Publications - 2016
Incorporating structural alignment biases into an attentional neural translation model. Trevor Cohn, Cong Duy Vu Hoang, Ekaterina Vymolova, Kaisheng Yao, Chris Dyer and Gholamreza Haffari. Proc. NAACL.
Recurrent neural network grammars. Chris Dyer, Adhiguna Kuncoro, Miguel Ballesteros and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NAACL.
Morphological inflection generation using character sequence to sequence learning. Manaal Faruqui, Yulia Tsvetkov, Graham Neubig and Chris Dyer. Proc. NAACL.
Generation from abstract meaning representation using tree transducers. Jeffrey Flanigan, Chris Dyer, Noah A. Smith and Jaime Carbonell. Proc. NAACL.
Neural architectures for named entity recognition. Guillaume Lample, Miguel Ballesteros, Kazuya Kawakami, Sandeep Subramanian and Chris Dyer. Proc. NAACL.
Polyglot neural language models: A case study in cross-lingual phonetic representation learning. Yulia Tsvetkov, Sunayana Sitaram, Manaal Faruqui, Guillaume Lample, Patrick Littell, David R. Mortensen, Alan W Black, Lori Levin and Chris Dyer. Proc. NAACL.
Hierarchical attention networks for document classification. Zichao Yang, Diyi Yang, Chris Dyer, Xiaodong He, Alex Smola and Eduard Hovy. Proc. NAACL.
Publications - 2015
Improved transition-based parsing by modeling characters instead of words with LSTMs. Miguel Ballesteros, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. EMNLP.
Gaussian LDA for topic models with word embeddings. Rajarshi Das, Manzil Zaheer and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Unifying Bayesian inference and vector space models for improved decipherment. Qing Dou, Ashish Vaswani, Kevin Knight and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Book review: Linguistic fundamentals for natural language processing: 100 essentials from morphology and syntax, Emily M. Bender. Chris Dyer. Computational Linguistics.
Transition-based dependency parsing with stack long short-term memory. Chris Dyer, Miguel Ballesteros, Wang Ling, Austin Matthews and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ACL.
Non-distributional word vector representations. Manaal Faruqui and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Retrofitting word vectors to semantic lexicons. Manaal Faruqui, Jesse Dodge, Sujay K. Jauhar, Chris Dyer, Eduard Hovy and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NAACL.
Sparse overcomplete word vector representations. Manaal Faruqui, Yulia Tsvetkov, Dani Yogatama, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ACL.
A supertag-context model for weakly-supervised CCG parser learning. Dan Garrette, Chris Dyer, Jason Baldridge and Noah A. Smith. Proc. CoNLL.
Weakly-supervised grammar-informed Bayesian CCG parser learning. Dan Garrette, Chris Dyer, Jason Baldridge and Noah A. Smith. Proc. AAAI.
Ontologically grounded multi-sense representation learning for semantic vector space models. Sujay K. Jauhar, Chris Dyer and Eduard Hovy. Proc. NAACL.
Frame-semantic role labeling with heterogeneous annotations. Meghana Kshirsagar, Sam Thomson, Nathan Schneider, Jaime Carbonell, Noah A. Smith and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Unsupervised POS induction with word embeddings. Chu-Cheng Lin, Waleed Ammar, Chris Dyer and Lori Levin. Proc. NAACL.
Two/Too simple adaptations of word2vec for syntax problems. Wang Ling, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black and Isabel Trancoso. Proc. NAACL.
Not all contexts are created equal: Better word representations with variable attention. Wang Ling, Chu-Cheng Lin, Yulia Tsvetkov, Silvio Amir, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black and Isabel Trancoso. Proc. EMNLP.
Finding function in form: Compositional character models for open vocabulary word representation. Wang Ling, Tiago Luís, Luís Marujo, Ramón Fernandez Astudillo, Silvio Amir, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black and Isabel Trancoso. Proc. EMNLP.
Automatic keyword extraction on twitter. Luis Marujo, Wang Ling, Isabel Trancoso, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black, Anatole Gershman, David Martins de Matos, João Neto and Jaime Carbonell. Proc. ACL.
Cross-lingual bridges with models of lexical borrowing. Yulia Tsvetkov and Chris Dyer. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR).
Lexicon stratification for translating out-of-vocabulary words. Yulia Tsvetkov and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Constraint-based models of lexical borrowing. Yulia Tsvetkov, Waleed Ammar and Chris Dyer. Proc. NAACL.
Evaluation of word vector representations by subspace alignment. Yulia Tsvetkov, Manaal Faruqui, Wang Ling, Guillaume Lample and Chris Dyer. Proc. EMNLP.
