bank_system can be found in 7 cue lexicons and 6 speeches. Its been used 6 times by 4 candidates.
bank_system is found in the cue lexicons of
if we work with our european friend and the european bank system to put a clear propos veri publicli on the tabl for the iranian __PUNCT__ that we will help them with their economi in a seriou wai __PUNCT__ becaus their economi in shambl __PUNCT__ if thei give up their nuclear prolifer ambit __PUNCT__
John Edwards in 2007.11.18.interview_with_bob_schieffer_on_cbs_news_face_the_nation during the 2008 Primary elections.
thi will boost small busi __PUNCT__ make our bank system more secur __PUNCT__ and help restor confid by reassur famili that their monei is safe __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.10.01 during the 2008 General elections.
i know that when senat mccain sai he want to bring the same kind of deregul to our health care system that he help bring to our bank system __PUNCT__ hi word __PUNCT__ well __PUNCT__ that a bet we can't afford __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.09.29 during the 2008 General elections.
we stabil the bank system __PUNCT__ but we got back everi dime we us to rescu the bank __PUNCT__ with interest __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2012.10.11.800.Miami.FL during the 2012 General elections.
bank_system is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
John Edwards | 2008 Primary | 2007.11.18.interview_with_bob_schieffer_on_cbs_news_face_the_nation |
John McCain | 2008 General | 2008.03.25.address_to_the_orange_county_hispanic_small_business_roundtablel_in_santa_ana_california |
Barack Obama | 2008 General | 2008.09.29 |
Barack Obama | 2008 General | 2008.10.01 |
Barack Obama | 2012 General | 2012.10.11.800.Miami.FL |
Ron Paul | 2012 Primary | 2012.01.10.remarks_in_manchester_following_the_new_hampshire_primary |