Bill Richardson

This speech titled 2007.12.17.speech_a_new_vision_foreign_and_domestic originally had 3153 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 114 cue terms and an average lag of 24.3. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 presidenti_candid 20
0.202 0.00199 0.796
0 0 0
2 american_peopl 16
0.0901 0 0.0446
0.154 0 0.711
3 __NUM___hour 9
0.16 0.000199 0.0163
0.225 0 0.598
4 georg_bush 2
0.178 0 0.00358
0.39 0 0.428
5 white_hous 5
0.413 0 0.000796
0.577 0 0.00975
6 american_dream 13
0.0261 0 0
0.974 0 0
7 import_part 4
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
8 american_leader 65
0.0185 0 0.000796
0.981 0 0
9 good_job 10
0.00199 0 0
0.998 0 0
10 qualiti_educ 3
0.000995 0 0
0.999 0 0
11 educ_system 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
12 middl_class 5
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
13 stop_talk 9
0.0113 0.000398 0.0137
0.975 0 0
14 campaign_trail 19
0.0304 0.000199 0.0302
0.929 0 0.0105
15 qualiti_educ 47
0.0424 0 0.00139
0.946 0 0.0103
16 move_forward 14
0.0115 0.000398 0.0173
0.962 0 0.00836
17 nation_media 66
0.0279 0.00179 0.354
0.597 0 0.0197
18 fair_share 3
0.00338 0.000199 0.0199
0.606 0.00119 0.37
19 __NUM___troop 65
0.00139 0.000597 0.675
0.00199 0 0.321
20 young_man 19
0.00478 0.0105 0.0416
0.00199 0.000597 0.94
21 import_issu 72
0.00139 0.000398 0.203
0 0.000398 0.795
22 civil_war 49
0.00219 0.000199 0.116
0 0 0.881
23 senat_clinton 47
0.0531 0 0.107
0.00199 0 0.838
24 senat_obama 2
0.000398 0 0.00716
0.0547 0 0.938
25 american_peopl 70
0.0171 0 0.16
0.0394 0 0.783
26 senat_clinton 28
0.00955 0 0.0609
0.0456 0 0.884
27 senat_obama 2
0.000597 0 0.00557
0.0545 0 0.939
28 world_war_ii 24
0.284 0.00498 0.036
0.0527 0 0.622
29 american_peopl 56
0.101 0 0.173
0.2 0.000199 0.526
30 middl_east 97
0.635 0 0.0436
0.193 0 0.129
31 saddam_hussein 9
0.0513 0 0.00756
0.797 0 0.144
32 bottom_line 3
0.0115 0 0.0531
0.784 0 0.151
33 unit_state 19
0.165 0 0.0155
0.689 0 0.131
34 health_care 60
0.198 0.153 0.0609
0.534 0.000199 0.0545
35 move_forward 16
0.042 0.00756 0.00975
0.699 0.149 0.0929
36 million_children 78
0.00259 0.782 0.00796
0.0503 0.154 0.00318
37 health_insur 3
0.000995 0.00119 0.00418
0.0519 0.931 0.0109
38 child_left 9
0.00975 0 0.857
0.0412 0.0346 0.0573
39 comprehens_immigr 6
0 0 0.108
0 0.000398 0.891
40 immigr_reform 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0.000199 1
41 human_cost 100
0.0498 0.0153 0.681
0 0.000398 0.253
42 spent___MONEY__ 45
0.00119 0.000199 0.355
0.000995 0.000796 0.642
43 __MONEY___billion 0
0 0 0.00338
0.000398 0 0.996
44 billion_dollar 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
45 __NUM___trillion 13
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
46 trillion_dollar 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
47 middl_east 39
0.987 0 0.0117
0 0 0.000995
48 oil_price 7
0.0354 0 0.000597
0.96 0 0.00378
49 hundr_dollar 4
0.0101 0.00259 0.000199
0.984 0 0.00279
50 trillion_dollar 25
0.0255 0 0.00139
0.973 0 0.000597
51 univers_health_care 34
0.0109 0 0
0.989 0 0
52 social_secur 7
0.00179 0 0
0.998 0 0
53 energi_independ 23
0.286 0.000199 0.00279
0.711 0 0
54 iraq_war 6