Humor recognition and humor anchor extraction. Diyi Yang, Alon Lavie, Chris Dyer and Eduard Hovy. Proc. EMNLP.
Depth-gated recurrent neural networks. Kaisheng Yao, Trevor Cohn, Katerina Vylomova, Kevin Duh and Chris Dyer.
Learning word representations with hierarchical sparse coding. Dani Yogatama, Manaal Faruqui, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ICML.
Publications - 2014
Conditional random field autoencoders for unsupervised structured prediction. Waleed Ammar, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NIPS.
Distributed representations of situated language. David Bamman, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ACL.
Automatic classification of communicative functions of definiteness. Archna Bhatia, Chu-Cheng Lin, Nathan Schneider, Yulia Tsvetkov, Fatima Talib Al-Raisi, Laleh Roostapour, Jordan Bender, Abhimanu Kumar, Lori Levin, Mandy Simons and Chris Dyer. Proc. COLING.
A unified annotation scheme for the semantic/Pragmatic components of definiteness. Archna Bhatia, Mandy Simons, Lori Levin, Yulia Tsvetkov, Chris Dyer and Jordan Bender. Proc. LREC.
Locally non-linear learning for statistical machine translation via discretization and structured regularization. Jonathan H. Clark, Chris Dyer and Alon Lavie. TACL.
Learning from post-editing: Online model adaptation for statistical machine translation. Michael Denkowski, Alon Lavie and Chris Dyer. Proc. EACL.
Real time adaptive machine translation for post-editing with cdec and TransCenter. Michael Denkowski, Alon Lavie, Isabel Lacruz and Chris Dyer. Proc. the human in the loop workshop on humans and computer-assisted translation.
Notes on noise contrastive estimation and negative sampling. Chris Dyer.
Community evaluation and exchange of word vectors at Manaal Faruqui and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Improving vector space word representations using multilingual correlation. Manaal Faruqui and Chris Dyer. Proc. EACL.
Retrofitting word vectors to semantic lexicons. Manaal Faruqui, Jesse Dodge, Sujay K. Jauhar, Chris Dyer, Eduard Hovy and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NIPS deep learning workshop.
A discriminative graph-based parser for the abstract meaning representation. Jeffrey Flanigan, Sam Thomson, Jaime Carbonell, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ACL.
Weakly-supervised Bayesian learning of a CCG supertagger. Dan Garrette, Chris Dyer, Jason Baldridge and Noah A. Smith. Proc. CoNLL.
A dependency parser for Tweets. Lingpeng Kong, Nathan Schneider, Swabha Swayamdipta, Archna Bhatia, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. of EMNLP.
Leveraging heterogeneous data sources for relational semantic parsing. Meghana Kshirsagar, Nathan Schneider and Chris Dyer. Workshop on semantic parsing.
Crowdsourcing high-quality parallel data extraction from Twitter. Wang Ling, Luís Marujo, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black and Isabel Trancoso. Proc. WMT.
Tree transduction tools for cdec. Austin Matthews, Paul Baltescu, Phil Blunsom, Alon Lavie and Chris Dyer. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics.
The CMU machine translation systems at WMT 2014. Austin Matthews, Chris Dyer, Alon Lavie, Greg Hanneman, Waleed Ammar, Archna Bhatia, Swabha Swayamdipta, Eva Schlinger and Yulia Tsvetkov. Proc. WMT.
Simplified dependency annotations with GFL-web. Michael T. Mordowanec, Nathan Schneider, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ACL.
Language modeling with power low rank ensembles. Ankur P. Parikh, Avneesh Saluja, Chris Dyer and Eric P. Xing. Proc. of EMNLP.
Latent variable synchronous CFGs for hierarchical translation. Avneesh Saluja, Chris Dyer and Shay B. Cohen. Proc. of EMNLP.
Discriminative lexical semantic segmentation with gaps: Running the MWE gamut. Nathan Schneider, Emily Danchik, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. TACL.
CMU: Arc-factored, discriminative semantic dependency parsing. Sam Thomson, David Bamman, Jesse Dodge, Swabha Swayamdipta, Nathan Schneider, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. of semEval.
Metaphor detection with cross-lingual model transfer. Yulia Tsvetkov, Leonid Boytsov, Anatole Gershman, Eric Nyberg and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Augmenting translation models with simulated acoustic confusions for improved spoken language translation. Yulia Tsvetkov, Florian Metze and Chris Dyer. Proc. EACL.
