
An Engineer shall not solicit or accept an engineering contract from a governmental body on which a principal or officer of his organization serves as a member.

8(c). (Part 1)

[See Code II.4.e. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer solicits a professional contract from a governmental body
Code is violated when:
A principal or officer of Engineer's organization serves as a member of the governmental body
Code is not violated when:
No principal or officer of Engineer's organization serves as a member of the governmental body

8(c). (Part 2)

[See Code II.4.e. (Part 2) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer accepts a professional contract from a governmental body
Code is violated when:
A principal or officer of Engineer's organization serves as a member of the governmental body
Code is not violated when:
No principal or officer of Engineer's organization serves as a member of the governmental body

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