Mitt Romney

This speech titled 05.25.2012.DesMoines.IA originally had 2421 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 82 cue terms and an average lag of 26.2. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 small_town 55
0.978 0.00736 0.0143
0 0 0
2 america_great 7
0.0386 0.000398 0.0265
0.914 0.00617 0.0147
3 good_time 18
0.131 0 0
0.868 0.000199 0.000597
4 hard_work 8
0.0406 0 0.000597
0.959 0 0.000199
5 common_sens 15
0.0653 0.00796 0.00239
0.924 0 0.000199
6 kitchen_tabl 2
0.0295 0.000995 0.00119
0.959 0.00796 0.00159
7 control_spend 18
0.0364 0.0185 0.0583
0.877 0.00637 0.00318
8 spend_spree 0
0.00338 0.000597 0
0.911 0.0245 0.0603
9 massiv_amount 6
0.0396 0.000597 0.00517
0.879 0.0225 0.0531
10 america_face 41
0.831 0.000398 0.00876
0.155 0.000398 0.00418
11 financi_crisi 2
0.0139 0 0.000796
0.973 0.000597 0.0121
12 singl_dai 45
0.195 0.0392 0.0101
0.748 0.000597 0.00716
13 presid_obama 120
0.185 0.0289 0.597
0.171 0.0129 0.00458
14 foreign_countri 77
0.0915 0.0105 0.436
0.0768 0.00876 0.376
15 presid_made 55
0.0826 0.0553 0.0392
0.107 0.0163 0.699
16 gener_ago 12
0.0297 0.00995 0.00955
0.177 0.0683 0.706
17 bill_clinton 2
0.00537 0.00537 0.000398
0.203 0.0774 0.708
18 big_govern 6
0.0225 0.00139 0.00915
0.198 0.0774 0.691
19 presid_clinton 10
0.0233 0.0109 0.0177
0.213 0.0778 0.658
20 presid_obama 23
0.0963 0.0123 0.618
0.0537 0.0486 0.172
21 free_enterpris 55
0.000398 0.00219 0.388
0.00259 0.0121 0.595
22 presid_obama 12
0.00199 0.000796 0.0587
0.000995 0.00816 0.929
23 creat_job 11
0.000199 0.000398 0.0577
0 0.00358 0.938
24 modern_histori 46
0.05 0.0432 0.142
0.000398 0.00259 0.762
25 social_secur 34
0.00537 0.0318 0.039
0.0169 0.0436 0.863
26 unemploi_worker 12
0.139 0.079 0.0858
0.0213 0.0728 0.602
27 barack_obama 18
0.298 0.05 0.277
0.113 0.14 0.122
28 presid_obama 39
0.216 0.00557 0.177
0.287 0.0488 0.265
29 stimulu_packag 9
0.11 0.000199 0.0277
0.474 0.00677 0.382
30 feder_govern 13
0.0547 0.000597 0.0448
0.513 0.00318 0.383
31 nation_debt 102
0.00935 0.0476 0.659
0.0139 0.000995 0.269
32 trillion_dollar 3
0.00119 0.00597 0.0243
0.0147 0.0466 0.907
33 govern_debt 15
0.0547 0.0219 0.0412
0.0135 0.0484 0.82
34 unfund_liabil 2
0.000398 0.00517 0.00796
0.0625 0.0687 0.855
35 presid_obama 73
0.451 0.0412 0.0663
0.0352 0.0543 0.352
36 singl_dai 6
0.0623 0.0115 0.00338
0.467 0.0913 0.364
37 case_scenario 5
0.0133 0.0155 0.073
0.433 0.0981 0.367
38 interest_rate 2
0.00279 0.0117 0.0199
0.414 0.113 0.439
39 good_chanc 17
0.0271 0.0245 0.0183
0.364 0.119 0.447
40 subprim_mortgag 13
0.0221 0.00736 0.0716
0.306 0.132 0.461
41 state_govern 67
0.0215 0.00677 0.347
0.0778 0.0432 0.503
42 privat_sector 15
0.000199 0 0.15
0.0103 0.000398 0.839
43 feder_govern 9
0.00299 0 0.0119
0.00517 0 0.98
44 privat_sector 6
0.000398 0 0.0591
0.00438 0 0.936
45 free_enterpris 64
0.00378 0.00199 0.773
0.000995 0 0.22
46 lower_cost 12
0.00517 0 0.0527
0.00259 0.000597 0.939
47 feder_govern 51
0.0836 0 0.0111
0.00617 0 0.899
48 cell_phone 44
0.428 0.00577 0.131
0.0665 0 0.369
49 solar_panel 39
0.115 0.00557 0.272
0.267 0.00219 0.338
50 presid_obama 21
0.0547 0.00458 0.269
0.218 0.00358 0.45
51 make_america 31
0.0547 0 0.24
0.136 0.000398 0.569
52 presid_obama 9
0.0105 0 0.0961
0.118 0 0.776
53 feder_govern 16
0.0117 0 0.0987
0.0683 0 0.821
54 govern_spend 82
0.000199 0.000796 0.108
0.000199 0 0.891
55 feder_spend 8
0 0 0.00438
0 0 0.996
56 repeal_obamacar 47
0 0 0.00796
0 0 0.992
57 social_secur 7
0 0 0.00139
0 0 0.999
58 tax_increas 24
0.000199 0 0.00517
0 0 0.995
59 growth_rate 13
0.000199 0 0.00159
0.000199 0 0.998
60 higher_tax 21
0.000796 0.000398 0.0979
0.000199 0 0.901
61 health_care_cost 29
0.000199 0.000199 0.0185
0.000199 0.000199 0.981
62 social_secur 28
0 0 0.00458
0 0.000398 0.995
63 entitl_reform 43
0 0 0.00617
0 0 0.994
64 govern_account_offic 39
0.000199 0 0.00955
0 0 0.99
65 feder_govern 14
0 0 0.00159
0 0 0.998
66 __MONEY___billion 19
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
67 __NUM___feder 24
0 0 0.00318
0 0 0.997
68 feder_govern 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
69 govern_agenc 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
70 __MONEY___billion 2
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
71 __NUM___unit 4
0.000796 0 0.00119
0 0 0.998
72 unit_nation 0
0 0 0.000199
0.000796 0 0.999
73 __NUM___feder 12
0 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
74 feder_program 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
75 feder_govern 43
0 0 0.00478
0 0 0.995
76 __MONEY___billion 4
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
77 feder_program 16
0 0 0.00259
0 0 0.997
78 privat_sector 13
0 0 0.00478
0 0 0.995
79 entitl_reform 48
0.00139 0.00199 0.0125
0 0 0.984
80 econom_growth 88
0.0233 0.0392 0.909
0.000199 0.000199 0.0281
81 good_job 109
0.409 0.0404 0.251
0.00617 0.0191 0.275
82 god_bless_america 71
0.699 0.00418 0.00179
0.278 0.0127 0.00418