Mike Huckabee

This speech titled 2007.02.11.interview_with_george_stephanopoulos_on_abc_news_this_week originally had 4284 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 84 cue terms and an average lag of 45.8. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 roll_stone 156
0.177 0.0953 0.727
0 0 0
2 sale_tax 99
0.0259 0.00159 0.495
0.0191 0.00299 0.456
3 child_care 32
0 0 0.118
0 0 0.882
4 tax_credit 1
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
5 incom_tax 6
0 0 0.00318
0 0 0.997
6 peopl_pai 22
0 0.000597 0.0149
0 0 0.984
7 pai_tax 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0.000398 0.999
8 tax_cut 7
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
9 capit_gain 6
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
10 gain_tax 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
11 creat___NUM__ 70
0.00239 0.000199 0.031
0 0 0.966
12 __NUM___job 0
0.000597 0 0.00119
0.00239 0 0.996
13 econom_develop 31
0.0107 0.00358 0.0344
0.00219 0 0.949
14 high_tax 68
0.000995 0.0376 0.0728
0.000398 0.00239 0.886
15 polic_car 23
0.078 0.135 0.324
0.00119 0.0362 0.426
16 tax_reform 60
0.0326 0.0205 0.231
0.0289 0.0913 0.596
17 incom_tax 16
0.0111 0.00279 0.0539
0.0501 0.0814 0.801
18 world_war 56
0.354 0.0149 0.333
0.0446 0.0193 0.234
19 interest_group 34
0.0396 0.00299 0.0265
0.343 0.0318 0.556
20 world_war 35
0.0541 0.00159 0.0103
0.338 0.0285 0.568
21 religi_war 61
0.0748 0.00438 0.0878
0.281 0.00816 0.544
22 __NUM___centuri 6
0.03 0.000398 0.00577
0.347 0.00935 0.608
23 islam_fascist 49
0.346 0.0149 0.0675
0.311 0.00557 0.254
24 soviet_union 186
0.223 0.0597 0.34
0.154 0.00498 0.219
25 muslim_peopl 26
0.0498 0.00398 0.0503
0.323 0.0432 0.53
26 world_war 5
0.0416 0.000796 0.0129
0.368 0.035 0.542
27 secur_advisor 67
0.115 0.0121 0.192
0.243 0.0125 0.425
28 unit_state 23
0.332 0.000398 0.235
0.289 0.000597 0.143
29 ronald_reagan 50
0.0107 0.00199 0.671
0.0758 0 0.24
30 bill_clinton 11
0.0637 0.000796 0.0466
0.0866 0.000995 0.801
31 world_war 20
0.232 0.0271 0.137
0.142 0.000995 0.46
32 same_type 16
0.0185 0.00617 0.0314
0.334 0.0271 0.583
33 world_war 122
0.178 0.0103 0.0466
0.213 0.0213 0.532
34 privat_sector 110
0.113 0.0794 0.289
0.126 0.0199 0.372
35 feder_govern 13
0.0153 0.00776 0.0901
0.195 0.0826 0.609
36 hard_time 18
0.0269 0.00935 0.0615
0.177 0.0786 0.647
37 nation_guard 110
0.15 0.00259 0.296
0.0917 0.00398 0.456
38 north_korea 42
0.0691 0.00139 0.107
0.192 0.00179 0.628
39 footbal_game 69
0.103 0.00836 0.12
0.205 0.00139 0.561
40 sectarian_violenc 60
0.429 0.00935 0.0963
0.279 0.00179 0.184
41 civil_war 3
0.00856 0.000995 0.00259
0.702 0.0109 0.275
42 american_peopl 11
0.0416 0.00418 0.076
0.676 0.00876 0.193
43 polit_situat 61
0.083 0.00338 0.0503
0.648 0.00358 0.212
44 __NUM___month 13
0.0398 0 0.0129
0.701 0.00119 0.245
45 hampshir_primari 7
0.00756 0.000995 0.0111
0.724 0.00119 0.255
46 sectarian_violenc 48
0.0424 0.00736 0.0261
0.676 0.00179 0.246
47 usa_todai 67
0.118 0.00677 0.214
0.498 0.00179 0.161
48 public_offici 333
0.281 0.0105 0.624
0.0456 0 0.0386
49 make_thing 89
0.125 0.0157 0.394
0.135 0.00239 0.328
50 illeg_immigr 51
0.0639 0.0591 0.259
0.118 0.0137 0.487
51 big_part 115
0.235 0.111 0.261
0.0818 0.0368 0.275
52 southern_baptist 8
0.00657 0.0183 0.0663
0.251 0.144 0.513
53 life_begin 221
0.215 0.0876 0.376
0.0671 0.0328 0.222
54 drink_water 36
0.19 0.0482 0.085
0.246 0.0947 0.336
55 afford_hous 2
0.0161 0.0163 0.00975
0.427 0.143 0.388
56 singl_mom 17
0.0129 0.182 0.118
0.252 0.159 0.276
57 polit_posit 56
0.321 0.152 0.0271
0.173 0.283 0.0438
58 republican_primari 28
0.0967 0.0199 0.0768
0.426 0.345 0.0348
59 american_peopl 46
0.221 0.00836 0.181
0.43 0.102 0.0571
60 children_live 14
0.177 0.00179 0.0255
0.627 0.0426 0.126
61 islam_fascist 20
0.0935 0.00279 0.0888
0.682 0.0201 0.112
62 innoc_peopl 20
0.166 0.000199 0.0758
0.697 0.00159 0.0593
63 great_thing 20
0.0985 0.000398 0.033
0.787 0.000199 0.0804
64 pop_cultur 21
0.105 0 0.0109
0.828 0 0.0557
65 anna_nicol_smith 20
0.0267 0 0.00259
0.909 0 0.0613
66 pop_cultur 32
0.0344 0 0.00677
0.9 0 0.0589
67 front_page 16
0.0191 0.000398 0.0107
0.908 0 0.0617
68 anna_nicol_smith 83
0.111 0.000199 0.0123
0.824 0 0.0519
69 life_stori 17
0.0991 0.000199 0.00318
0.877 0 0.0205
70 lost___NUM__ 35
0.122 0 0.0101
0.864 0 0.00398
71 __NUM___pound 0
0.00338 0 0.000796
0.984 0 0.0117
72 barack_obama 15
0.0384 0.0127 0.00557
0.937 0.000398 0.00577
73 great_thing 136
0.365 0.000796 0.189
0.443 0.000398 0.00119
74 fri_chicken 34
0.0501 0.00617 0.478
0.317 0.000398 0.148
75 deep_south 34
0.478 0.000796 0.0567
0.319 0.000199 0.145
76 major_sourc 11
0.04 0.00219 0.0147
0.763 0.000398 0.18
77 hillari_clinton 106
0.0943 0.0251 0.559
0.189 0.00119 0.132
78 bill_clinton 198
0.153 0.00915 0.539
0.0533 0.000199 0.245
79 southern_state 44
0.281 0.0374 0.289
0.179 0.00458 0.209
80 unit_state 25
0.205 0.000199 0.145
0.407 0.000995 0.242
81 american_dream 16
0.0283 0.00279 0.101
0.529 0.00119 0.338
82 bill_clinton 24
0.0139 0.00279 0.374
0.205 0.00119 0.404
83 mike_huckabe 9
0.000398 0 0.35
0.00199 0 0.647
84 great_countri 8
0.000398 0.00159 0.0501
0.000796 0 0.947