Rick Santorum

This speech titled 2012.02.16.remarks_to_the_detroit_economic_club originally had 7841 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 272 cue terms and an average lag of 26.2. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 privat_sector 65
0.956 0.00836 0.0358
0 0 0
2 tough_time 13
0.0766 0.00239 0.0728
0.825 0.00199 0.0215
3 auto_industri 15
0.0665 0.00139 0.0368
0.815 0.00259 0.0782
4 __NUM___job 12
0.0342 0.00259 0.0786
0.777 0.000597 0.107
5 __NUM___peopl 2
0.00398 0.000398 0.00537
0.803 0.00338 0.184
6 unemploy_rate 9
0.0109 0.00637 0.0167
0.78 0.00318 0.183
7 nation_averag 9
0.00915 0.132 0.0195
0.688 0.00955 0.142
8 year_ago 19
0.0171 0.735 0.00478
0.105 0.134 0.00378
9 privat_sector 28
0.766 0.00657 0.0854
0.07 0.0663 0.00617
10 econom_plan 47
0.0217 0 0.924
0.039 0.000199 0.0155
11 side_econom 98
0.0314 0.000199 0.624
0.0213 0 0.323
12 lower_rate 5
0 0 0.0935
0.000398 0 0.906
13 corpor_tax 10
0 0 0.00279
0 0 0.997
14 flat_tax 39
0 0 0.0163
0 0 0.984
15 base_economi 17
0.000398 0.000796 0.0125
0 0 0.986
16 tax_credit 8
0.000199 0.000398 0.00617
0.000398 0.000398 0.992
17 corpor_tax 7
0 0 0.00557
0 0 0.994
18 capit_gain 7
0.000398 0.000597 0.00736
0 0 0.992
19 death_tax 18
0.000199 0.000199 0.031
0 0 0.969
20 corpor_tax 4
0 0 0.00318
0 0 0.997
21 lower_rate 6
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
22 low_rate 6
0 0 0.00259
0 0 0.997
23 lower_rate 6
0 0 0.00259
0 0 0.997
24 top_rate 15
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
25 ronald_reagan 19
0 0 0.00796
0 0 0.992
26 top_rate 1
0 0 0.000597
0 0 0.999
27 ronald_reagan 10
0 0.000199 0.00517
0 0 0.995
28 top_rate 12
0 0 0.00239
0 0 0.998
29 tax_code 9
0 0 0.00378
0 0 0.996
30 cut_tax 48
0.00318 0.00219 0.509
0 0 0.486
31 feder_govern 9
0.0211 0.00139 0.0287
0.00279 0.000796 0.945
32 regulatori_burden 20
0 0.00139 0.214
0.000199 0.000796 0.783
33 __MONEY___trillion 10
0.000199 0.000995 0.0372
0 0.000398 0.961
34 balanc_budget 71
0.00219 0.000995 0.156
0 0.000199 0.84
35 trillion_dollar 5
0.00159 0.000597 0.0109
0.00219 0.000995 0.984
36 balanc_budget 18
0.000597 0.000398 0.0519
0.00179 0.00119 0.944
37 weekli_standard 67
0.488 0.0157 0.312
0.00219 0 0.181
38 __NUM___senat 7
0.0494 0.00736 0.0392
0.468 0.0129 0.423
39 same_time 8
0.0432 0.0326 0.0273
0.485 0.0199 0.392
40 limit_govern 149
0.423 0.00139 0.466
0.038 0 0.0714
41 entitl_reform 19
0.00438 0.00119 0.512
0.0217 0.000199 0.46
42 welfar_reform 8
0.00139 0 0.0318
0.0117 0.000199 0.955
43 social_secur 227
0.166 0.0989 0.678
0 0 0.0567
44 food_stamp 6
0 0 0.298
0.00418 0 0.698
45 welfar_reform 6
