Ron Paul

This speech titled 2012.01.10.remarks_in_manchester_following_the_new_hampshire_primary originally had 2791 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 65 cue terms and an average lag of 37.0. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 phone_call 185
0.255 0.435 0.31
0 0 0
2 tremend_amount 14
0.0273 0.0647 0.0798
0.189 0.392 0.247
3 union_leader 29
0.198 0.0119 0.24
0.174 0.0989 0.277
4 statu_quo 307
0.105 0.0452 0.848
0.000398 0 0.00139
5 feder_reserv_system 17
0 0 0.302
0.000199 0 0.698
6 monetari_polici 44
0.000796 0.000199 0.44
0 0 0.559
7 import_issu 19
0.0971 0.0816 0.18
0.00159 0.000796 0.639
8 presidenti_campaign 8
0.0917 0.112 0.0362
0.0945 0.084 0.582
9 feder_reserv 9
0.103 0.0675 0.0169
0.17 0.18 0.462
10 financi_crisi 40
0.0336 0.0197 0.8
0.032 0.03 0.0844
11 sound_monei 6
0 0 0.219
0 0 0.781
12 person_liberti 2
0 0 0.0297
0 0.000199 0.97
13 monetari_system 26
0.00139 0.000398 0.284
0 0 0.714
14 pai_tax 45
0.281 0.237 0.205
0.00139 0.000796 0.274
15 borrow_monei 22
0.121 0.0973 0.0854
0.209 0.197 0.291
16 feder_reserv 33
0.247 0.126 0.0599
0.226 0.189 0.152
17 power_interest 9
0.204 0.0249 0.0223
0.464 0.208 0.0764
18 industri_complex 4
0.102 0.00816 0.0207
0.665 0.163 0.0412
19 bank_system 3
0.0496 0.00219 0.034
0.753 0.0965 0.0643
20 moral_respons 76
0.506 0.0822 0.0501
0.344 0.0113 0.00617
21 young_peopl 4
0.0271 0.0362 0.0523
0.739 0.0953 0.0503
22 import_issu 43
0.0316 0.0308 0.762
0.0647 0.0436 0.0675
23 fiat_monei 5
0.00995 0.00358 0.0559
0.0802 0.0599 0.79
24 paper_monei 3
0.0283 0.0263 0.0227
0.0866 0.0625 0.774
25 feder_reserv 4
0.0957 0.107 0.00517
0.118 0.0864 0.588
26 liberti_movement 32
0.00438 0.0271 0.424
0.0179 0.0251 0.502
27 individu_liberti 11
0.000597 0.00239 0.141
0.0195 0.0476 0.789
28 liberti_movement 0
0.00159 0.00179 0.00438
0.0205 0.0503 0.921
29 __NUM___year 119
0.418 0.569 0.000199
0.000995 0.0119 0.000199
30 __MONEY___trillion 9
0.0271 0.0193 0
0.39 0.564 0
31 industri_complex 101
0.614 0.153 0.105
0.089 0.0396 0
32 nation_defens 14
0.00318 0.00199 0.833
0.0275 0.00816 0.126
33 middl_class 108
0.804 0.182 0.000995
0.0101 0.00239 0
34 __MONEY___trillion 76
0.257 0.534 0.000398
0.153 0.0563 0
35 __NUM___year 48
0.157 0.0844 0.000597
0.27 0.488 0
36 year_period 18
0.103 0.0201 0.00955
0.387 0.479 0.00139
37 __MONEY___billion 3
0.0191 0.0139 0
0.47 0.497 0
38 nation_debt 4
0.0123 0.00398 0
0.477 0.506 0
39 real_term 5
0.0129 0.00856 0
0.477 0.502 0
40 __MONEY___billion 1
0.00577 0.00338 0.000199
0.484 0.507 0
41 social_secur 90
0.000796 0.000597 0.993
0.000199 0.00179 0.00378
42 medic_care 7
0 0 0.00478
0.000398 0.000199 0.995
43 social_secur 39
0.000398 0.00179 0.0227
0.000398 0 0.975
44 free_societi 71
0.0195 0.000398 0.228
0.000199 0 0.752
45 ron_paul 19
0 0 0.0824
0 0 0.918
46 paul_revolut 0
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
47 ron_paul 7
0 0 0.00577
0 0 0.994
48 paul_revolut 0
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
49 ron_paul 7
0 0 0.00557
0 0 0.994
50 paul_revolut 0
0 0 0
0 0 1
51 ron_paul 7
0 0 0.00657
0 0 0.993
52 paul_revolut 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
53 feder_govern 43
0.16 0.573 0.0553
0 0 0.212
54 __NUM___year 20
0.269 0.127 0.00199
0.145 0.448 0.00856
55 young_peopl 129
0.694 0.134 0.109
0.0553 0.00736 0.000398
56 bring_peopl 23
0.0297 0.0159 0.588
0.204 0.0653 0.0969
57 econom_freedom 84
0.0947 0.0356 0.506
0.109 0.0418 0.212
58 bring_peopl 3
0.0306 0.00995 0.0458
0.199 0.0706 0.644
59 middl_class 106
0.721 0.184 0.000796
0.0927 0.000597 0.000199
60 __NUM___year 61
0.24 0.504 0.00796
0.188 0.0595 0
61 good_intent 142
0.295 0.118 0.44
0.0549 0.0866 0.00557
62 free_market 75
0.0567 0.105 0.68
0.0179 0.0143 0.127
63 sound_monei 2
0 0 0.147
0.000199 0.00119 0.851
64 foreign_polici 16
0.000398 0 0.191
0 0 0.809
65 __NUM___year_ago 32
0.17 0.00179 0.291
0.00139 0 0.536