AL::ALBroker | ALBroker serves methods advertised by connected modules to clients participating in the network. All executables create at least one broker in main.cpp. A broker will wait for http request, remote C++ request from PC application.. |
AL::ALBrokerManager | ALBrokerManager is a class to manage brokers |
AL::ALFunctorBase | ALFunctorBase is a generic functor class for pointer management |
AL::ALMethodInfo | ALMethodInfo is the introspection container |
AL::ALMethodInfo::ALExample | ALExample is container for example |
AL::ALMethodInfo::ALParameterInfo | ALParameterInfo is the introspection container |
AL::ALMethodInfo::ALParameterInfoOptional< T > | ALParameterInfoOptional is the option container |
AL::ALModule | ALModule can be used as a base class for user modules to help serve and advertise their methods |
AL::ALModuleCore | ALModuleCore is the superclass of user modules |
AL::ALModuleInfo | ALModuleInfo is the class of information about user modules |
AL::ALProxy | ALProxy is a client to the served methods of a module |