Michele Bachmann

This speech titled 2011.10.20.address_to_the_commonwealth_club_in_san_francisco_california originally had 3051 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 170 cue terms and an average lag of 16.1. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 thoma_jefferson 4
0.694 0.0621 0.244
0 0 0
2 john_adam 2
0.0406 0.00279 0.00299
0.701 0.0531 0.2
3 face_todai 21
0.107 0.0151 0.0366
0.648 0.0428 0.15
4 feder_tax 19
0.134 0.00816 0.0607
0.625 0.0396 0.133
5 small_busi 7
0.034 0.00159 0.0249
0.73 0.0263 0.183
6 public_debat 23
0.177 0.000995 0.0175
0.731 0.00557 0.0683
7 __NUM___presidenti_campaign 29
0.107 0.00219 0.00637
0.859 0.00179 0.0243
8 high_unemploy 15
0.0553 0.000398 0.00398
0.93 0.000398 0.00975
9 econom_time 30
0.0513 0.000199 0.00279
0.942 0.000398 0.00318
10 senat_major 18
0.00557 0.000597 0.00517
0.983 0.000199 0.00557
11 major_leader 0
0.00139 0.000199 0.00378
0.981 0.000597 0.0125
12 harri_reid 1
0.00179 0 0.00736
0.968 0.000398 0.0225
13 privat_sector 23
0.00517 0.000199 0.0983
0.863 0 0.0334
14 sector_job 0
0 0 0.00159
0.866 0 0.132
15 public_sector 9
0.000597 0 0.000995
0.865 0 0.133
16 sector_job 0
0 0 0
0.866 0 0.134
17 huge_number 4
0.00398 0 0.000398
0.862 0 0.134
18 privat_sector 17
0.00239 0 0.000597
0.863 0 0.134
19 sector_job 0
0 0 0
0.866 0 0.134
20 job_loss 0
0.000995 0.0141 0.0103
0.838 0.000796 0.136
21 feder_employe 11
0.0153 0.11 0.252
0.463 0.0151 0.145
22 __MONEY___annual 3
0.00716 0.00458 0.0265
0.453 0.118 0.391
23 half_time 6
0.0143 0.00697 0.101
0.389 0.102 0.387
24 unit_state 16
0.0267 0.000199 0.624
0.0448 0.000199 0.304
25 free_market 19
0.00677 0.00577 0.168
0.0193 0.000199 0.8
26 market_competit 0
0 0.000398 0.000199
0.0257 0.00537 0.968
27 global_economi 81
0.039 0.000796 0.181
0.00498 0.000597 0.773
28 spend_monei 8
0.000398 0 0.0299
0.0247 0 0.945
29 tax_code 5
0.00398 0.00219 0.0589
0.0203 0 0.915
30 fair_trade 18
0.0165 0.000995 0.0326
0.0225 0.000995 0.926
31 trade_relationship 0
0 0.000199 0.00318
0.0342 0.00159 0.961
32 steve_job 15
0.000199 0.000398 0.0543
0.00338 0 0.942
33 year_ago 73
0.00876 0.00299 0.0418
0.000597 0 0.946
34 video_camera 13
0.000199 0 0.0151
0.00119 0.000398 0.983
35 steve_job 19
0.000199 0 0.0105
0 0 0.989
36 wall_street_journal 27
0 0 0.00955
0 0 0.99
37 steve_job 56
0 0 0.0183
0 0 0.982
38 work_forc 52
0.00139 0 0.0203
0 0 0.978
39 post_offic 17
0 0 0.00657
0 0 0.993
40 labor_cost 10
0 0 0.00378
0 0 0.996
41 privat_sector 10
0 0 0.00398
0 0 0.996
42 wall_street_journal 2
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
43 post_offic 7
0 0 0.000995
0 0 0.999
44 countri_music 13
0.00537 0.00856 0.00955
0 0 0.977
45 free_market 21
0.00617 0.00119 0.0101
0.00438 0.00577 0.972
46 market_system 0
0.00139 0 0.00378
0.0103 0.00458 0.98
47 bake_sale 42
0.00139 0.000398 0.0426
0.000995 0.000597 0.954
48 post_offic 2
0 0 0.00318
0.000199 0 0.997
49 steve_job 12
0.000995 0.000398 0.00358
0.000199 0 0.995
50 adam_smith 92
0.323 0.00318 0.33
0.000597 0 0.342
51 invis_hand 2
0.00955 0 0.0227
0.315 0.00199 0.651
52 __NUM___time 33
0.0587 0.00199 0.429
0.136 0.000597 0.373
53 unit_state 6
0.00955 0.000398 0.181
0.0943 0 0.714
54 american_job 11
0.102 0.00995 0.0921
0.0669 0.00159 0.727
55 pai_job 21
0.138 0.00398 0.114
0.15 0.00279 0.591
56 global_economi 15
0.0704 0.00617 0.0659
0.258 0.00498 0.594
57 young_american 11
