Rick Santorum

This speech titled 2012.03.20.remarks_in_gettysburg_pennsylvania_following_the_illinois_primary originally had 2229 tokens. In its cue-lag representation, it has 47 cue terms and an average lag of 43.2. You can see the original speech or the tokenized/stemmed speech with overlaying cue-lags.

Cue-lag representation

The table below shows the cue-lag representation of the speech. For each cue term, it also displays the posterior distributions over ideology.

# Cue term Lag before term Posterior distribution
Restart ∑Left Center ∑Right
1 __NUM___peopl 53
0.675 0.0299 0.295
0 0 0
2 back_home 24
0.0557 0.00597 0.106
0.571 0.0119 0.249
3 abraham_lincoln 178
0.077 0.322 0.573
0.0163 0.00199 0.00995
4 past_year 27
0.18 0.0113 0.294
0.0681 0.0583 0.388
5 unit_state 38
0.236 0.00219 0.29
0.136 0.00239 0.334
6 found_document 64
0.00159 0.0185 0.663
0.00219 0 0.315
7 nation_secur 27
0.0121 0.543 0.0969
0.00139 0.0197 0.327
8 republican_parti 128
0.00159 0.738 0.00279
0 0.257 0.000995
9 town_hall_meet 24
0.000199 0.0119 0.819
0 0.149 0.0205
10 expand_govern 20
0.00796 0.00617 0.246
0.000199 0.0436 0.696
11 econom_freedom 30
0.0207 0.0101 0.28
0.00279 0.0115 0.674
12 religi_liberti 3
0.0193 0.0131 0.0291
0.0239 0.0219 0.893
13 feder_govern 69
0.36 0.0147 0.331
0.0189 0.00179 0.273
14 privat_sector 72
0.717 0.00299 0.0115
0.221 0.000199 0.047
15 wall_street 11
0.112 0.000199 0.00259
0.882 0.000796 0.00219
16 small_town 17
0.046 0.0231 0.478
0.445 0.000796 0.00776
17 public_hous 15
0.154 0.0197 0.0531
0.445 0.0147 0.313
18 cut_tax 160
0.00219 0.00856 0.882
0.00139 0.000398 0.106
19 regulatori_burden 6
0.000199 0.00159 0.031
0.00179 0.00498 0.96
20 track_record 81
0.734 0.225 0.0275
0.000995 0.00219 0.0105
21 life_experi 50
0.089 0.405 0.0874
0.231 0.179 0.00816
22 white_hous 84
0.543 0.1 0.0326
0.15 0.168 0.00557
23 track_record 6
0.123 0.00597 0.0151
0.653 0.185 0.0175
24 limit_govern 8
0.0706 0.000199 0.261
0.627 0.00299 0.0386
25 govern_control 42
0.437 0.000398 0.0163
0.527 0 0.0191
26 energi_suppli 26
0.1 0.0217 0.249
0.601 0.000199 0.0275
27 good_time 15
0.035 0.00617 0.0653
0.637 0.0113 0.246
28 peopl_thought 10
0.0181 0.00338 0.0308
0.647 0.00975 0.291
29 carbon_dioxid 21
0.158 0.00338 0.0271
0.567 0.00199 0.242
30 global_warm 30
0.617 0.00577 0.00677
0.36 0.000597 0.00955
31 climat_scienc 17
0.0155 0.0277 0.828
0.112 0.00239 0.0143
32 mitt_romnei 19
0.0167 0.0231 0.145
0.0913 0.0273 0.696
33 newt_gingrich 2
0.00259 0.000597 0.0191
0.105 0.05 0.822
34 climat_scienc 12
0.0233 0.00239 0.101
0.101 0.0277 0.745
35 polit_scienc 3
0.0452 0.000597 0.0342
0.124 0.0195 0.777
36 health_care 64
0.894 0.00199 0.000597
0.101 0 0.00239
37 coal_mine 167
0.0203 0.882 0.0915
0.00557 0.000796 0
38 hard_work 14
0.0207 0.0332 0.275
0.0123 0.573 0.0856
39 manual_labor 81
0.0736 0.247 0.303
0.00836 0.292 0.0756
40 big_thing 27
0.00179 0.115 0.255
0.00119 0.418 0.209
41 ronald_reagan 10
0.00239 0.199 0.0265
0.000398 0.517 0.254
42 shine_citi 5
0.00179 0 0.788
0.000398 0.0205 0.19
43 ag___NUM__ 27
0.16 0.00378 0.2
0.00279 0.00279 0.631
44 unit_state 15
0.123 0.00697 0.106
0.146 0.00537 0.612
45 ronald_reagan 21
0.00219 0.713 0.0609
0.00736 0.0153 0.201
46 big_thing 160
0.00398 0.363 0.477
0 0.146 0.0101
47 god_bless 116
0.00179 0.000995 0.864
0 0.00179 0.132