
The Engineer will have proper regard for the safety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of his professional duties. If his engineering judgment is overruled by nontechnical authority, he will clearly point out the consequences. He will notify the proper authority of any observed conditions which endanger public safety and health.

2. (Part 1)

[See Codes C4. (Part 1), II.1.a. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer is involved in a situation in which a safety, health, property, or welfare issue is at stake
Code is violated when:
In the given situation, Engineer does not have the proper regard for the safety, health, property, and welfare of the public
Code is not violated when:
In the given situation, Engineer has the proper regard for the safety, health, property, and welfare of the public

2. (Part 2)

[See Codes C12., II.1.a. (Part 2) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer's judgment is overruled by a nontechnical authority

Overruling the Engineer's judgment may lead to the endangerment of the safety, health, or welfare of the public
Code is violated when:
Engineer does not clearly point out the consequences of overruling his judgment
Engineer does not notify the proper authority
Code is not violated when:
Engineer clearly points out the consequences of overruling his judgment
Engineer notifies the proper authority

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