gulf_state can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 6 speeches. Its been used 6 times by 4 candidates.
insist that the oil __PUNCT__ rich gulf state put up most of the monei __PUNCT__ tie it to the protect of minor right __PUNCT__ and creat a major job program to deni the militia new recruit __PUNCT__
Joe Biden in 2007.02.15.remarks_at_the_brookings_institution_on_iraqs_future_and_americas_interests during the 2008 Primary elections.
__PUNCT__ applaus __PUNCT__ i believ we can get back that level of __PUNCT__ inaud __PUNCT__ if we put our fiscal hous in order __PUNCT__ get back to where we were six and a half year ago with a balanc budget and a surplu __PUNCT__ start pai as we go again __PUNCT__ instead of borrow billion of dollar everi singl week from countri like china __PUNCT__ japan __PUNCT__ south korea __PUNCT__ the gulf state __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2007.10.11.speech_on_college_affordability_at_plymouth_state_university_in_plymouth_new_hampshire during the 2008 Primary elections.
on of my veri first intern meet as presid would be with our treati alli and our friend in the region includ the gulf state __PUNCT__ jordan __PUNCT__ egypt __PUNCT__ and our european alli __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2008.03.17.remarks_at_the_george_washingon_university_in_washington_dc during the 2008 Primary elections.
and we should work with europ __PUNCT__ japan and the gulf state to find everi avenu outsid the un to isol the iranian regim __PUNCT__ from cut off loan guarante and expand financi sanction __PUNCT__ to ban the export of refin petroleum to iran __PUNCT__ to boycot firm associ with the iranian revolutionari guard __PUNCT__ whose qud forc ha rightli been label a terrorist organ __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2008.06.04 during the 2008 General elections.
for iran __PUNCT__ it mean get the un secur council __PUNCT__ europ __PUNCT__ and the gulf state to join with us in ratchet up the econom pressur __PUNCT__
Barack Obama in 2007.04.23 during the 2008 Primary elections.
gulf_state is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
Joe Biden | 2008 Primary | 2007.02.15.remarks_at_the_brookings_institution_on_iraqs_future_and_americas_interests |
Hillary Clinton | 2008 Primary | 2007.10.11.speech_on_college_affordability_at_plymouth_state_university_in_plymouth_new_hampshire |
Hillary Clinton | 2008 Primary | 2008.03.17.remarks_at_the_george_washingon_university_in_washington_dc |
John McCain | 2008 Primary | 2007.07.18.address_to_the_christians_united_for_israel_in_washington_dc |
Barack Obama | 2008 General | 2008.06.04 |
Barack Obama | 2008 Primary | 2007.04.23 |