0.000398 0 0.00856
0.00199 0 0.989
46 same_thing 7
0.00219 0 0.0133
0.00239 0 0.982
47 welfar_reform 4
0.000199 0 0.00617
0.00139 0 0.992
48 block_grant 13
0.00279 0.000398 0.0141
0.000796 0 0.982
49 food_stamp 9
0 0 0.0139
0.00159 0 0.984
50 entitl_program 10
0 0 0.0304
0.000995 0 0.969
51 welfar_roll 40
0.0241 0.00139 0.037
0.00139 0 0.936
52 highest_level 15
0.0123 0.000199 0.0163
0.0247 0 0.946
53 food_stamp 4
0 0 0.00478
0.0364 0 0.959
54 highest_level 4
0.00776 0.000597 0.00398
0.0368 0 0.951
55 poverti_rate 6
0.748 0.00358 0.0111
0.046 0.000199 0.191
56 work_requir 17
0.0444 0.0135 0.0754
0.724 0.00199 0.141
57 hard_time 33
0.0683 0.00736 0.363
0.478 0.00219 0.0816
58 __NUM___week 8
0.0255 0.000597 0.0579
0.52 0.00139 0.395
59 unemploy_benefit 2
0.00398 0.000398 0.00716
0.541 0.00179 0.446
60 safeti_net 9
0.0129 0.00418 0.0167
0.53 0.00279 0.433
61 make_choic 5
0.0155 0.000597 0.0187
0.526 0.00517 0.434
62 govern_depend 13
0.279 0.00139 0.0738
0.243 0.000796 0.402
63 redistribut_wealth 25
0.0697 0.000995 0.245
0.289 0.000597 0.396
64 margaret_thatcher 28
0.141 0 0.04
0.297 0.000199 0.522
65 redistribut_wealth 6
0.0107 0.00119 0.0915
0.345 0.000199 0.551
66 peopl_monei 10
0.0127 0.0161 0.228
0.158 0.00119 0.584
67 social_secur 28
0.167 0.117 0.368
0.0545 0.0121 0.282
68 __NUM___year 6
0.1 0.05 0.0424
0.208 0.12 0.478
69 put_forward 5
0.00259 0 0.419
0.0675 0.00119 0.51
70 paul_ryan 3
0.00239 0.000199 0.0366
0.0653 0.000597 0.895
71 social_secur 25
0.142 0.101 0.17
0.0563 0.00119 0.53
72 american_public 72
0.834 0.00219 0.0211
0.113 0.000796 0.0289
73 american_peopl 22
0.145 0.0145 0.00418
0.827 0.00219 0.00756
74 cut_tax 105
0.0328 0.112 0.822
0.0277 0.00199 0.00338
75 upper_hand 70
0.0782 0.441 0.228
0.0115 0.0772 0.165
76 econom_plan 44
0.0583 0.000398 0.742
0.00856 0.00139 0.189
77 manufactur_sector 7
0.844 0.000995 0.00358
0.0842 0 0.0675
78 great_wealth 52
0.104 0.047 0.537
0.266 0.000796 0.0456
79 commun_organ 24
0.031 0.00398 0.395
0.126 0.00517 0.439
80 presid_obama 40
0.882 0.00418 0.0113
0.0812 0 0.0213
81 incom_inequ 22
0.0959 0.0832 0.076
0.717 0.00358 0.0245
82 class_warfar 66
0.154 0.0117 0.53
0.243 0.00398 0.0569
83 small_town 18
0.0655 0.0139 0.226
0.219 0.00776 0.468
84 creat_wealth 36
0.00716 0.00836 0.46
0.0199 0.00159 0.503
85 good_thing 11
0.00756 0.00915 0.0941
0.0175 0.00697 0.865
86 corpor_tax 59
0.000398 0.000796 0.254
0.000199 0 0.745
87 plai_field 71
0.00458 0.00418 0.142
0 0 0.849
88 make_thing 57
0.00279 0.00318 0.941
0 0 0.0527
89 wealth_creation 6
0.00299 0.0209 0.0557
0.00179 0.00318 0.915
90 industri_complex 30
0.0261 0.43 0.136
0.000796 0.0231 0.385
91 nation_secur 9
0.00299 0.0955 0.0571
0.00975 0.436 0.398
92 manufactur_base 25
0.0275 0.0396 0.078
0.0105 0.463 0.381
93 nation_secur 9
0.000398 0.036 0.0418
0.0133 0.487 0.421
94 plai_field 47
0 0.000398 0.678
0 0.000796 0.321
95 american_manufactur 4
0.000398 0.000199 0.00119
0 0.000995 0.997
96 labor_cost 12
0.000199 0 0.00338
0.000398 0.000199 0.996
97 trade_partner 6
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
98 plai_field 17
0 0 0.00219
0 0 0.998
99 govern_tax 10
0.000199 0.000199 0.00279
0 0 0.997
100 plai_field 29
0 0 0.00557
0 0 0.994
101 corpor_tax 7
0 0.000398 0.00418
0 0 0.995
102 job_oversea 11
0.00876 0.0591 0.085
0 0.000398 0.847
103 monei_back 6
0.00657 0.00438 0.218
0.00557 0.0328 0.733
104 creat_job 38
0.0245 0.00139 0.693
0.00119 0.000199 0.28
105 unit_state 127
0.452 0.00657 0.415
0.00617 0 0.12
106 american_worker 63
0.106 0.217 0.372
0.103 0.00378 0.198
107 american_compani 2
0.00796 0.00915 0.0295
0.194 0.214 0.546
108 energi_cost 81
0.00299 0.00199 0.821
0.000398 0.000796 0.173
109 energi_price 39
0.00318 0.00537 0.322
0.000398 0 0.669
110 front_page 6
0.00139 0.000199 0.0281
0.00378 0.00537 0.961
111 energi_price 5
0 0 0.0302
0.00358 0.00537 0.961
112 north_dakota 91
0.208 0.000597 0.638
0.000199 0 0.153
113 hard_time 67
0.205 0.0519 0.349
0.0911 0.000597 0.303
114 north_dakota 69
0.172 0.000199 0.526
0.0551 0.000398 0.246
115 unit_state 38
0.534 0.000597 0.0955
0.176 0 0.194
116 half_million 31
0.411 0 0
0.589 0 0
117 million_barrel 0
0.00517 0 0
0.995 0 0
118 unit_state 13
0.0716 0.000199 0.00776
0.92 0 0.000199
119 half_million 21
0.117 0 0
0.883 0 0
120 million_barrel 0
0.00478 0 0
0.995 0 0
121 unit_state 4
0.0233 0 0.00557
0.971 0 0.000199
122 million_barrel 33
0.185 0.000199 0
0.814 0 0
123 half_million 8
0.045 0 0
0.955 0 0
124 __NUM___year 33
0.185 0.00577 0.00517
0.803 0.000199 0
125 million_barrel 5
0.0416 0 0.000597
0.958 0 0.000199
126 unit_state 10
0.0436 0.000398 0.233
0.717 0 0.00557
127 north_dakota 15
0.0251 0 0.533
0.228 0 0.214
128 unit_state 40
0.195 0.00119 0.227
0.165 0 0.411
129 auto_compani 55
0.0818 0.0726 0.446
0.081 0.000597 0.318
130 creat_job 56
0.0201 0.000398 0.717
0.00995 0.000597 0.252
131 north_dakota 25
0.154 0 0.18
0.0249 0 0.641
132 energi_cost 53
0.00139 0.00299 0.515
0.000995 0 0.48
133 make_thing 2
0.000796 0.000199 0.0404
0.000597 0.000995 0.957
134 food_stamp 19
0.0959 0 0.152
0.00139 0 0.75
135 health_care_system 5
0.798 0 0.00478
0.0965 0 0.1
136 unit_state 43
0.22 0.000199 0.242
0.528 0 0.00995
137 free_peopl 10
0.0517 0 0.0925
0.639 0 0.217
