
lip_servic can be found in 4 cue lexicons and 6 speeches. Its been used 7 times by 5 candidates.

Cue lexicons

lip_servic is found in the cue lexicons of

Random examples from speeches

let not just give lip servic to their need __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2007.01.24.remarks_in_a_let_the_conversation_begin_webcast during the 2008 Primary elections.

he yearn for our countri to fulfil the ideal that it had given lip servic to __PUNCT__ that were embodi in our found document __PUNCT__

Hillary Clinton in 2008.04.04.remarks_on_the_40th_anniversary_of_dr_kings_death_in_memphis_tennessee during the 2008 Primary elections.

i am call instead for an end to lip servic __PUNCT__

John Edwards in 2007.08.06.remarks_in_cedar_rapids_iowa during the 2008 Primary elections.

we need __PUNCT__ smart trade __PUNCT__ polici that american worker can sai ye to __PUNCT__ trade polici that do more than pai lip servic to their need and that actual make sure prosper is share __PUNCT__

John Edwards in 2007.08.06.remarks_in_cedar_rapids_iowa during the 2008 Primary elections.

caregiv deserv more than lip servic for the work thei do __PUNCT__

Bill Richardson in 2007.07.16.speech_women_for_richardson_announcement during the 2008 Primary elections.


lip_servic is found in the following speeches

Candidate Election Title
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2007.01.24.remarks_in_a_let_the_conversation_begin_webcast
Hillary Clinton 2008 Primary 2008.04.04.remarks_on_the_40th_anniversary_of_dr_kings_death_in_memphis_tennessee
John Edwards 2008 Primary 2007.08.06.remarks_in_cedar_rapids_iowa
Rudy Giuliani 2008 Primary 2008.01.27.interview_with_bob_schieffer_on_cbs_news_face_the_nation
Bill Richardson 2008 Primary 2007.07.16.speech_women_for_richardson_announcement
Fred Thompson 2008 Primary 2007.10.19.remarks_to_the_value_voters_summit