Jon Huntsman

This speech titled 2011.12.08.remarks_at_the_national_press_club_in_washington_dc originally had 1546 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 66 cue terms and an average lag of 19.6. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 nation_capit 5
0.373 0.0826 0.544
0 0 0
2 open_market 20
0.129 0.00139 0.227
0.239 0.00617 0.397
3 __NUM___million 35
0.618 0.0752 0.0155
0.256 0.00279 0.0326
4 __MONEY___trillion 2
0.0324 0.00159 0.00318
0.854 0.0635 0.0456
5 poverti_rate 14
0.175 0.00179 0.00677
0.779 0.0205 0.0173
6 wall_street 43
0.386 0.000597 0.000199
0.613 0 0
7 american_peopl 2
0.0239 0 0
0.976 0 0.000199
8 health_care_plan 35
0.101 0.00318 0.00318
0.893 0 0.000199
9 american_peopl 3
0.0189 0.000199 0
0.98 0.000597 0.000398
10 credit_rate 47
0.524 0.00995 0.316
0.15 0 0.000199
11 labor_relat 36
0.383 0.0117 0.089
0.429 0.00179 0.0858
12 american_job 5
0.0348 0.00378 0.146
0.637 0.00955 0.169
13 common_good 21
0.271 0.00159 0.0541
0.54 0.00119 0.132
14 tax_code 14
0.299 0.000796 0.00199
0.69 0.000199 0.00756
15 special_interest 12
0.109 0.00338 0.00159
0.884 0.000796 0.00139
16 wall_street 31
0.256 0.00259 0.000398
0.74 0.000597 0
17 core_principl 15
0.133 0.00597 0.0101
0.848 0.00219 0.000199
18 capitalist_economi 3
0.0519 0 0
0.946 0.000995 0.000597
19 free_market 2
0.0255 0 0
0.974 0.000398 0
20 elect_leader 17
0.137 0.00318 0.0605
0.799 0 0.000398
21 public_interest 18
0.395 0.0657 0.113
0.386 0.00318 0.0366
22 revolv_door 26
0.393 0.00338 0.000796
0.582 0.0151 0.00537
23 capitol_hill 2
0.0203 0.00796 0.00617
0.94 0.0181 0.00736
24 bank_bailout 29
0.232 0.0291 0.00458
0.718 0.0137 0.00179
25 weapon_system 3
0.0229 0.0171 0.00179
0.91 0.043 0.00478
26 american_peopl 18
0.122 0.000398 0
0.873 0.00398 0
27 nation_psych 29
0.0412 0.00318 0.00756
0.945 0.00279 0
28 american_peopl 55
0.175 0.00179 0
0.822 0.00139 0
29 tax_code 43
0.845 0.000995 0.0195
0.134 0 0
30 lower_rate 19
0.157 0.000995 0.00677
0.82 0.000796 0.0149
31 tax_code 13
0.119 0.000199 0.00955
0.854 0.000796 0.0173
32 econom_opportun 11
0.0424 0.000597 0.51
0.413 0.000199 0.0338
33 corpor_welfar 13
0.0219 0.00239 0.357
0.142 0.000199 0.477
34 croni_capit 2
0.00159 0.00139 0.107
0.048 0.00159 0.84
35 cut_spend 15
0.00458 0.00398 0.0685
0.0175 0.00179 0.904
36 entitl_program 15
0.000199 0.000398 0.0511
0.00537 0.00159 0.941
37 ryan_plan 5
0.00318 0.00139 0.00995
0.00537 0.00199 0.978
38 hold_true 3
0.0249 0.00995 0.0338
0.00836 0.00338 0.92
39 nation_commit 3
0.0344 0.00995 0.0257
0.0324 0.0125 0.885
40 big_bank 30
0.869 0.033 0.0273
0.0424 0.00876 0.0199
41 wall_street 2
0.0822 0.000199 0
0.902 0.0133 0.00199
42 foreign_oil 47
0.385 0.000199 0.00179
0.613 0 0
43 plai_field 12
0.103 0.000796 0.00159
0.895 0 0.000398
44 special_interest 16
0.142 0.00637 0.0119
0.838 0.000796 0.000796
45 troop_home 34
0.0277 0.00557 0.878
0.0764 0.000398 0.0117
46 militari_strategi 18
0.0225 0.0183 0.178
0.0342 0.00318 0.744
47 decad_ago 17
0.0462 0.0169 0.0681
0.0326 0.0161 0.82
48 same_level 23
0.77 0.0657 0.00915
0.0635 0.0215 0.0704
49 special_interest 12
0.214 0.00119 0.00159
0.756 0.0173 0.00915
50 constitut_amend 16
0.14 0.0149 0.00955
0.818 0.0133 0.00458
51 term_limit 2
0.0326 0.00139 0.00119
0.936 0.0211 0.00736
52 year_term 9
0.072 0.0171 0.1
0.781 0.0185 0.0105
53 limit_govern 84
0.674 0.00219 0.0304
0.288 0.000199 0.00537
54 free_market 3
0.0685 0 0
0.931 0 0.000796
55 plai_field 5
0.0456 0.000199 0.00139
0.953 0 0
56 american_peopl 19
0.161 0 0
0.839 0 0
57 common_goal 3
0.00478 0 0
0.995 0 0
58 point_plan 19
0.0201 0.0115 0.0685
0.9 0 0
59 tax_reform 11
0.0535 0.0549 0.775
0.0466 0.00816 0.0621
60 flat_tax 4
0.00338 0.00199 0.103
0.041 0.0406 0.81
61 balanc_budget 2
0.0101 0.00159 0.0207
0.041 0.0394 0.887
62 save_account 9
0.0476 0.000597 0.0712
0.0456 0.0187 0.816
63 job_growth 18
0.0921 0.0111 0.107
0.0691 0.0135 0.707
64 newt_gingrich 110
0.0623 0.771 0.0979
0.00398 0.0163 0.0488
65 polar_polit 18
0.00975 0.147 0.0145
0.0151 0.759 0.0547
66 polit_system 0
0.00398 0.00259 0.00358
0.0312 0.88 0.079