
He will not actively participate in strikes, picket lines, or other collective coercive action.

[See Codes III.1.e. ]

1(f) (Part 1)

Code is relevant when:
Engineer is associated in some way with a laborstrike
Code is violated when:
Engineer actively participates in a strike
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not actively participate in a strike
1(f) (Part 2)
Code is relevant when:
Engineer is associated in some way with a picket line
Code is violated when:
Engineer actively participates in a picket line
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not actively participate in a picket line
1(f) (Part 3)
Code is relevant when:
Engineer is associated in some way with collective coercive action
Code is violated when:
Engineer actively participates in collective coercive action
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not actively participate in collective coercive action

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