monei_manag can be found in 1 cue lexicons and 3 speeches. Its been used 3 times by 2 candidates.
we have big challeng __PUNCT__ how ar we go to creat new job __PUNCT__ how ar we go to get the tax code to quit reward busi for export job out of michigan to foreign countri __PUNCT__ how ar we go to make that tax code fair and quit yield a lower tax rate to some wall street monei manag who make __NUM__ million dollar __PUNCT__ then what is paid by nurs __PUNCT__ a teacher or a truck driver make __MONEY__ right here in detroit or elsewher across michigan __PUNCT__ and what ar we go to do to final tackl our energi depend __PUNCT__ we can't live with __MONEY__ a barrel __PUNCT__ oil and ga move up to __MONEY__ a gallon __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2008.03.19.remarks_at_the_solutions_for_america_event_in_detroit_michigan during the 2008 Primary elections.
how is it fair that a wall street monei manag make __MONEY__ million a year pai a lower percentag in tax to our govern than a nurs __PUNCT__ a teacher __PUNCT__ or a truck driver right here in montana pai to that govern of our __PUNCT__ and when i sai solut __PUNCT__ i mean a return to fiscal respons __PUNCT__
Hillary Clinton in 2008.04.05.remarks_at_the_montana_democratic_party_mansfieldmetcalf_dinner_in_butte during the 2008 Primary elections.
the great engin of growth in america isn't the special interest or the monei manag __PUNCT__ it is the teacher and factori worker and engin who quietli contribut everi dai __PUNCT__
John Edwards in 2007.07.26.remarks_in_des_moines_iowa during the 2008 Primary elections.
monei_manag is found in the following speeches
Candidate | Election | Title |
Hillary Clinton | 2008 Primary | 2008.03.19.remarks_at_the_solutions_for_america_event_in_detroit_michigan |
Hillary Clinton | 2008 Primary | 2008.04.05.remarks_at_the_montana_democratic_party_mansfieldmetcalf_dinner_in_butte |
John Edwards | 2008 Primary | 2007.07.26.remarks_in_des_moines_iowa |