libalmath  1.12
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AL::Math::Pose2DA pose in a 2-dimentional space
AL::Math::Position2DCreate and play with a Position2D
AL::Math::Position3DCreate and play with a Position3D
AL::Math::Position6DCreate and play with a Position6D
AL::Math::PositionAndVelocityCreate and play with a PositionAndVelocity
AL::Math::RotationA 3*3 rotation matrix
AL::Math::Rotation3DA Rotation3D give 3 composed angles in radians
AL::Math::TransformA homogenous transformation matrix
AL::Math::TransformAndVelocity6DStruct composed of a Transform and a Velocity6D
AL::Math::Velocity3DCreate and play with a Velocity3D
AL::Math::Velocity6DCreate and play with a Velocity6D
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