Rick Perry

This speech titled 2011.08.13.remarks_announcing_candidacy_for_president_in_charleston_south_carolina originally had 2746 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 91 cue terms and an average lag of 27.1. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 red_state 33
0.0782 0.0589 0.863
0 0 0
2 south_carolina 15
0.00139 0.000597 0.239
0.00756 0.00677 0.745
3 true_conserv 14
0.000995 0.00159 0.119
0.00239 0.00219 0.874
4 unit_state 18
0 0 0.174
0 0 0.826
0 0 0.823
6 special_oper 4
0.0225 0.0107 0.0374
0.00219 0.00219 0.925
7 eagl_scout 183
0.259 0.0802 0.517
0.00219 0.00139 0.14
8 __NUM___year 47
0.243 0.00199 0.331
0.149 0.00239 0.273
9 hard_work 92
0.0452 0.0105 0.679
0.0283 0.000597 0.236
10 unit_state 30
0 0 0.406
0 0 0.594
11 air_forc 1
0 0 0.0161
0 0 0.984
12 abraham_lincoln 21
0.00657 0.00318 0.165
0 0 0.825
13 ronald_reagan 2
0.00896 0.00478 0.0229
0.00677 0.00358 0.953
14 unit_state 6
0.000199 0.000199 0.181
0.00299 0 0.815
15 socialist_system 27
0.0362 0.0109 0.192
0.00299 0.000199 0.757
16 good_intent 4
0.00716 0.00119 0.042
0.0346 0.00776 0.907
17 love_god 33
0.0314 0.0109 0.368
0.0105 0.00338 0.576
18 free_men 55
0.158 0.0133 0.307
0.0231 0.00179 0.497
19 hard_work 12
0.00498 0.00119 0.235
0.0456 0.00199 0.711
20 person_respons 3
0.00159 0.000398 0.0332
0.039 0.00139 0.924
21 taxpay_monei 10
0.00119 0.00119 0.0643
0.0183 0.000398 0.915
22 american_famili 34
0.00537 0.00836 0.124
0.00697 0.000597 0.855
23 central_govern 8
0.0269 0.0153 0.0362
0.0127 0.00876 0.9
24 econom_theori 35
0.151 0.0734 0.227
0.03 0.0179 0.501
25 african_american 52
0.0474 0.463 0.0523
0.0625 0.0826 0.292
26 same_posit 8
0.00458 0.0567 0.0115
0.089 0.537 0.301
27 time_work 12
0.0237 0.0195 0.0203
0.0858 0.554 0.297
28 time_job 24
0.0378 0.0241 0.157
0.0816 0.394 0.305
29 econom_recoveri 31
0.273 0.0486 0.24
0.102 0.235 0.101
30 food_price 8
0.077 0.00517 0.076
0.36 0.183 0.299
31 credit_card 38
0.156 0.0392 0.14
0.332 0.119 0.214
32 govern_polici 16
0.118 0.0167 0.0555
0.435 0.112 0.263
33 creat___NUM__ 28
0.407 0 0.035
0.439 0.000199 0.119
34 __NUM___year 6
0.0442 0.000796 0.295
0.583 0.000398 0.0764
35 entitl_program 37
0.0283 0.0201 0.551
0.129 0.000796 0.271
36 credit_rate 108
0.00637 0.000199 0.753
0.00139 0 0.239
37 unit_state 3
0.00199 0 0.0422
0.00279 0 0.953
38 presid_obama 21
0.823 0 0.035
0.0171 0 0.124
39 american_job 4
0.0599 0 0.00577
0.83 0 0.104
40 labor_relat 59
0.243 0.0133 0.148
0.57 0 0.0251
41 privat_compani 13
0.0312 0.00299 0.242
0.564 0.00338 0.157
42 south_carolina 19
0.0167 0.00557 0.519
0.151 0.00139 0.306
43 obama_administr 29
0.826 0 0.00776
0.148 0 0.0181
44 econom_growth 4
0.0175 0 0.00478
0.954 0 0.0239
