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Changliu Liu's Homepage

Changliu Liu (刘畅流) Resume

Assistant Professor
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University

I am an assistant professor in the Robotics Institute at CMU, where I lead Intelligent Control Lab. Prior to joining CMU in 2019, I was a postdoc at Stanford Intelligent Systems Laboratory. I obtained my Ph.D from Berkeley in 2017, where I worked in Mechanical Systems & Control Lab. I got my bachelor degree from Tsinghua University in 2012. My primary research focus is on the design and verification of intelligent systems that work with people, with application to manufacturing and transportation. I published the book Designing Robot Behavior in Human-Robot Interactions with CRC press in 2019. I teach 16-899 Adaptive Control and Reinforcement Learning (fall) and 16-883 Provably Safe Robotics (spring). I have an online course on neural verification.

Check out our research projects through the research tab and our recent news here. Find our publications through the publication tab or on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.

Our presentation videos can be found on YouTube: my channel or lab channel.

Our publicly released code can be found on Github: changliuliu or intelligent-control-lab.

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© 2021 Changliu Liu. Last Update: 12-26-2021