Mitt Romney

This speech titled 08.30.2011.SanAntonio.TX originally had 2448 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 74 cue terms and an average lag of 29.6. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 babi_boomer 35
0.22 0.031 0.748
0 0 0
2 world_war_ii 8
0.00975 0 0.044
0.193 0.0171 0.736
3 american_soldier 21
0.0141 0.000199 0.0221
0.18 0.00995 0.773
4 soviet_commun 20
0.0155 0 0.00637
0.181 0.00915 0.787
5 greatest_gener 70
0.834 0.00537 0.00199
0.137 0 0.0215
6 american_liberti 12
0.0716 0.000199 0.000995
0.925 0.000398 0.00199
7 high_school 60
0.0189 0 0
0.981 0 0
8 school_graduat 0
0.000199 0 0.000398
0.999 0 0
9 melt_pot 10
0.00299 0.000199 0.00299
0.993 0 0.000398
10 __NUM___million_american 72
0.328 0.00199 0.0201
0.65 0 0.000398
11 part_time 15
0.0446 0 0
0.955 0 0
12 time_job 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
13 time_work 5
0.00259 0.000597 0.00318
0.994 0 0
14 nation_debt 12
0.141 0.0352 0.563
0.257 0.000199 0.00279
15 real_problem 94
0.464 0 0.256
0.119 0.000398 0.161
16 real_economi 3
0.00896 0 0.0105
0.575 0 0.406
17 america_futur 23
0.0687 0.000199 0.0961
0.48 0 0.355
18 osama_bin_laden 40
0.0559 0 0.237
0.313 0 0.394
19 american_flag 25
0.0374 0.000597 0.0281
0.318 0 0.616
0.258 0 0.641
21 presid_obama 85
0.00418 0.000199 0.326
0.00597 0 0.663
22 unit_nation 5
0 0 0.0207
0 0 0.979
23 fidel_castro 2
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
24 hugo_chavez 18
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
25 ronald_reagan 19
0.0195 0 0.00318
0 0 0.977
26 soviet_union 30
0.0189 0.000398 0.00378
0.0167 0 0.96
27 saddam_hussein 4
0.00955 0.00517 0.0452
0.0342 0.000199 0.906
28 presid_obama 20
0.267 0.0177 0.508
0.0388 0.00478 0.164
29 white_hous 9
0.0802 0.00358 0.0927
0.283 0.0197 0.521
30 militari_spend 3
0.00378 0 0.101
0.283 0.00318 0.609
31 __MONEY___billion 2
0 0 0.274
0.00856 0 0.717
32 twelv_year 4
0 0 0.00179
0.00816 0 0.99
33 presid_obama 3
0.000199 0 0.00716
0.00597 0 0.987
34 budget_process 4
0 0 0.00279
0.00517 0 0.992
35 defens_spend 5
0 0 0.00657
0.000398 0 0.993
36 __MONEY___billion 2
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
37 joint_chief 6
0.00119 0.000199 0.0131
0 0 0.985
38 defens_secretari 14
0.0498 0.0177 0.602
0.000796 0 0.33
39 devast_effect 9
0.00577 0.00537 0.179
0.0235 0.0129 0.773
40 nation_defens 3
0.00119 0.000398 0.144
0.00915 0.00498 0.84
41 presid_obama 11
0.00935 0.00159 0.0639
0.00716 0.00438 0.914
42 nuclear_iran 84
0 0 0.31
0 0 0.69
43 middl_east 4
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
44 north_korea 8
0.000796 0 0.000995
0 0 0.998
45 global_power 9
0.0786 0.00139 0.00159
0.000597 0 0.918
46 world_todai 126
0.803 0.00199 0.0328
0.045 0 0.117
47 american_polici 8
0.0464 0.00836 0.0217
0.809 0.00179 0.113
48 bashar_al 39
0.133 0.037 0.0517
0.693 0.00756 0.0782
49 presid_obama 48
0.351 0.0141 0.125
0.46 0.0109 0.0394
50 __NUM___elect 36
0.283 0.00438 0.000398
0.697 0.0127 0.00179
51 white_hous 2
0.00915 0.00378 0.00716
0.96 0.0175 0.00259
52 presid_obama 23
0.0798 0.0119 0.0923
0.789 0.0175 0.00955
53 arab_spring 35
0.131 0.0297 0.0593
0.696 0.0217 0.0617
54 arm_servic 67
0.337 0.00836 0.0418
0.585 0.00816 0.0195
55 great_nation 59
0.266 0.000796 0.00935
0.718 0.000597 0.00577
56 presid_obama 27
0.0716 0.00856 0.263
0.642 0.000597 0.0147
57 militari_spend 48
0.114 0.0169 0.279
0.399 0.00199 0.19
58 air_forc 40
0.111 0.0273 0.198
0.334 0.0121 0.317
59 world_war 23
0.368 0.0302 0.0233
0.402 0.037 0.139
60 __NUM___peopl 66
0.296 0.0253 0.0281
0.572 0.0368 0.0424
61 privat_sector 59
0.00179 0.000199 0.934
0.00318 0 0.0609
62 defens_budget 32
0.00697 0.000398 0.0971
0.00119 0 0.894
63 polic_car 279
0 0.999 0.000398
0 0.000199 0
64 state_trooper 35
0 0.0372 0.000398
0 0.962 0.000199
65 polic_car 58
0 0.0609 0
0 0.939 0
66 peopl_walk 13
0.000398 0.0111 0
0 0.988 0
67 singl_person 27
0.0259 0.0233 0
0.00119 0.95 0
68 young_soldier 35
0.391 0.0185 0.047
0.0265 0.515 0.00139
69 american_peopl 11
0.5 0.000597 0.047
0.408 0.0159 0.0293
70 great_nation 37
0.196 0.000597 0.00716
0.785 0.000796 0.00975
71 shine_citi 33
0.0927 0.00577 0.221
0.665 0.000597 0.0147
72 back_america 23
0.282 0.000995 0.00358
0.689 0.000597 0.0237
73 great_nation 11
0.0492 0.000199 0.000796
0.936 0 0.0143
74 young_men 28
0.0925 0.0133 0.101
0.778 0.000398 0.0141