0.106 0.00876 0.0492
0.314 0.00836 0.514
58 knowledg_economi 20
0.161 0.0802 0.0784
0.365 0.0165 0.3
59 secondari_school 19
0.2 0.00159 0.0442
0.489 0.0177 0.247
60 __NUM___u. 14
0.0492 0 0.0498
0.618 0.00119 0.282
61 high_school 2
0.00955 0.000199 0.00358
0.657 0.000199 0.33
62 school_student 0
0.00139 0 0.00637
0.65 0 0.342
63 industri_nation 6
0.00677 0.00179 0.0318
0.607 0 0.352
64 polit_correct 20
0.0263 0.00139 0.121
0.494 0.000199 0.357
65 educ_system 16
0.0281 0.00219 0.0901
0.437 0.000597 0.442
66 local_level 31
0.0267 0.00517 0.402
0.199 0.00199 0.365
67 local_school 18
0.00478 0.00955 0.186
0.0762 0.00577 0.717
68 educ_peopl 30
0.102 0.192 0.0882
0.0595 0.0155 0.542
69 american_educ 1
0.0267 0.0348 0.045
0.16 0.206 0.528
70 drive_forc 7
0.114 0.106 0.0346
0.18 0.239 0.327
71 colleg_tuition 37
0.123 0.126 0.0287
0.256 0.317 0.15
72 qualiti_educ 54
0.31 0.0187 0.073
0.344 0.18 0.074
73 human_capit 21
0.124 0.00338 0.0577
0.62 0.083 0.112
74 feder_govern 74
0.29 0.0237 0.0404
0.552 0.03 0.0639
75 labor_relat 2
0.0601 0.000995 0.00239
0.842 0.0368 0.0573
76 south_carolina 14
0.0854 0.00697 0.0221
0.834 0.0267 0.0253
77 unemploy_insur 28
0.141 0.000995 0.00338
0.847 0 0.00796
78 insur_system 0
0.00239 0 0.000199
0.986 0.000199 0.0113
79 creat___NUM__ 3
0.00876 0 0.00955
0.964 0.000398 0.0177
80 __NUM___year_ago 0
0.00418 0 0
0.97 0.000398 0.0251
81 same_job 23
0.0509 0.0372 0.0103
0.884 0.00299 0.0149
82 unemploy_insur 39
0.127 0.000796 0.00259
0.856 0.00179 0.0115
83 council_member 11
0.0195 0.00537 0.0117
0.946 0.00279 0.0141
84 capit_invest 36
0.0344 0.0239 0.0637
0.849 0.00677 0.0225
85 financi_market 15
0.0205 0.00915 0.0205
0.842 0.0283 0.0792
86 tax_credit 21
0.0177 0.0127 0.0374
0.806 0.032 0.0945
87 privat_sector 5
0.00378 0.00458 0.0105
0.806 0.0424 0.133
88 ronald_reagan 48
0.038 0.304 0.543
0.0426 0.0348 0.0366
89 tax_reform 2
0.00338 0.00239 0.0344
0.0695 0.304 0.586
90 core_principl 26
0.0159 0.0187 0.228
0.0408 0.161 0.536
91 tax_code 28
0.00517 0.00796 0.255
0.00935 0.0364 0.687
92 capit_gain 35
0.0105 0.0253 0.129
0.00438 0.0289 0.802
93 corpor_tax 11
0 0.00338 0.0593
0 0.0406 0.897
94 tax_rate 0
0 0.000199 0.000597
0 0.0438 0.955
95 corpor_tax 49
0 0.00119 0.0293
0 0.0428 0.927
96 tax_rate 0
0 0 0.000796
0 0.0438 0.955
97 american_busi 3
0.00697 0.000995 0.00836
0.00199 0.037 0.945
98 privat_properti 66
0.107 0.00199 0.123
0.00677 0.00259 0.759
99 work_american 21
0.245 0.0119 0.141
0.102 0.00159 0.498
100 econom_liberti 18
0.0402 0.00756 0.297
0.235 0.00716 0.413
101 small_busi 6
0.0139 0.000199 0.00935
0.27 0.0145 0.692
102 busi_owner 0
0.000597 0 0.00318
0.282 0.0145 0.7
103 econom_liberti 7
0.00498 0.000398 0.0422
0.266 0.0143 0.672
104 __MONEY___trillion 5
0 0.00358 0.326
0.00716 0.00896 0.655
105 govern_regul 6
0 0 0.0657
0.000597 0.00955 0.924
106 __MONEY___trillion 5
0 0.000796 0.0291
0.000398 0.00955 0.96
107 feder_govern 5
0.00299 0.000796 0.0332
0.000199 0.00179 0.961
108 medic_devic 26
0.000995 0.00119 0.0253
0.00179 0 0.971
109 clinic_trial 14
0.000796 0 0.00577
0.00259 0.00119 0.99
110 wall_street_journal 7
0.000398 0 0.00358
0.00239 0.000995 0.993
111 public_health 24
0.00119 0.000398 0.0161
0.00239 0.000597 0.979
112 medic_devic 6
0 0.000398 0.00279
0.00338 0.000796 0.993
113 unit_state 7
0.0153 0 0.722
0.000796 0 0.262
114 govern_regul 10
0 0.00398 0.0816
0.00139 0.000398 0.913