Augmenting english adjective senses with supersenses. Yulia Tsvetkov, Nathan Schneider, Dirk Hovy, Archna Bhatia, Manaal Faruqui and Chris Dyer. Proc. LREC.
Dual subtitles as parallel corpora. Shikun Zhang, Wang Ling and Chris Dyer. Proc. LREC.
Publications - 2013
The CMU machine translation systems at WMT 2013: Syntax, synthetic translation options, and pseudo-references. Waleed Ammar, Victor Chahuneau, Michael Denkowski, Greg Hanneman, Wang Ling, Austin Matthews, Kenton Murray, Nicola Segall, Yulia Tsvetkov, Alon Lavie and Chris Dyer. Proc. the eighth workshop on machine translation.
Knowledge-rich morphological priors for Bayesian language models. Victor Chahuneau, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NAACL 2013.
Translation into morphologically rich languages with synthetic phrases. Victor Chahuneau, Eva Schlinger, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. EMNLP.
Minimum error rate training and the convex hull semiring. Chris Dyer.
A simple, fast, and effective reparameterization of IBM model 2. Chris Dyer, Victor Chahuneau and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NAACL 2013.
An information theoretic approach to bilingual word clustering. Manaal Faruqui and Chris Dyer. Proc. ACL.
Large-scale discriminative training for statistical machine translation using held-out line search. Jeffrey Flanigan, Chris Dyer and Jaime Carbonell. Proc. NAACL 2013.
A systematic exploration of diversity in machine translation. Kevin Gimpel, Dhruv Batra, Chris Dyer and Gregory Shakhnarovich. Proc. EMNLP.
Distributions on minimalist grammar derivations. Tim Hunter and Chris Dyer. Proc. the 13th meeting on mathematics of language (MoL 13).
Paraphrasing 4 microblog normalization. Wang Ling, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black and Isabel Trancoso. Proc. EMNLP.
Microblogs as parallel corpora. Wang Ling, Guang Xiang, Chris Dyer, Alan W Black and Isabel Trancoso. Proc. ACL 2013.
Improved part-of-speech tagging for online conversational text with word clusters. Olutobi Owoputi, Brendan O’Connor, Chris Dyer, Kevin Gimpel, Nathan Schneider and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NAACL 2013.
Morphogen: Translation into morphologically rich languages with synthetic phrases. Eva Schlinger, Victor Chahuneau and Chris Dyer. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, (100).
Supersense tagging for Arabic: The MT-in-the-middle attack. Nathan Schneider, Behrang Mohit, Chris Dyer, Kemal Oflazer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. NAACL 2013.
A framework for (under)specifying dependency syntax without overloading annotators. Nathan Schneider, Brendan O’Connor, Naomi Saphra, David Bamman, Manaal Faruqui, Jason Baldridge, Noah A. Smith and Chris Dyer. Proc. the linguistic annotation workshop.
Predicting the NFL using twitter. Shiladitya Sinha, Chris Dyer, Kevin Gimpel and Noah A. Smith. Machine learning and data mining for sports analytics.
Generating English determiners in phrase-based translation with synthetic translation options. Yulia Tsvetkov, Chris Dyer, Lori Levin and Archna Bhatia. Proc. the eighth workshop on machine translation.
Identifying the L1 of non-native writers: The CMU-Haifa system. Yulia Tsvetkov, Naama Twitto, Nathan Schneider, Noam Ordan, Manaal Faruqui, Victor Chahuneau, Shuly Wintner and Chris Dyer. Proc. the workshop on innovative use of NLP for building educational applications.
Publications - 2012
Transliteration by sequence labeling with lattice encodings and reranking. Waleed Ammar, Chris Dyer and Noah A. Smith. Proc. the NEWS workshop at ACL.
Bayesian language modelling of German compounds. Jan A. Botha, Chris Dyer and Phil Blunsom. Proc. COLING.
Pycdec: A Python interface to cdec. Victor Chahuneau, Noah A. Smith and Chris Dyer. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics.
One system, many domains: Open-domain statistical machine translation via feature augmentation. Jonathan H. Clark, Alon Lavie and Chris Dyer. Proc. aMTA.
Learning semantics and selectional preference of adjective-noun pairs. Karl-Moritz Hermann, Chris Dyer, Phil Blunsom and Stephen Pulman. Proc. first joint conference on lexical and computational semantics.
A Bayesian model for learning SCFGs with discontiguous rules. Abby Levenberg, Chris Dyer and Phil Blunsom. Proc. EMNLP.
Joint feature selection in distributed stochastic learning for large-scale discriminative training in SMT. Patrick Simianer, Chris Dyer and Stefan Riezler. Proc. ACL.
