higher_incom can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 8 speeches. Its been used 8 times by 5 candidates.
if more peopl in america earn higher incom with better benefit __PUNCT__ their consum spend would increas and that would benefit the entir economi __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.10.08.remarks_on_economic_blueprint_for_the_21st_century during the 2008 Primary elections.
for too mani peopl __PUNCT__ harder work didn't result in higher incom or higher wage __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2012.07.14.559.Clifton.VA during the 2012 General elections.
so i will to do more __PUNCT__ but i want to make sure that we also reform our tax code so that it simpl and fair and so that we ask the wealthiest household in america to pai higher incom __PUNCT__ or higher tax on incom over __MONEY__
Barack Obama in 2012.09.07.697.Iowa City.IA during the 2012 General elections.
we had gone through a decad where hard work didn't alwai translat into higher wage or higher incom and folk act respons didn't alwai get ahead __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2012.07.17.566.Austin.TX during the 2012 General elections.
higher_incom is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
Michele Bachmann | 2012 Primary | 2011.10.20.address_to_the_commonwealth_club_in_san_francisco_california |
Hillary Clinton | 2008 Primary | 2007.10.08.remarks_on_economic_blueprint_for_the_21st_century |
John McCain | 2008 General | 2008.08.20.remarks_to_a_town_hall_meeting_in_new_mexico |
Barack Obama | 2012 General | 2012.07.14.559.Clifton.VA |
Barack Obama | 2012 General | 2012.07.17.566.Austin.TX |
Barack Obama | 2012 General | 2012.09.07.697.Iowa City.IA |
Mitt Romney | 2012 Primary | 04.04.2012.Washington.DC |
Mitt Romney | 2012 Primary | 11.04.2011.Washington.DC |