Before reading this section, please make sure you have read the Extending qiBuild actions tutorial.
Briefly, you should create a file named looking like:
"""Add some eggs !"""
import argparse
import logging
import qibuild
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def configure_parser(parser):
"""Configure parser for this action """
help="Number of eggs to add",
def do(args):
"""Main entry point""""adding %i eggs", args.num_eggs)
Now lets have a look of what happens when you type:
$ qibuild spam --num-eggs=42
You first go through qibuild script, in bin/qibuild
You will see it uses :
modules = qibuild.cmdparse.action_modules_from_package("qibuild.actions")
qibuild.cmdparse.root_command_main("qibuild", parser, modules)
The first line will look for every Python module in the qibuild.actions package that contains a do() and a configure_args methods.
The second line will do the main parsing.
Note that the last argument is simply a list of modules.
So if you ever wanted to add an action outside qibuild.actions package, you could do:
import spam
qibuild.cmdparse.root_command_main("qibuild", parser, modules + [spam])
So what does the root_command_main do?
You can see it taks a parser object as arument.
You should call this function with an argparse.ArgumentParser object.
The parser will then be updated.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
qibuild.cmdparse.root_command_main("qibuild", parser)
Basically, we will call:
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="action", title="actions")
action_parser = subparsers.add_parser("spam")
for each module in the list.
Note how we format the help looking using module.__doc__
This means that contains everything to handle the parsing:
Thus, everything is put in one place, and the --help output is alwasy correct.