138 free_market 2
0.00975 0.000398 0.000597
0.681 0 0.309
139 manufactur_job 120
0.00139 0 0.995
0.000597 0 0.00318
140 strong_famili 9
0.000995 0.00119 0.0854
0.000199 0.000199 0.912
141 econom_success 10
0.188 0.0131 0.0732
0.00199 0.000995 0.723
142 limit_govern 9
0.449 0.000199 0.0579
0.19 0 0.303
143 lower_tax 2
0.036 0.00915 0.00796
0.631 0.000199 0.315
144 america_todai 9
0.115 0.0615 0.044
0.61 0.00896 0.161
145 parent_famili 5
0.27 0 0
0.729 0 0.000199
146 poverti_rate 11
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
147 parent_famili 5
0.000597 0 0
0.999 0 0
148 poverti_rate 7
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
149 singl_parent 3
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
150 parent_famili 0
0.000199 0 0
1 0 0
151 singl_mom 5
0.000796 0 0
0.999 0 0
152 poverti_rate 25
0.00438 0 0.00139
0.994 0 0
153 limit_govern 16
0.304 0.000398 0.32
0.375 0 0.00119
154 thirti_year_ago 8
0.032 0.0145 0.0354
0.643 0.000597 0.275
155 lower_tax 52
0.185 0.00577 0.156
0.498 0.000995 0.155
156 group_call 17
0.15 0.00378 0.0511
0.582 0.000995 0.212
157 __NUM___peopl 24
0.0563 0.00557 0.0362
0.66 0.00199 0.24
158 __NUM___million_peopl 9
0.0183 0.00139 0.0768
0.644 0.00418 0.255
159 econom_success 43
0.045 0.0149 0.68
0.141 0.00139 0.118
160 cut_spend 20
0.0121 0.0364 0.255
0.0346 0.0117 0.651
161 cut_tax 2
0.00219 0.00199 0.0392
0.0306 0.0426 0.883
162 great_countri 49
0.000597 0.000199 0.7
0.00219 0 0.297
163 tax_plan 97
0.513 0.203 0.185
0.00358 0.000199 0.0955
164 tax_credit 13
0.102 0.00736 0.0603
0.504 0.0931 0.234
165 famili_back 28
0.199 0.00896 0.0523
0.595 0.0217 0.123
166 pai_tax 12
0.0123 0.00378 0.0237
0.786 0.0207 0.153
167 rais_children 9
0.00697 0.00318 0.0314
0.787 0.0155 0.156
168 econom_stress 3
0.0177 0.00517 0.0167
0.767 0.0161 0.177
169 health_care 37
0.834 0.00199 0.00179
0.16 0.000199 0.00219
170 public_squar 58
0.154 0.15 0.337
0.355 0.00179 0.00279
171 govern_fail 164
0.0866 0.0784 0.751
0.0302 0.00537 0.0484
172 civil_societi 22
0.0181 0.00935 0.23
0.0679 0.0281 0.646
173 commun_organ 5
0.00796 0.000398 0.13
0.0507 0.00935 0.802
174 small_busi 4
0.00617 0.00657 0.0366
0.0486 0.00876 0.893
175 shine_citi 99
0.000995 0.00657 0.979
0 0.000398 0.0133
176 god_bless 6
0 0 0.0599
0.000398 0.00219 0.938
177 ag___NUM__ 17
0.164 0.00537 0.121
0.00199 0.000796 0.706
178 manufactur_sector 44
0.858 0.000199 0.00697
0.125 0 0.0103
179 privat_sector 27
0.143 0.00438 0.0141
0.834 0 0.00458
180 collar_job 24
0.109 0.0243 0.162
0.692 0.00219 0.0103
181 privat_school 109
0.633 0.00318 0.0289
0.332 0 0.00338
182 privat_sector 35
