Sample exam is here
(internal to CMU), and the solutions
(please try to answer the questions on your own, first).
Material to be examined
As in the original reading list, with several papers deleted, and
two new added (marked as 'new' with red).
Specifically, the material consists of the union of:
all the lecture foils
all the papers/chapters marked as 'must-read material'
in the foils, and
all the papers/chapters below.
1. Foils
Everything we covered in the foils (see their pdf, in the course schedule page: from 010_intro-db.pdf to 600_Conclusions.pdf)
Myron Flickner, Harpreet Sawhney, Wayne Niblack, Jon
Ashley, Qian Huang, Byron Dom, Monika Gorkani, Jim Hafner,
Denis Lee, Dragutin Petkovic, David Steele and Peter Yanker
Query by Image and Video Content: the QBIC System
IEEE Computer 28, 9, Sep. 1995, pp. 23-32.
[PTVF] William H. Press Saul A.
Teukolsky William T. Vetterling Brian P. Flannery Numerical
Recipes in C Cambridge University Press, 1992, 2nd
Edition. On-line evaluation copy
Undergraduate DB textbook,
for those who took a db class too long ago: