
0.471 0.00378 0.00199
0.515 0 0.00876
22 farm_worker 65
0.241 0.0103 0.000796
0.747 0.000796 0.000597
23 west_virginia 109
0.381 0 0
0.619 0 0
24 singl_dai 14
0.0647 0.000199 0
0.935 0 0
25 high_school 28
0.0987 0 0.000398
0.901 0 0
26 shake_hand 14
0.0561 0.00139 0.00199
0.94 0 0.000398
27 locker_room 204
0.174 0.00836 0.692
0.123 0 0.00219
28 polit_power 13
0.0519 0.000398 0.0161
0.278 0.00418 0.65
29 american_democraci 16
0.318 0.00537 0.00816
0.308 0.00358 0.357
30 work_hard 12
0.323 0.0251 0.000995
0.591 0.00856 0.0513
31 __NUM___student 170
0.539 0 0.000398
0.46 0 0.000995
32 law_school 2
0.00279 0 0
0.996 0 0.00119
33 __NUM___women 7
0.00677 0 0
0.992 0 0.00119
34 law_school 18
0.00796 0.00139 0.00159
0.988 0 0.000995
35 trial_lawyer 21
0.0201 0.00478 0.0358
0.936 0.000995 0.00219
36 enorm_amount 152
0.646 0.00259 0.00935
0.339 0 0.00299
37 make_progress 292
0.802 0.000398 0.0245
0.173 0 0.000398
38 challeng_face 37
0.17 0.00756 0.000199
0.822 0.000199 0.000199
39 lower_wage 44
0.167 0.0129 0.000199
0.815 0.00557 0
40 same_job 6
0.044 0 0
0.949 0.00716 0
41 unit_state 70
0.236 0.00597 0.0195
0.738 0.000796 0
42 emerg_room 21
0.0901 0.0111 0.000597
0.886 0.00577 0.00617
43 mortgag_crisi 31
0.0227 0.594 0.00199
0.363 0.0171 0.000597
44 health_care 13
0.386 0.00239 0
0.379 0.232 0
45 foreign_oil 22
0.233 0.000597 0.000199
0.732 0.0336 0
46 ga_price 6
0.00935 0.00318 0
0.953 0.0342 0
47 american_job 11
0.0139 0.00597 0
0.944 0.0364 0
48 job_oversea 0
0.000398 0 0
0.957 0.0424 0
49 green_energi 5
0.0446 0 0
0.955 0.000597 0
50 energi_polici 0
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
51 clean_coal 2
0.00259 0 0
0.997 0 0
52 young_peopl 23
0.882 0.00119 0.000597
0.117 0 0
53 child_left 16
0.147 0 0.000597
0.853 0 0
54 troop_home 12
0.0484 0.000199 0.0235
0.927 0 0.000597
55 west_virginia 33
0.142 0 0
0.858 0 0.000398
56 ga_price 54
0.182 0.0121 0.0129
0.793 0 0.000199
57 troop_home 7
0.0308 0 0.0498
0.901 0.00498 0.0129
58 __NUM___dai 14
0.0669 0.00119 0.00637
0.871 0.00279 0.0517
59 good_job 12
0.102 0 0.000199
0.894 0.000199 0.00299
60 west_virginia 18
0.0744 0 0.00796
0.915 0 0.00239
61 senat_robert 16
0.00637 0.00139 0.894
0.0878 0 0.0105
62 __NUM___year 18
0.0583 0.00318 0.0165
0.0846 0.000995 0.836
63 senat_floor 42
0.0625 0.0171 0.0484
0.111 0.00358 0.757
64 year_ago 65
0.201 0.0251 0.0651
0.105 0.0139 0.589
65 father_di 154
0.392 0.0322 0.121
0.138 0.00816 0.309
66 __NUM___year 58
0.349 0.00318 0.0251
0.391 0.0105 0.222
67 rais_children 144
0.578 0.00756 0.00537
0.396 0.00358 0.00975
68 singl_mom 36
0.156 0.00239 0.00119
0.83 0.00915 0.000796
69 same_time 23
0.086 0.0229 0.0513
0.828 0.0103 0.00179
70 __NUM___employe 86
0.144 0.00677 0.0285
0.767 0.0157 0.038
71 pass_legisl 62
0.348 0.0103 0.0257
0.58 0.00517 0.0306
72 brought_back 27
0.402 0.000199 0.000796
0.592 0.000398 0.00478
73 west_virginia 41
0.213 0.000199 0.000398
0.786 0 0.000796
74 feder_govern 79
0.273 0.0205 0.000796
0.705 0 0.000796
75 __NUM___worker 9
0.0454 0.00139 0.000199
0.937 0.0153 0.000796
76 west_virginia 2
0.0402 0 0
0.96 0 0
77 privat_sector 3
0.0119 0.000995 0.000199
0.987 0 0
78 __NUM___children 31
0.151 0 0
0.849 0 0
79 west_virginia 4
0.0213 0 0
0.979 0 0
80 averag_famili 28
0.0372 0.564 0.00119
0.398 0 0
81 tax_credit 44
0.488 0.0119 0
0.312 0.188 0
82 care_polici 38
0.146 0.00557 0.000199
0.758 0.0903 0
83 tax_credit 72
0.101 0.00617 0.000796
0.844 0.0484 0
84 nation_holidai 72
0.079 0.00478 0.0205
0.873 0.0223 0.000796
85 ten_year 7
0.00637 0.000597 0.000199
0.948 0.0243 0.0203
86 same_job 107
0.98 0.000199 0.000597
0.0187 0.000398 0.000398
87 __NUM___year 15
0.0545 0 0.00358
0.941 0.000199 0.000199
88 suprem_court 2
0.0103 0 0.00119
0.985 0 0.00378
89 chief_justic 7
0.0271 0.00139 0.00915
0.958 0 0.00478
90 week_ago 69
0.266 0.00398 0.000995
0.728 0.000199 0.000398
91 lower_wage 27
0.08 0.214 0.000995
0.701 0.00418 0.000199
92 famili_incom 18
0.00517 0.721 0.000199
0.0581 0.215 0
93 make___MONEY__ 3
0.000796 0.0113 0.000796
0.0543 0.933 0
94 groceri_store 13
0.00478 0.0131 0.00438
0.0545 0.922 0.000796
95 make___MONEY__ 11
0.00179 0.0117 0.000199
0.0563 0.926 0.00398
96 west_virginia 58
0.988 0.000199 0.00139
0.00876 0.00199 0
97 dai_ago 138
0.459 0 0
0.541 0 0
98 __NUM___year 3
0.0133 0 0.000199
0.986 0 0
99 young_women 2
0.0117 0 0.000597
0.987 0 0.000199