0.216 0.00458 0.0135
0.75 0.000199 0.0153
183 commun_colleg 48
0.213 0.00299 0.112
0.656 0.000796 0.0151
184 skill_worker 19
0.118 0.00299 0.0299
0.776 0.000597 0.072
185 privat_school 20
0.187 0.00139 0.00438
0.78 0.000796 0.0261
186 busi_commun 33
0.176 0.0398 0.0141
0.759 0.00119 0.00915
187 wall_street 33
0.297 0.000796 0.00279
0.7 0.000199 0.000199
188 obama_administr 49
0.256 0.00736 0.0161
0.72 0 0.000398
189 bush_administr 24
0.107 0.0221 0.184
0.668 0.00279 0.0155
190 bear_stearn 59
0.321 0.00418 0.0539
0.601 0.000398 0.0201
191 market_work 16
0.0993 0.00159 0.00219
0.874 0.00159 0.0217
192 sound_familiar 11
0.0328 0.00876 0.0308
0.902 0.00279 0.0225
193 wall_street 42
0.372 0.000398 0.00179
0.622 0.00119 0.00318
194 market_work 18
0.0657 0.00139 0.00697
0.921 0.00139 0.00398
195 auto_industri 11
0.0426 0.00836 0.0442
0.894 0.00159 0.00975
196 steel_industri 97
0.164 0.118 0.379
0.319 0.00199 0.0181
197 govern_involv 78
0.126 0.0342 0.558
0.1 0.0109 0.171
198 health_care 40
0.872 0.000398 0.000199
0.126 0 0.000995
199 democrat_presid 26
0.139 0.00318 0.00856
0.849 0 0.000398
200 presid_bush 4
0.0346 0.00318 0.000796
0.957 0.00279 0.00199
201 presid_obama 5
0.0314 0 0.000398
0.961 0.00557 0.00159
202 presid_bush 7
0.041 0.00119 0.00159
0.949 0.00557 0.00199
203 small_busi 73
0.000796 0.00139 0.993
0.00219 0 0.00299
204 corpor_tax 22
0 0 0.0143
0 0 0.986
205 tax_rate 3
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
206 flat_tax 11
0 0 0.00498
0 0 0.995
207 great_advantag 3
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
208 small_busi 2
0 0 0.00119
0 0 0.999
209 tax_rate 39
0 0 0.0153
0 0 0.985
210 larg_corpor 27
0.000597 0 0.0139
0 0 0.985
211 tax_code 26
0 0 0.0135
0.000199 0 0.986
212 flat_tax 19
0 0 0.00438
0 0 0.996
213 corpor_tax 2
0 0.000199 0.00358
0 0 0.996
214 great_equal 6
0.00577 0.00736 0.089
0 0 0.898
215 regulatori_burden 17
0.00199 0.00438 0.366
0.000199 0.00139 0.626
216 econom_plan 30
0.0575 0 0.694
0.000199 0 0.248
217 bush_administr 13
0.0392 0.00119 0.108
0.0545 0 0.797
218 averag___NUM__ 3
0.00199 0 0.0121
0.083 0 0.903
219 __MONEY___million 8
0.000398 0.000199 0.000995
0.0844 0 0.914
220 account_offic 17
0.0191 0.00358 0.00597
0.0842 0.000199 0.887
221 mortgag_broker 59
0.18 0.238 0.206
0.0929 0.00179 0.28
222 __NUM___minut 26
0.192 0.00517 0.292
0.252 0.0239 0.235
223 __NUM___hour 8
0.0247 0.00338 0.0484
0.425 0.0199 0.478
224 big_busi 45
0.0649 0.0732 0.187
0.34 0.0131 0.322
225 big_govern 4
0.0145 0.00736 0.032
0.384 0.08 0.482
226 competit_advantag 5
0.00378 0.00458 0.00736
0.394 0.0858 0.504
227 big_govern 2