115 environment_protect_agenc 17
0.00159 0.000398 0.145
0.000398 0.000398 0.852
116 unit_state 7
0.00119 0 0.0856
0.000796 0 0.912
117 american_energi 9
0 0 0.0691
0 0 0.931
118 energi_product 0
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
119 creat___NUM__ 2
0.372 0.00318 0.0133
0.0328 0.000199 0.579
120 __NUM___million_job 0
0.00259 0.000995 0.00677
0.394 0.00398 0.592
121 american_job 27
0.0458 0.0273 0.522
0.0997 0.00259 0.303
122 econom_recoveri 4
0.00159 0.0221 0.113
0.0533 0.0306 0.78
123 free_trade_agreement 4
0.00299 0.00637 0.047
0.0436 0.0408 0.859
124 year_ago 8
0.0808 0.0217 0.119
0.0472 0.043 0.689
125 global_market 13
0.0909 0.0235 0.0458
0.121 0.0569 0.662
126 past_half 3
0.00498 0.00816 0.0368
0.181 0.0762 0.693
127 __MONEY___trillion 10
0.000995 0.0201 0.267
0.0211 0.0627 0.628
128 higher_incom 1
0.00119 0.00119 0.00856
0.0219 0.082 0.885
129 bigger_govern 18
0.00577 0.0141 0.21
0.00935 0.0726 0.688
130 american_peopl 25
0.0153 0.121 0.392
0.00338 0.0804 0.387
131 margin_tax_rate 7
0.0241 0.0388 0.0394
0.0179 0.198 0.682
132 tax_reform 8
0.0227 0.0338 0.0543
0.0374 0.229 0.622
133 american_dream 31
0.177 0.033 0.136
0.0545 0.144 0.455
134 interest_rate 24
0.0368 0.0185 0.0356
0.208 0.154 0.547
135 american_job 18
0.0151 0.00159 0.32
0.161 0.0308 0.471
136 __NUM___trillion 9
0.0181 0.00179 0.0494
0.163 0.0171 0.75
137 feder_spend 8
0.00657 0.00159 0.296
0.0752 0.00478 0.616
138 govern_agenc 3
0.00318 0.0173 0.0496
0.0617 0.00955 0.859
139 repeal_obamacar 7
0.000796 0.0265 0.184
0.00259 0.0237 0.762
140 govern_takeov 6
0.000597 0.00119 0.0699
0.000398 0.00975 0.918
141 healthcar_system 3
0 0.00637 0.0195
0.000398 0.00677 0.967
142 cut_tax 2
0.000796 0.00816 0.0109
0.00119 0.0141 0.965
143 corpor_tax 7
0.000597 0.0109 0.0203
0.000796 0.0227 0.945
144 __MONEY___trillion 21
0.00438 0.0571 0.551
0.000398 0.0163 0.371
145 free_trade_agreement 11
0.00537 0.00338 0.125
0.00299 0.0402 0.823
146 american_energi 14
0 0 0.146
0 0 0.854
147 energi_product 0
0 0 0.00299
0 0 0.997
148 energi_suppli 8
0.00537 0.000199 0.0297
0.000796 0.000398 0.964
149 energi_resourc 5
0.00677 0.000995 0.0408
0.00597 0.000398 0.945
150 immigr_law 6
0.0615 0.00299 0.0597
0.0121 0.000995 0.863
151 illeg_alien 8
0.0758 0.0105 0.0537
0.0726 0.00318 0.784
152 __NUM___cent 8
0.116 0.00637 0.0265
0.143 0.0109 0.697
153 nation_debt 22
0.161 0.0127 0.00915
0.24 0.0135 0.564
154 nation_secur 3
0.421 0.0145 0.00498
0.403 0.0209 0.136
155 john_adam 2
0.0121 0.00159 0.00398
0.818 0.0324 0.132
156 critic_time 4
0.00836 0.00119 0.00677
0.818 0.0302 0.136
157 creat_equal 78
0.12 0.00577 0.309
0.487 0.00338 0.0742
158 unit_state 47
0.082 0.000796 0.589
0.118 0 0.211
159 full_measur 24
0.0231 0.0645 0.165
0.125 0.00338 0.619
160 bill_gate 28
0.111 0.00219 0.193
0.128 0.00338 0.563
161 past___NUM___year 5
0.0127 0.000199 0.0488
0.221 0.00219 0.715
162 unit_state 17
0.0199 0 0.193
0.156 0.000199 0.631
163 global_econom 5
0.0213 0.00139 0.0498
0.157 0.000199 0.77
164 great_challeng 32
0.0336 0.00677 0.266
0.0878 0.000398 0.606
165 nuclear_energi 45
0.0961 0.00677 0.269
0.0716 0.00199 0.554
166 global_competit 39
0.0338 0.0193 0.178
0.104 0.00716 0.658
167 steve_job 20
0.0137 0.00517 0.11
0.0681 0.0177 0.786
168 hard_work 29
0.155 0.0306 0.301
0.0619 0.0139 0.437
169 god_bless 21
0.123 0 0.44
0.143 0 0.295
170 unit_state 6
0.00716 0 0.0436
0.254 0 0.696