Mike Huckabee

This speech titled 2007.12.30.interview_with_tim_russert_on_nbc_news_meet_the_press originally had 6802 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 128 cue terms and an average lag of 48.7. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 mike_huckabe 3
0.00537 0.000199 0.994
0 0 0
2 todai_show 61
0.0498 0.0366 0.282
0.00259 0.000199 0.628
3 christma_card 93
0.0185 0.0107 0.47
0.00637 0.00597 0.488
4 mike_huckabe 10
0.000398 0 0.201
0.00179 0.000199 0.796
5 mitt_romnei 68
0.000597 0.00119 0.284
0 0 0.714
6 illeg_alien 72
0.0969 0.0681 0.425
0 0.000995 0.409
7 increas_spend 33
0.0189 0.0117 0.125
0.0585 0.0609 0.725
8 york_time 8
0.0263 0.0119 0.0251
0.0738 0.071 0.792
9 tax_increas 63
0.0143 0.00935 0.67
0.00975 0.0147 0.282
10 court_order 13
0 0 0.193
0 0 0.807
11 rais_tax 65
0 0 0.0227
0 0 0.977
12 billion_dollar 14
0 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
13 small_busi 13
0.000199 0 0.0167
0 0 0.983
14 letter_word 31
0 0 0.0243
0 0 0.976
15 rais_tax 9
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
16 cato_institut 4
0.000199 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
17 rais_tax 32
0 0 0.0105
0 0 0.989
18 spend_monei 3
0.000199 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
19 econom_incent 29
0.000597 0 0.00657
0 0 0.993
20 rais_tax 53
0 0 0.0173
0 0 0.983
21 incom_tax 35
0.000796 0.000398 0.00856
0 0 0.99
22 incom_peopl 6
0.00199 0.000796 0.0127
0.000796 0.000199 0.983
23 high_tax 3
0 0.000995 0.0101
0 0.000597 0.988
24 tax_rate 0
0 0 0.00318
0 0.00119 0.996
25 tax_polici 8
0 0 0.00498
0 0.000398 0.995
26 child_care 4
0 0 0.000995
0 0 0.999
27 tax_credit 1
0 0 0.00139
0 0 0.999
28 poor_peopl 17
0 0 0.00776
0 0 0.992
29 rais_tax 18
0 0 0.00657
0 0 0.993
30 court_order 49
0.000398 0 0.0161
0 0 0.983
31 test_score 51
0.263 0.00537 0.215
0.000199 0 0.517
32 foreign_polici 81
0.554 0.0105 0.19
0.189 0.000995 0.0559
33 foreign_relat 120
0.334 0.00577 0.22
0.398 0.000597 0.0412
34 safe_haven 43
0.145 0.00259 0.112
0.604 0.00159 0.134
35 osama_bin_laden 89
0.256 0.00199 0.158
0.518 0 0.0655
36 face_todai 52
0.115 0.0237 0.117
0.627 0.00179 0.115
37 foreign_polici 65
0.319 0.00995 0.159
0.421 0.00478 0.086
38 __MONEY___billion 95
0.191 0.0551 0.262
0.375 0.00915 0.109
39 fight_terror 14
0.104 0.00517 0.126
0.535 0.0316 0.198
40 unit_state 124
0.368 0.000199 0.299
0.287 0 0.0462
41 good_thing 23
0.101 0.00697 0.0683
0.595 0.000199 0.228
42 militari_command 16
0.0712 0.00219 0.0627
0.649 0.00318 0.212
43 osama_bin_laden 67
0.209 0.000995 0.137
0.559 0.000199 0.0945
44 american_live 35
0.0868 0.00119 0.104
0.655 0 0.153
45 american_presid 53
0.139 0.00318 0.11
0.597 0.000199 0.151
46 major_citi 29
0.0782 0.00438 0.0804
0.651 0.000995 0.185
47 innoc_live 36
0.083 0.0314 0.103
0.599 0.00498 0.179
48 american_peopl 66
0.214 0.0458 0.242
0.352 0.0227 0.123
49 presidenti_candid 39
0.0774 0.0115 0.382
0.281 0.0251 0.223
50 foreign_polici 14
0.176 0.00358 0.0505
0.326 0.0157 0.428
51 mike_huckabe 4
0.000597 0 0.437
0.0432 0.000796 0.518
52 martial_law 24
0.0117 0.0249 0.203
0.0227 0.000995 0.737
53 week_ago 3
0.00139 0.00119 0.0557
0.0251 0.0219 0.895
54 foreign_polici 133
0.741 0.00617 0.137
0.0173 0.00219 0.0959
55 __NUM___million_peopl 22
0.129 0.000796 0.0581
0.689 0.00199 0.121
56 long_histori 17
0.102 0.000995 0.0181
0.78 0.000796 0.0983
57 militari_coup 12
0.0649 0.00279 0.0111
0.848 0.00179 0.071
58 charismat_leader 122
0.265 0.0173 0.296
0.408 0.000796 0.0137
59 unit_state 15
0.0758 0.000199 0.117
0.573 0.000398 0.233
60 year_period 56
0.155 0.00975 0.199
0.473 0 0.162
61 state_depart 28
0.0872 0.0233 0.0804
0.537 0.00776 0.265
62 foreign_polici 116
0.488 0.00338 0.124
0.353 0.000398 0.0308
63 foreign_affair 11
0.0836 0.000199 0.0165
0.815 0.000398 0.0848
64 american_foreign_polici 7
0.0346 0.000597 0.00697
0.879 0.000199 0.0788