0.00299 0.000398 0.00796
0.393 0.0878 0.508
228 __NUM___employe 24
0.0169 0.00279 0.265
0.29 0.0442 0.381
229 tax_burden 11
0.000597 0.00239 0.0129
0.305 0.0446 0.634
230 __NUM___employe 23
0.00159 0.00378 0.0181
0.303 0.042 0.631
231 small_busi 23
0.00816 0.00378 0.19
0.177 0.00816 0.613
232 make_profit 78
0.0778 0.0171 0.159
0.152 0.00179 0.592
233 clean_air 21
0.0378 0 0.0794
0.2 0.00259 0.68
234 clean_water 2
0.00995 0 0.0141
0.231 0.00179 0.743
235 feder_govern 14
0.072 0.00995 0.0754
0.191 0.00119 0.65
236 ordinari_american 17
0.0505 0.037 0.0951
0.219 0.00995 0.588
237 local_level 7
0.0183 0.00896 0.0368
0.256 0.0414 0.639
238 labor_union 23
0.0452 0.228 0.0818
0.185 0.0472 0.413
239 republican_parti 61
0.00239 0.778 0.00239
0.00299 0.213 0.00139
240 conserv_republican 45
0.0503 0.00239 0.913
0.00139 0.0215 0.0109
241 privat_sector 20
0.00995 0.000199 0.115
0.0163 0.000398 0.858
242 sector_union 0
0.000398 0 0.00537
0.0203 0 0.974
243 feder_level 73
0.0408 0 0.121
0.00657 0 0.832
244 privat_sector 29
0.00935 0.000398 0.0537
0.0225 0 0.914
245 public_sector 10
0 0 0.037
0 0 0.963
246 sector_union 0
0 0 0.000796
0 0 0.999
247 public_sector 3
0 0 0.00199
0 0 0.998
248 sector_union 0
0 0 0.000199
0 0 1
249 public_employe 37
0.00299 0.000398 0.0346
0 0 0.962
250 tax_dollar 17
0.000995 0.000995 0.0125
0.000995 0.000199 0.984
251 receiv_benefit 19
0.000199 0.000597 0.0127
0.00119 0.000398 0.985
252 bargain_tabl 29
0.00139 0.00139 0.0247
0.000796 0 0.972
253 feder_govern 25
0 0 0.0277
0 0 0.972
254 public_sector 7
0 0 0.00418
0 0 0.996
255 sector_union 0
0 0 0.000398
0 0 1
256 local_govern 16
0.0352 0.0509 0.211
0 0 0.702
257 same_posit 5
0.0424 0.0255 0.182
0.0283 0.0414 0.68
258 homeless_peopl 10
0.038 0.0243 0.0511
0.0611 0.0537 0.772
259 track_record 32
0.642 0.203 0.0277
0.0607 0.0488 0.0187
260 david_brook 5
0.0219 0.0734 0.0364
0.584 0.245 0.039
261 year_ago 11
0.000597 0.668 0
0.0145 0.317 0.000597
262 singl_piec 5
0.00418 0.0155 0.00517
0.0127 0.962 0.000796
263 __NUM___year 13
0.171 0.0261 0.163
0.0145 0.614 0.0121
264 welfar_reform 74
0.00498 0.000199 0.906
0.00179 0.000597 0.0864
265 feder_govern 23
0.0143 0.00159 0.0358
0.00498 0.000398 0.943
266 import_thing 31
0.0376 0.0358 0.22
0.00816 0.00119 0.698
267 substanti_number 15
0.0553 0.038 0.0732
0.0342 0.0304 0.769
268 homeless_peopl 2
0.0195 0.00557 0.0253
0.0838 0.0653 0.801
269 return_home 19
0.268 0.00876 0.111
0.0854 0.0155 0.512
270 high_rate 6
0.184 0.0299 0.0541
0.335 0.0193 0.378
271 cut_back 139
0.206 0.22 0.463
0.0615 0.00836 0.0408
272 god_bless 122
0.000995 0.00179 0.9
0 0.000796 0.0967