Keep the length of the line below 80 characters when possible, and when it does not hurt readibility, and below 100 characters at any case.
Indentation is made with two spaces
No trailing whitespace are allowed.
Every text file must be pushed using UNIX line endings. (On windows, you are advised to set core.autocrlf to true).
Never use old CMake syntax code for loop constructs:
# NO
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
Although CMake is rather leniant with case sensitivity, please write every function lower-case, and separate words by underscores:
# ...
# ...
Every function in the public API of qiBuild code (i.e: that could en up in a user cmake code) must start with qi, other should not start with qi (prefer using _qi for example).
The CMakeParseArguments module is very useful, please use it.
Please don’t use C-like construct for strings spanning on several lines:
message(STATUS "This is a very long\n"
"message on\n"
"several lines\n"
Rather use nice CMake feature for this:
message(STATUS "This is a very long
message spanning on
several lines
See CMake Syntax
Every function in the public API must have corresponding documentation. It works a bit like Doxygen, but with the python-sphinx syntax
#! foobar : this function foo then bar! (small description)
# this is a long description for the function, the function have two
# parameters,
# accept two flags, two params and two groups.
# Paragraph separated by blank lines
# \argn: a list of optional arguments
# \arg:first_arg the first argument
# \arg:second_arg the second argument
# \param:PARAM1 PARAM1 specify the fooness of the function
# \param:PARAM2 PARAM2 should always be 42
# \group:GROUP1 GROUP1 is a list of project to foo
# \group:GROUP2 This group represent optional project to pass to bar
function(foobar first_arg second_arg)
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "FLAG1;FLAG2" "PARAM1;PARAM2" "GROUP1;GROUP2" ${ARGN})
Note the bang in the first line of the documentation of the function.
The rest is straightforward
Always quote variable that represent a string:
set(myvar "foo")
if ("${myvar}" STREQUAL "bar")
# ...
Do not quote variable that are booleans
set(mybvar ON)
set(mybvar OFF)
if (${myvar})
# ...
When storing paths in variables, do NOT have the cmake variables end up with a slash:
# YES:
set(_my_path "path/to/foo")
set(_my_other_path "${_my_path}/${_my_var}")
# NO:
set(my_path "path/to/foo/")
set(_my_other_path "${_my_path}${_my_var}") # wrong: this is ugly
set(_my_other_path "${_my_path}/${_my_var}") # this is a bug!, see below
If you don’t do this, you may end up with paths containing //. This does not matter much on linux, but on windows, this path may be re-converted into native paths (for instance in the .bat generated by cmake), so you end up with \\ in the path name on windows, which is the notation for shared folders ...
Always use list(APPEND) to append to a list:
list(APPEND mylist "one item")
Always quote string when comparing string in a if:
set(myvar "test")
if ("${myvar}" STREQUAL test)
Always use if(DEFINED varname) to check if a variable is set:
if (DEFINED myvar)
# ...
Do not quote variables that CMake expects to be a list:
set(_foo_args "--foo" "--bar")
# YES:
execute_process(COMMAND foo ${_foo_args})
# NO:
execute_process(COMMAND foo "${_foo_args}")
In the second line, since you’ve quoted the list, you are calling foo with one argument, (“–foo –bar”).
When you need a function to retun a result, use:
function compute_stuff(arg res)
# ...
# Store something in _result using ${arg})
set(${res} ${_result} PARENT_SCOPE)
# ...
compute_stuff(my_arg result)
# NOT set(res ... PARENT_SCOPE)
A very common mistake is to use something like:
set(_my_out ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/sdk)
so please use QI_SDK_DIR instead