45 econom_polici 44
0.167 0.0509 0.0607
0.716 0 0.00597
46 foreign_polici 10
0.0513 0.00398 0.0249
0.833 0.0259 0.0613
47 middl_east 29
0.178 0.000597 0.00716
0.803 0.00259 0.00935
48 unit_state 25
0.0117 0.000796 0.49
0.481 0 0.0165
49 foreign_polici 2
0.187 0.0131 0.00776
0.504 0.00219 0.286
50 domest_agenda 14
0.0201 0.00338 0.00975
0.676 0.0131 0.278
51 western_european 5
0.00498 0.00139 0.00299
0.691 0.0159 0.283
52 foreign_polici 82
0.157 0.0105 0.0392
0.544 0.00935 0.239
53 good_job 47
0.0484 0.0306 0.494
0.232 0.00657 0.189
54 econom_plan 15
0.000995 0.000796 0.46
0.00617 0.00119 0.531
55 white_hous 17
0.00836 0.00517 0.127
0.00358 0.00139 0.855
56 econom_success 14
0.00975 0.0249 0.0553
0.00896 0.00498 0.896
57 work_hard 33
0.00279 0.049 0.258
0.00239 0.0201 0.668
58 rais_tax 13
0.00119 0.0784 0.0392
0.00139 0.0675 0.812
59 cut_govern 7
0.00139 0.252 0.0201
0.000597 0.146 0.58
60 govern_spend 0
0.00199 0.0297 0.0143
0.00199 0.396 0.556
61 state_repres 16
0.0675 0.00139 0.564
0.00677 0.0521 0.308
62 guid_principl 20
0.0253 0.000199 0.161
0.0438 0.00119 0.769
0.0555 0 0.86
64 creat_job 11
0.0472 0.000199 0.0167
0.082 0 0.854
65 cut_tax 70
0.0702 0.1 0.719
0.0175 0.000199 0.0921
66 properti_tax 5
0.0501 0.00279 0.0525
0.0882 0.0631 0.743
67 world_war_ii 8
0.0382 0.00896 0.037
0.135 0.0587 0.723
68 state_budget 9
0.072 0.00637 0.0444
0.165 0.0539 0.658
69 balanc_budget 76
0.000796 0.0261 0.85
0.000597 0.00736 0.116
70 lower_tax 3
0.000597 0.000199 0.0289
0.000796 0.0287 0.941
71 south_carolina 42
0.00259 0.0123 0.366
0 0.00697 0.612
72 sit_back 5
0.000398 0.0476 0.0436
0 0.0229 0.886
73 great_countri 11
0.00199 0.00816 0.116
0.000398 0.0416 0.832
74 unit_state 54
0.00199 0.000398 0.489
0.000398 0.000199 0.508
75 privat_enterpris 37
0.0543 0.0229 0.254
0.000995 0.000796 0.667
76 set_free 2
0.00259 0.00716 0.0259
0.0505 0.0235 0.89
77 feder_govern 6
0.00199 0.0139 0.121
0.0257 0.0255 0.812
78 middl_america 52
0.136 0.083 0.271
0.0157 0.0227 0.471
79 margaret_thatcher 104
0.164 0.0223 0.53
0.0324 0.00637 0.244
80 incom_tax 44
0.044 0.0464 0.331
0.0655 0.0121 0.501
81 spend_monei 26
0.0496 0.000597 0.346
0.0583 0.000199 0.545
82 central_planner 61
0.0217 0.000597 0.152
0.0418 0 0.784
83 spend_monei 39
0.0553 0.000597 0.0691
0.0517 0 0.823
84 healthcar_plan 34
0.0498 0.00119 0.0724
0.0774 0 0.799
85 creat_job 3
0.0434 0 0.00498
0.126 0 0.826
86 same_time 69
0.254 0.00318 0.0704
0.104 0 0.569
87 small_busi 8
0.0265 0.0109 0.364
0.194 0.00179 0.402
88 feder_govern 8
0.00239 0.0263 0.389
0.0271 0.0111 0.544
89 american_peopl 52
0 0.00119 0.422
0.000199 0.00219 0.574
90 god_bless 9
0 0 0.082
0 0 0.918
91 unit_state 6
0 0.000199 0.0567
0 0 0.943