Barack Obama

This speech titled 2008.07.07 originally had 2866 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 134 cue terms and an average lag of 19.5. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 elect_repres 5
0.0109 0.0623 0.927
0 0 0
2 major_issu 8
0.000199 0 0.0155
0.00199 0.0619 0.92
3 job_loss 58
0.0613 0.0123 0.0476
0.000398 0.041 0.837
4 work_harder 20
0.898 0.00139 0.0241
0.0577 0.00577 0.0133
5 year_earlier 99
0.335 0.00299 0.0531
0.599 0 0.0101
6 good_job 20
0.0714 0.00139 0.0704
0.812 0.000597 0.044
7 incom_famili 36
0.085 0.0103 0.246
0.565 0.000796 0.0929
8 rise_cost 15
0.0603 0.0277 0.277
0.333 0.00995 0.293
9 tax_break 59
0 0 0.69
0.000995 0 0.309
10 big_corpor 2
0 0 0.00736
0 0 0.993
11 health_care 15
0.00299 0 0.0279
0 0 0.969
12 tax_break 11
0 0 0.0247
0 0 0.975
13 senat_mccain 41
0.000398 0.00119 0.0362
0 0 0.962
14 bush_administr 71
0.000199 0 0.0615
0.000199 0 0.938
15 senat_mccain 8
0 0.000199 0.00756
0 0 0.992
16 econom_plan 1
0 0 0.00597
0 0 0.994
17 __MONEY___billion 2
0 0 0.00259
0 0 0.997
18 tax_cut 3
0 0 0.00915
0 0 0.991
19 big_corpor 2
0 0 0.00239
0 0 0.998
20 american_famili 16
0.00398 0.00159 0.0181
0 0 0.976
21 senat_mccain 16
0 0.000199 0.0147
0.000398 0.000597 0.984
22 econom_plan 1
0 0 0.0251
0 0 0.975
23 recent_report 8
0.0231 0 0.0368
0 0 0.94
24 __MONEY___billion 9
0.000597 0.000796 0.0372
0.0131 0 0.948
25 tax_break 2
0 0 0.0915
0.00299 0.000398 0.905
26 __MONEY___trillion 42
0 0 0.883
0 0 0.117
27 nation_debt 3
0 0 0.0199
0 0 0.98
28 sound_familiar 13
0 0 0.108
0 0 0.892
29 georg_bush 7
0.000199 0 0.0261
0 0 0.974
30 govern_make 95
0.0699 0.00637 0.605
0 0 0.319
31 work_harder 14
0.922 0 0.00458
0.0611 0.000995 0.0117
32 earliest_dai 29
0.112 0 0.000199
0.888 0 0
33 hard_work 9
0.0354 0 0.000995
0.964 0 0
34 high_school 24
0.076 0.000199 0
0.924 0 0
35 gi_bill 25
0.119 0 0.000597
0.881 0 0
36 unit_state 45
0.14 0 0.0898
0.769 0 0.000796
37 __NUM___centuri 17
0.0503 0 0.0498
0.817 0 0.0832
38 base_economi 27
0.0215 0.000398 0.116
0.736 0 0.126
39 __NUM___centuri 22
0.0201 0 0.14
0.6 0 0.24
40 renew_energi 36
0 0 0.63
0 0 0.37
41 energi_polici 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
42 foreign_oil 6
0 0 0.00279
0 0 0.997
43 green_economi 16
0.000597 0 0.00756
0 0 0.992
44 pai_job 10
0.0109 0.000199 0.961
0.000199 0 0.0273
45 critic_infrastructur 24
0.000597 0.000199 0.109
0.00119 0 0.889
46 american_worker 35
0.000398 0.000199 0.0907
0.000199 0 0.908
47 trade_agreement 21
0 0 0.0227
0 0 0.977
48 special_interest 6
0.0151 0 0.0442
0 0 0.941
49 econom_secur 64
0.0659 0.00935 0.575
0.00418 0 0.345
50 class_famili 4
0.00637 0.0177 0.588
0.0227 0.00876 0.356
51 econom_success 15
0.00358 0.00398 0.0828
0.0125 0.0195 0.878
52 nest_egg 34
0.000199 0.0991 0.0583
0.000398 0.0225 0.82
53 econom_growth 44
0.00716 0 0.589
0 0.00199 0.402
54 creat_job 2
0 0 0.0221
0.00159 0.000995 0.975
55 ga_price 6
0 0 0.0167
0 0 0.983
56 price_rise 0
0 0 0.00179
0 0 0.998
57 american_peopl 7
0.0115 0 0.125
0 0 0.863
58 oil_compani 24
0 0 0.675
0 0 0.325
59 compani_profit 0
0 0 0.000995
0 0 0.999
60 month_ago 10
0.00338 0 0.616
0 0 0.38
61 stimulu_packag 5
0 0 0.204
0 0 0.796
62 work_famili 7
0.00199 0.00139 0.0585
0 0 0.938
63 econom_downturn 23
0 0 0.0376
0 0 0.962
64 dai_ago 3
0.0167 0.000199 0.00995
0 0 0.973
65 senat_mccain 4
0 0.000199 0.0175
0.00299 0.000199 0.979
66 __MONEY___billion 18
0 0 0.0247
0 0 0.975
67 stimulu_packag 1
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
