
Engineers shall not reveal facts, data, or information obtained in a professional capacity without the prior consent of the client or employer except as authorized or required by law or this Code.

II.1.c. Part 1

Code is relevant when:
Engineer has an employer
Engineer obtains confidential facts, data, or information through work for the employer.
Code is violated when:
Engineer reveals confidential facts, data, or information to unauthorized parties
Engineer does not have prior consent of the employer
There are no laws or other codes that require the revealing of the facts, data, or information
Code is not violated when:
Engineer does not reveal confidential facts, data, or information to unauthorized parties
Engineer has prior consent of the employer
There are laws or other codes that require the revealing of the facts, data, or information

II.1.c. Part 2

Code is relevant when:
Engineer has a client
Engineer obtains confidential facts, data, or information through work for the client.
Code is violated when:
Engineer reveals confidential facts, data, or information to unauthorized parties
Engineer does not have prior consent of the client
There are no laws or other codes that require the revealing of the facts, data, or information
Code is not violated when:
Engineer does notreveals confidential facts, data, or information to unauthorized parties
Engineer has prior consent of the client
There are laws or other codes that require the revealing of the facts, data, or information

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