0.0129 0 0.0101
0.974 0.000199 0.00299
55 american_dream 98
0.12 0.000597 0.00159
0.878 0 0
56 govern_work 14
0.00537 0.00955 0.00338
0.98 0.000597 0.00139
57 middl_class 3
0.00219 0 0.000398
0.983 0.00975 0.00478
58 billion_dollar 21
0.00955 0.144 0.222
0.61 0.00935 0.00517
59 child_left 15
0.00876 0.000199 0.349
0.478 0.0348 0.13
60 american_student 51
0.0243 0.00517 0.156
0.387 0.0235 0.404
61 __NUM___year 9
0.00517 0.000796 0.0197
0.406 0.0275 0.541
62 health_care_reform 60
0.076 0.112 0.0661
0.384 0.0275 0.335
63 health_insur 24
0.00736 0.0438 0.00736
0.426 0.137 0.378
64 health_care_system 65
0.077 0.00279 0.55
0.084 0.0394 0.247
65 arm_forc 47
0.00836 0.00119 0.357
0.0551 0.00637 0.572
66 famili_member 49
0.214 0.106 0.0663
0.0599 0.00776 0.546
67 tax_polici 58
0.749 0.000199 0.000199
0.25 0 0.00139
68 job_creation 5
0.00358 0 0
0.996 0 0
69 tax_credit 5
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
70 creat_job 4
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
71 tax_credit 13
0.00139 0 0
0.999 0 0
72 tax_cut 17
0.00159 0 0
0.998 0 0
73 put_peopl 10
0.000995 0 0
0.999 0 0
74 clean_energi 9
0.00159 0 0
0.998 0 0
75 high_tech 8
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
76 __NUM___job 6
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
77 unemploy_rate 5
0 0 0
1 0 0
78 __NUM___year 2
0.00119 0 0.000199
0.999 0 0
79 democrat_parti 16
0.00657 0 0.000597
0.993 0 0
80 work_american 11
0.00199 0 0
0.998 0 0
81 creat_job 45
0.00478 0 0
0.995 0 0
82 same_thing 13
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
83 american_dream 17
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
84 fiscal_respons 34
0.00338 0 0
0.997 0 0
85 american_histori 8
0.00199 0 0.000597
0.997 0 0
86 georg_bush 3
0.00119 0 0.000199
0.998 0 0.000398
87 constitut_amend 37
0.00697 0 0
0.993 0 0
88 item_veto 9
0.000995 0 0
0.999 0 0
89 __NUM___centuri 32
0.0141 0 0
0.986 0 0
90 job_creation 16
0.00378 0 0
0.996 0 0
91 privat_sector 4
0.00179 0 0
0.998 0 0
92 feder_research 8
0.00119 0 0
0.999 0 0
93 tax_credit 11
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
94 econom_opportun 70
0.0123 0 0
0.988 0 0
95 american_dream 2
0.000398 0 0
1 0 0
96 labor_forc 75
0.00896 0 0
0.991 0 0
97 work_men 5
0.00279 0 0.000597
0.997 0 0
98 labor_union 6
0.00219 0 0.000398
0.997 0 0.000398
99 american_worker 14
0.00219 0 0
0.998 0 0.000199
100 collect_bargain 38
0.00517 0 0
0.995 0 0
101 public_employe 5
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
102 state_histori 10
0.00119 0 0.000199
0.999 0 0
103 union_member 24
0.00418 0 0
0.996 0 0
104 free_trade 36
0.0125 0 0
0.987 0 0
105 trade_agreement 16
0.00915 0 0
0.991 0 0
106 rise_cost 19
0.00299 0 0
0.997 0 0
107 health_care 5
0.000995 0 0
0.999 0 0
108 child_care 2
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
109 colleg_educ 4
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
110 oil_price 24
0.0933 0 0.00338
0.903 0 0
111 american_famili 16
0.00677 0 0.00438
0.985 0.000398 0.00299
112 american_troop 96
0.0434 0.000398 0.633
0.318 0 0.00537
113 health_care 92
0.299 0.0509 0.0675
0.341 0.000597 0.242
114 american_job 22
0.187 0.00159 0.0165
0.587 0.0237 0.184