Mitt Romney

This speech titled 02.28.2012.Novi.MI originally had 2182 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 51 cue terms and an average lag of 37.7. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 week_ago 44
0.481 0.00378 0.515
0 0 0
2 great_countri 50
0.112 0.00736 0.256
0.27 0.00139 0.353
3 senat_john 169
0.357 0.086 0.348
0.0995 0.000796 0.109
4 john_mccain 0
0.00358 0.000398 0.00418
0.453 0.0862 0.452
5 great_thing 41
0.301 0.0482 0.0322
0.392 0.072 0.154
6 super_tuesdai 16
0.0213 0.143 0.0673
0.516 0.119 0.133
7 econom_plan 34
0.00159 0.0229 0.611
0.0271 0.201 0.136
8 smaller_govern 38
0.0213 0.00219 0.347
0.00378 0.0255 0.6
9 american_peopl 62
0.639 0.000398 0.108
0.0173 0.000199 0.235
10 unit_state 83
0.532 0.000597 0.00458
0.457 0 0.00557
11 work_hard 66
0.227 0.00139 0.101
0.67 0 0.000796
12 year_ago 67
0.188 0.00776 0.29
0.46 0 0.0539
13 job_train 15
0.0424 0.000199 0.106
0.543 0.00179 0.306
14 democrat_congress 47
0.109 0.0141 0.218
0.362 0.00139 0.295
15 american_histori 97
0.258 0.117 0.253
0.252 0.00876 0.111
16 __MONEY___trillion 42
0.0955 0.0155 0.221
0.298 0.0975 0.272
17 great_depress 49
0.409 0.0695 0.079
0.305 0.0617 0.075
18 world_war 4
0.0151 0.000199 0.0175
0.704 0.112 0.151
19 tough_time 5
0.0113 0.000796 0.333
0.449 0.0263 0.179
20 presid_obama 103
0.24 0.0492 0.365
0.146 0.00438 0.195
21 barack_obama 48
0.187 0.0655 0.136
0.27 0.0424 0.299
22 back_home 19
0.176 0.00159 0.0712
0.411 0.0299 0.311
23 rais_tax 54
0.000199 0 0.719
0.000597 0 0.281
24 small_busi 5
0.000199 0 0.032
0.000199 0 0.968
25 smaller_govern 43
0.00438 0.000199 0.207
0 0 0.788
26 presid_obama 1
0.00657 0 0.00736
0.00438 0.000199 0.981
27 feder_govern 4
0.0241 0.000199 0.0201
0.0107 0 0.945
28 nation_debt 24
0.0145 0.00279 0.448
0.00836 0 0.526
29 credit_rate 22
0.0113 0.000796 0.0927
0.0157 0.000199 0.879
30 death_tax 136
0.000199 0.000199 0.775
0 0 0.225
31 rais_tax 8
0 0 0.0494
0 0 0.951
32 small_busi 2
0.00259 0 0.0183
0.000199 0 0.979
33 tax_cut 26
0.212 0.0348 0.0979
0.00299 0.000199 0.652
34 tax_plan 36
0.000597 0.00259 0.374
0.044 0.00398 0.575
35 rais_tax 26
0 0.000199 0.176
0.000199 0.000199 0.824
36 class_famili 17
0.000199 0.000199 0.0909
0 0 0.909
37 polici_propos 27
0.00617 0.0129 0.13
0.000199 0 0.851
38 social_secur 8
0.000199 0.00239 0.0322
0.00219 0.0101 0.953
39 creat_job 62
0.000796 0 0.464
0 0 0.535
40 american_peopl 6
0.00159 0 0.0259
0.000796 0 0.972
41 entitl_program 6
0 0.000199 0.0193
0.000199 0 0.98
42 __NUM___year 50
0.00279 0.000597 0.118
0 0 0.878
43 cut_tax 18
0 0 0.0308
0 0 0.969
44 __NUM___time 1
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
45 creat_job 26
0.0285 0.000199 0.483
0 0 0.488
46 critic_time 24
0.914 0.00199 0.0119
0.0265 0 0.0452
47 free_peopl 74
0.000398 0.00756 0.959
0.00338 0.000199 0.0299
48 futur_gener 23
0.0718 0.00796 0.111
0.00338 0.00577 0.8
49 back_america 125
0.936 0.00259 0.0135
0.0388 0.000199 0.00935
50 god_bless 26
0.122 0 0
0.878 0 0
51 unit_state 2
0.0109 0 0.000597
0.988 0 0