nation_debt can be found in 11 cue lexicons and 38 speeches. Its been used 44 times by 9 candidates.
nation_debt is found in the cue lexicons of
now with a nation debt of __MONEY__ trillion __PUNCT__ up nearli __NUM__ __PUNCT__ sinc presid bush took offic __PUNCT__ he left our children and our grandchildren to pai the bill __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.10.08.remarks_on_economic_blueprint_for_the_21st_century during the 2008 Primary elections.
he run up our nation debt to __MONEY__ trillion __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.11.01.remarks_on_student_activism_at_wellesley_college during the 2008 Primary elections.
what wors __PUNCT__ he ha no concret plan to pai for these tax break __PUNCT__ so hi polici would actual add more than __MONEY__ or __MONEY__ trillion to the nation debt over the next decad and weaken our economi even further __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.07.07 during the 2008 General elections.
if john mccain polici were implement __PUNCT__ thei would add __MONEY__ trillion to the nation debt over the next decad __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.06.09 during the 2008 General elections.
i recogn that my agenda is ambiti __PUNCT__ particularli in light of bush administr fiscal polici that have run up the nation debt by over __MONEY__ trillion __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.06.16 during the 2008 General elections.
nation_debt is found in the following speeches