Ron Paul

This speech titled 2012.01.21.remarks_in_columbia_following_the_south_carolina_primary originally had 2739 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 62 cue terms and an average lag of 39.9. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 __NUM___deleg 60
0.299 0.223 0.478
0 0 0
2 singl_dai 54
0.293 0.194 0.102
0.156 0.136 0.119
3 long_time 83
0.389 0.0581 0.364
0.145 0.0346 0.00915
4 win_elect 25
0.127 0.00537 0.269
0.343 0.00896 0.247
5 __NUM___year_ago 67
0.107 0.00179 0.65
0.0718 0.000199 0.169
6 __NUM___time 22
0.0645 0.00378 0.243
0.105 0.000796 0.583
7 year_ago 25
0.0141 0.0223 0.357
0.0185 0.000796 0.587
8 nation_build 144
0.0999 0.109 0.721
0.000597 0.000796 0.0689
9 __MONEY___trillion 103
0.394 0.543 0.000597
0.0197 0.043 0
10 __NUM___year 42
0.122 0.083 0.00119
0.299 0.495 0
11 monetari_system 50
0.000796 0.000199 0.983
0 0 0.0159
12 feder_reserv_system 21
0.000398 0 0.24
0 0 0.76
13 gold_standard 26
0.203 0.0561 0.2
0.00358 0.000597 0.536
0.0235 0.00876 0.506
15 special_interest 19
0.0171 0.0109 0.287
0.00935 0.00597 0.67
16 monetari_system 10
0.000199 0 0.155
0.000796 0 0.844
17 sound_monei 23
0 0 0.259
0 0 0.741
0.00119 0.000199 0.817
19 govern_grow 14
0.0328 0.00637 0.115
0.0209 0.00816 0.817
20 spend_monei 13
0.0342 0.00358 0.0615
0.0432 0.00577 0.852
21 interest_rate 51
0.149 0.0681 0.0872
0.0438 0.00577 0.646
22 financi_system 10
0.0181 0.00637 0.0953
0.16 0.0517 0.668
23 system_base 0
0.000597 0.00279 0.00637
0.174 0.0555 0.76
24 fiat_monei 2
0.00915 0.00438 0.113
0.0756 0.0476 0.75
0.0675 0.00955 0.832
26 entitl_system 87
0 0.000199 0.895
0 0 0.105
27 social_secur 2
0.000597 0.000597 0.00299
0 0.000199 0.996
0.000398 0 0.24
29 middl_class 30
0.754 0.175 0.000398
0.0613 0.00338 0.00557
30 foreign_aid 119
0.633 0.0362 0.0394
0.272 0.0181 0.000398
31 same_time 3
0.0482 0.0181 0.000199
0.876 0.0533 0.00378
32 work_hard 19
0.108 0.0328 0.0571
0.754 0.0438 0.00398
33 america_great 112
0.0147 0.0273 0.939
0.00716 0.000796 0.0109
34 individu_liberti 5
0.000398 0.00119 0.087
0 0.00915 0.902
35 free_peopl 10
0.00219 0.00318 0.111
0.000398 0.00557 0.878
0 0 0.35
37 foreign_polici 43
0.00119 0.000398 0.76
0.000597 0 0.237
38 nation_secur 39
0.184 0.152 0.263
0.00219 0.00179 0.397
39 troop_home 83
0.00438 0.00716 0.69
0.00159 0.00557 0.291
40 entitl_system 11
0 0 0.106
0 0 0.894
41 health_care 28
0.000995 0.000398 0.0209
0 0 0.978
42 free_educ 7
0 0 0.00597
0.000199 0 0.994
43 higher_price 22
0.225 0.0173 0.321
0.000199 0.000199 0.437
44 big_govern 115
0.107 0.126 0.537
0.0135 0.00279 0.214
45 person_liberti 11
0.000199 0.000597 0.551
0.00139 0.00139 0.446
46 good_intent 19
0.341 0.204 0.0937
0.00776 0.00259 0.351
47 __NUM___year 8
0.117 0.282 0.00756
0.295 0.209 0.0886
48 patriot_act 31
0.000199 0 0.886
0 0 0.114
49 fourth_amend 8
0 0 0.00458
0 0 0.995
50 patriot_act 11
0.000398 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
51 peopl_speak 102
0.259 0.102 0.442
0.000199 0 0.196
52 nation_defens 30
0.00299 0.00338 0.694
0.00716 0.00398 0.288
53 american_citizen 17
0.0766 0.0874 0.168
0.00577 0.00776 0.654
54 nation_debt 57
0.445 0.476 0
0.0277 0.0509 0.000199
55 __MONEY___trillion 2
0.00856 0.0402 0
0.418 0.534 0.000199
56 mainstream_media 47
0.178 0.125 0.16
0.197 0.337 0.00358
57 america_great 36
0.0137 0.0113 0.833
0.0135 0.0215 0.107
58 bring_peopl 25
0.208 0.0655 0.25
0.0195 0.0137 0.444
59 social_issu 61
0.387 0.147 0.21
0.124 0.0165 0.115
60 econom_issu 2
0.0326 0.00697 0.0217
0.501 0.14 0.297
61 middl_class 59
0.48 0.105 0.000995
0.341 0.0732 0.000199
62 good_work 244
0.445 0.0297 0.498
0.0259 0.000398 0.000398