65 bush_administr 17
0.0332 0.00358 0.0163
0.879 0.000597 0.0677
66 presid_bush 16
0.0243 0.00219 0.00677
0.883 0.00239 0.0812
67 donald_rumsfeld 7
0.0219 0.000199 0.0213
0.868 0.00299 0.0854
68 __NUM___peopl 31
0.246 0.0151 0.188
0.502 0.00219 0.0466
69 secretari_rumsfeld 75
0.103 0.0509 0.367
0.345 0.00776 0.126
70 foreign_govern 145
0.212 0.0137 0.574
0.0997 0.00378 0.0967
71 week_ago 117
0.00736 0.0179 0.732
0.00537 0.00199 0.235
72 mitt_romnei 4
0.000995 0 0.0374
0.00876 0.00736 0.945
73 month_earlier 13
0.106 0.00119 0.21
0.00975 0.00179 0.672
74 __NUM___minut 9
0.0205 0.000995 0.0712
0.105 0.00179 0.801
75 mitt_romnei 120
0.00498 0.00318 0.665
0.00398 0.000398 0.322
76 civilian_death 16
0.0834 0.00537 0.0738
0.0107 0.00299 0.824
77 mitt_romnei 32
0.000597 0.000199 0.255
0.00398 0.00199 0.739
78 senat_mccain 53
0 0.000796 0.254
0 0.00119 0.744
79 mitt_romnei 55
0 0.000199 0.235
0 0 0.764
80 john_mccain 6
0 0 0.0362
0 0 0.964
81 mitt_romnei 26
0.000398 0.000597 0.117
0 0 0.882
82 health_care_plan 47
0.0488 0.033 0.351
0.000199 0.000398 0.567
83 abid_citizen 34
0.00418 0.00697 0.271
0.00995 0.0113 0.697
84 gun_ownership 2
0.00119 0.000796 0.0173
0.0127 0.0181 0.95
85 martin_luther_king 36
0.0661 0.0464 0.14
0.00836 0.0161 0.723
86 illeg_immigr 89
0.119 0.046 0.387
0.0201 0.0267 0.4
87 home_countri 133
0.0547 0.00716 0.647
0.0137 0.00299 0.274
88 return_home 14
0.0293 0.00338 0.0446
0.0627 0.00637 0.854
89 __NUM___year 17
0.0557 0.0271 0.0189
0.079 0.00856 0.811
90 children_born 1
0.00159 0.0209 0.00159
0.128 0.0366 0.811
91 american_citizen 3
0.00378 0.00179 0.00657
0.125 0.0557 0.807
92 immigr_problem 141
0.149 0.0679 0.278
0.0362 0.0167 0.453
93 american_peopl 23
0.105 0.0163 0.128
0.153 0.0611 0.537
94 illeg_alien 105
0.046 0.0265 0.333
0.0595 0.0448 0.49
95 __NUM___million_peopl 128
0.668 0.00259 0.211
0.0517 0.00219 0.0645
96 american_economi 10
0.0249 0.00756 0.0901
0.628 0.00418 0.245
97 same_dai 44
0.0589 0.00139 0.324
0.354 0.00179 0.26
98 polic_car 209
0.107 0.216 0.535
0.0308 0.00139 0.11
99 border_patrol 3
0.0287 0.00139 0.0609
0.14 0.173 0.596
100 feder_govern 83
0.142 0.038 0.379
0.0706 0.0673 0.303
101 baptist_minist 47
0.0521 0.00716 0.319
0.135 0.0253 0.462
102 jerri_falwel 24
0.0356 0.00139 0.0907
0.163 0.00995 0.699
103 polit_success 9
0.00458 0.00179 0.0153
0.186 0.0105 0.782
104 polit_campaign 139
0.0366 0.0217 0.506
0.0466 0.00239 0.387
105 christian_leader 10
0.00159 0.000398 0.146
0.0448 0.00498 0.802
106 __NUM___speech 86
0.176 0.153 0.306
0.0328 0.00378 0.329
107 southern_baptist 9
0.035 0.0169 0.0299
0.2 0.15 0.568
108 kei_issu 85
0.043 0.16 0.35
0.0814 0.125 0.241
109 govern_institut 21
0.0255 0.125 0.0551
0.104 0.279 0.412
110 leadership_role 270
0.25 0.154 0.4
0.0432 0.0798 0.0738
111 wall_street_journal 56
0.0947 0.0553 0.245
0.15 0.167 0.288
112 sexual_behavior 108
0.0957 0.0109 0.615
0.0603 0.0183 0.199
113 tradit_marriag 19
0.14 0.000995 0.117
0.143 0.00677 0.592
114 social_institut 24
0.0609 0.0289 0.123
0.234 0.00577 0.548
115 marri_coupl 159
0.271 0.0834 0.406
0.112 0.0105 0.117
116 import_issu 98
0.0919 0.486 0.123
0.139 0.0848 0.075
117 import_thing 61
0.042 0.253 0.0251
0.117 0.535 0.0283
118 public_polici 11
0.0501 0.00756 0.0306
0.161 0.701 0.0496
119 found_father 67
0.721 0.00458 0.0782
0.15 0.0378 0.00816
120 creat_equal 5
0.0247 0.000199 0.00418
0.859 0.039 0.0734
121 human_life 124
0.211 0.00159 0.406
0.347 0.0159 0.0189
122 north_carolina 17
0.0221 0.000597 0.164
0.429 0.0127 0.372
123 found_father 49
0.447 0.0201 0.0434
0.381 0.0129 0.0955
124 unborn_child 207
0.151 0.145 0.563
0.105 0.00418 0.0316
125 make_peopl 56
0.0297 0.0197 0.0533
0.246 0.14 0.511
126 innoc_life 9
0.00358 0.00139 0.0125
0.274 0.155 0.553
127 unborn_child 49
0.00736 0.00935 0.0878
0.249 0.14 0.506
128 iowa_caucus 35
0.0597 0.0275 0.0935
0.23 0.125 0.464