This is an OLD version of the course. Please go to the 2012 page instead!

See the homework list and the submission requirements. You can also see the number of points for each assignment.

No cheating:

  • All assignments in this course are individual: you are required to do them by yourself.
  • Each person must do their own work independently.
  • No copying anybody else's work.
  • No copying answers from any other course's assignments.
  • No copying code from the Web.
  • For homeworks where you are supposed to do a user study, it is considered cheating to make up the data --
    you must run a real person and record what they actually said and did.
  • For your designs of user interfaces, do not copy a commercial design. In particular, it is not acceptable to
    use any art-work (pictures) from commercial products, unless it is explicitly marked as free clip-art.
  • Penalty for cheating: a zero on the assignment, and possibly other penalties as well.
  • The final exam will be individual and closed book. No copying or notes will be allowed for the final.

Late Policy:
Assignments are due before the beginning of class (10:30am Eastern time) on the specified day.
A penalty of 10 points out of 100 (one letter grade) will be immediately applied after the start time of class.
An additional 10 points will be subtracted for each additional class period late.

For the Homework 4, there cannot be any late assignments--everyone must be ready to have someone else evaluate their implementation.