libalerror  1.12
Public Member Functions
AL::ALNetworkError Class Reference

ALNetworkError is an exception raised when a network error occur in alcommon. More...

#include <alerror/alnetworkerror.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ALNetworkError (std::string pModuleName, std::string pMethod, std::string pDescription, const char *pszFilename=NULL, const unsigned int pnNumLine=0)

Detailed Description

ALNetworkError is an exception raised when a network error occur in alcommon.

Definition at line 37 of file alnetworkerror.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AL::ALNetworkError::ALNetworkError ( std::string  pModuleName,
std::string  pMethod,
std::string  pDescription,
const char *  pszFilename = NULL,
const unsigned int  pnNumLine = 0 


pModuleNamemodule's name that create error
pMethodmethod's name where error occured
pDescriptionerror's descripton
pszFilenamesource code file name
pnNumLinesource code line number

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