Publications - 2011
Unsupervised bilingual POS tagging with Markov random fields. Desai Chen, Chris Dyer, Shay B. Cohen and Noah A. Smith. Proc. the first workshop on unsupervised learning in NLP.
Better hypothesis testing for statistical machine translation: Controlling for optimizer instability. Jonathan H. Clark, Chris Dyer, Alon Lavie and Noah A. Smith. Proc. ACL.
Unsupervised word alignment with arbitrary features. Chris Dyer, Jonathan H. Clark, Alon Lavie and Noah A. Smith.
The CMU-ARK German-English translation system. Chris Dyer, Kevin Gimpel, Jonathan H. Clark and Noah A. Smith. Proc. the sixth workshop on machine translation.
Predicting a scientific community’s response to an article. Dani Yogatama, Michael Heilman, Brendan O’Connor, Chris Dyer, Bryan R. Routledge and Noah A. Smith. Proc. EMNLP.
Publications - 2010
Monte Carlo techniques for phrase-based translation. Abhishek Arun, Barry Haddow, Philipp Koehn, Adam Lopez, Chris Dyer and Phil Blunsom. Machine Translation, 24(22).
A formal model of ambiguity and its applications in machine translation. PhD thesis. University of Maryland. Chris Dyer.
Two monolingual parses are better than one (synchronous parse). Chris Dyer. Proc. NAACL.
Context-free reordering, finite-state translation. Chris Dyer and Philip Resnik. Proc. NAACL.
Cdec: A decoder, alignment, and learning framework for finite-state and context-free translation models. Chris Dyer, Adam Lopez, Juri Ganitkevitch, Johnathan Weese, Ferhan Ture, Phil Blunsom, Hendra Setiawan, Vladimir Eidelman and Philip Resnik. Proc. ACL.
The University of Maryland statistical machine translation system for the Fifth Workshop on Machine Translation. Vladimir Eidelman, Chris Dyer and Philip Resnik. Proc. WMT.
Data-intensive text processing with mapReduce. Jimmy Lin and Chris Dyer. Morgan; Claypool.
Discriminative word alignment with a function word reordering model. Hendra Setiawan, Chris Dyer and Philip Resnik. Proc. EMNLP.
Publications - 2009
Monte Carlo inference and maximization for phrase-based translation. Abhishek Arun, Chris Dyer, Phil Blunsom, Barry Haddow, Adam Lopez and Philipp Koehn. Proc. CoNLL.
A Gibbs sampler for phrasal synchronous grammar induction. Phil Blunsom, Trevor Cohn, Chris Dyer and Miles Osborne.
Using a maximum entropy model to build segmentation lattices for MT. Chris Dyer. Proc. NAACL.
The University of Maryland statistical machine translation system for the Fourth Workshop on Machine Translation. Chris Dyer, Hendra Setiawan, Yuval Marton and Philip Resnik. Proc. WMT.
Efficient minimum error rate training and minimum Bayes-risk decoding for translation hypergraphs and lattices. Shankar Kumar, Wolfgang Macherey, Chris Dyer and Franz Och. Proc. ACL.
Joshua: An open source toolkit for parsing-based machine translation. Zhifei Li, Chris Callison-Burch, Chris Dyer, Sanjeev Khudanpur, Lane Schwartz, Wren Thornton, Jonathan Weese and Omar Zaidan. Proc. WMT.
Publications - 2008
Fast, cheap, and easy: Construction of statistical machine translation models with MapReduce. Chris Dyer, Aaron Cordova, Alexander Mont and Jimmy Lin. Proc. WMT.
Generalizing word lattice translation. Chris Dyer, Smaranda Muresan and Philip Resnik. Proc. ACL.
Publications - 2007
The University of Maryland translation system for IWSLT 2007. Chris Dyer. Proc. the iWSLT.
The “noiser channel”: Translation from morphologically complex languages. Chris Dyer. Proc. WMT.
Moses: Open source toolkit for statistical machine translation. Philipp Koehn, Hieu Hoang, Alexandra Birch, Chris Callison-Burch, Marcello Federico, Niccola Bertoldi, Brooke Cowan, Wade Shen, Christine Moran, Richard Zens, Chris Dyer, Ondřej Bojar, Alexandra Constantin and Evan Herbst. Proc. ACL.
The time-course of anaphoric processing and syntactic reconstruction. Akira Omaki, Chris Dyer, Shiti Malhotra, Jon Sprouse, Jeff Lidz and Collin Phillips. Proc. cUNY.