
On this page are the names of colleagues, supervisors, and subordinates who have written letters of reference for me. The references are divided into academic and industry, since I have worked in both arenas. The industry letters of reference are viewable directly from this page; signed originals are available upon request. The academic letters of reference are confidential, available only by request.

Academic References

Prof. Rupert Wegerif
Collaborator on the ARGUNAUT and Metafora projects; Currently Professor, The Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, England

Prof. Baruch Schwarz
Collaborator on the ARGUNAUT and Metafora projects; Currently Professor, School of Education, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Dr. Maarten De Laat
Collaborator on the ARGUNAUT project; Currently Professor and Director of Learning, Teaching and Curriculum, the University of Wollongong, Australia

Prof. Dr. Niels Pinkwart
Collaborator on the LASAD project and on the earlier CoChemEx project; Currently Professor, Department of Informatics, Humboltdt University of Berlin, Germany

Prof. Dr. Nikol Rummel
Collaborator on several Pittsburgh Science of Learning (PSLC) projects; Currently Professor of Educational Psychology, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany

Prof. Kevin Ashley
Ph.D. advisor; Currently Professor of Intelligent Systems, Senior Scientist, University of Pittsburgh

Prof. Norman Sadeh
Colleague and former supervisor at Carnegie Mellon University; Currently Professor Carnegie Mellon University

Prof. Manuela Veloso
Member of my Ph.D. committee; Currently Herbert A. Simon Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University and on leave at J.P. Morgan AI Research

Retired Prof. Bruce Buchanan
Member of my Ph.D. committee; Past President of AAAI, Inventor of the Mycin program, Retired

Dr. Stephen F. Smith
Former supervisor at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University; Currently Research Professor, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

Industry References

Philip Hayes, Ph.D.
Supervisor at OpenWebs Corporation and Carnegie Group, Inc.; Formerly Chief Technology Officer of OpenWebs; Currently, Senior VP, Software Engineering, Dynamix
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John Fischer
Colleague at CarParts Technologies and OpenWebs Corporation; Currently VP of Tire Management Solutions Markets at CarParts Technologies
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Daniel Garcia
Subordinate at CarParts Technologies and OpenWebs Corporation
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Yilmaz Kara
Subordinate at CarParts Technologies and OpenWebs Corporation
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Linda Schmandt
Colleague at OpenWebs Corporation and Carnegie Group, Inc.; Currently Sr. Project Manager/Requirements Analyst at Carnegie Learning
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Jeff Kaminski
Supervisor at IBM Transarc; Currently an Advisory Software Engineer, IBM
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Debra Logan
Colleague and Supervisor at Carnegie Group, Inc.; Currently VP, Distinguished VP Analyst with the Gartner Group
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Gary Kahn, Ph.D.
Supervisor at Carnegie Group, Inc.; Currently Independent Consultant
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