68 senat_mccain 31
0.000199 0.000995 0.0635
0 0 0.935
69 econom_secur 20
0.00239 0.000597 0.0267
0 0.000398 0.97
70 tax_code 21
0.00279 0.0364 0.876
0.000199 0.000796 0.0836
71 tax_haven 22
0.000398 0.00498 0.0836
0 0.0299 0.881
72 tax_cut 15
0.00139 0.495 0.0531
0 0.035 0.416
73 incom_tax 18
0 0.391 0.00577
0 0.524 0.0796
74 senat_mccain 26
0.000199 0.0416 0.00498
0 0.899 0.0545
75 incom_tax 36
0 0.0816 0
0 0.918 0.000796
76 payrol_tax 4
0 0.00358 0
0 0.996 0
77 capit_gain 4
0 0.00358 0
0 0.996 0
78 gain_tax 0
0 0.000995 0
0 0.999 0
79 senat_mccain 11
0.000199 0.00716 0.00896
0 0.984 0
80 tax_cut 6
0.00139 0.00418 0.194
0 0.795 0.00517
81 middl_class 3
0.0111 0.00159 0.111
0.00139 0.678 0.197
82 __NUM___million 4
0.0105 0.00199 0.0657
0.0117 0.609 0.301
83 tax_cut 15
0.00816 0.00557 0.0862
0.0135 0.548 0.339
84 hard_work 38
0.811 0.000995 0.0386
0.0179 0.00557 0.126
85 class_american 4
0.0233 0.00318 0.00279
0.815 0.00617 0.149
86 health_care_cost 18
0.209 0 0.000995
0.79 0 0.000597
87 senat_mccain 23
0.00876 0 0
0.991 0 0
88 health_care_plan 1
0.000995 0 0
0.999 0 0
89 health_care_cost 16
0.00577 0.000199 0.0111
0.983 0 0
90 class_famili 36
0.00259 0.224 0.765
0 0.000199 0.00816
91 tax_increas 5
0 0.00836 0.0229
0 0.222 0.747
92 rise_cost 19
0.0105 0.00219 0.0611
0 0.184 0.742
93 credit_card 33
0 0 0.238
0 0.00279 0.759
94 hous_crisi 17
0.000199 0.000398 0.0227
0 0.00219 0.975
95 protect_consum 15
0 0 0.549
0 0 0.451
96 predatori_lend 2
0.000199 0 0.00816
0 0 0.992
97 rate_system 19
0 0 0.0408
0 0 0.959
98 credit_card 12
0.000199 0 0.0205
0 0 0.979
99 credit_card_compani 58
0 0 0.0882
0 0 0.912
100 same_principl 9
0 0 0.00816
0 0 0.992
101 bankruptci_law 5
0 0.000199 0.00478
0 0 0.995
102 famili_back 70
0.27 0.375 0.185
0 0.000199 0.17
103 nest_egg 46
0 0.511 0.0384
0.000199 0.362 0.0882
104 automat_enrol 15
0 0.0243 0.00179
0 0.865 0.109
105 pension_plan 6
0.000199 0.00478 0.00199
0 0.884 0.109
106 work_famili 11
0.000398 0.00816 0.00816
0.000199 0.875 0.108
107 nest_egg 9
0.000597 0.00517 0.00657
0.000398 0.872 0.115
108 colleg_educ 23
0.986 0 0.000199
0.00517 0.00816 0
109 american_famili 4
0.00975 0.000199 0
0.982 0.00756 0
110 nation_servic 27
0.0426 0 0.000995
0.956 0.000398 0
111 tax_credit 54
0.164 0.000398 0.00716
0.829 0 0
112 interest_rate 8
0.0732 0.000796 0.00299
0.918 0.000199 0.00438
113 child_care 17
0.0203 0.00458 0
0.974 0.000796 0.000398
114 tax_credit 1
0.00239 0.000597 0.000199
0.991 0.00537 0.000199
115 small_busi 68
0.00239 0.982 0.00935
0.000199 0.00577 0
116 capit_gain 14
0 0.0233 0
0 0.977 0
117 gain_tax 0
0 0.000398 0
0 1 0
118 small_busi 6
0 0.00279 0.00239
0 0.995 0
119 job_creation 6
0 0.00458 0.0113
0 0.981 0.00259
120 __MONEY___billion 29
0.00159 0.0153 0.182
0 0.788 0.0133
121 fiscal_problem 8
0.00338 0.00537 0.0354
0.000995 0.768 0.187
122 cut_spend 61
0.0424 0.00378 0.866
0.000398 0.0458 0.0412
123 privat_plan 33
0.664 0.000398 0.0392
0.0408 0.00259 0.253
124 john_mccain 5
0.0189 0 0.03
0.663 0.00159 0.286
125 student_loan 15
0.914 0 0.0233
0.0527 0 0.0101
126 __NUM___level 6
0.0259 0.00159 0.00517
0.941 0 0.0267
127 town_hall 42
0.25 0 0
0.75 0 0
128 live_room 2
0.0207 0 0
0.979 0 0
129 front_porch 5
0.0257 0 0
0.974 0 0
130 person_respons 42
0.13 0 0.082
0.788 0 0
131 hard_work 3
0.0153 0 0.00338
0.901 0 0.0806
132 tax_dollar 11
0.0348 0 0.0281
0.855 0 0.0826
133 hard_work 23
0.303 0 0.0177
0.625 0 0.0545
134 year_ahead 66
0.266 0.00279 0.0101
0.715 0 0.00537