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06 2023
Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis with Regular Recursive Types Jessie Grosen, David M Kahn, and Jan Hoffmann LICS
The goal of automatic resource bound analysis is to statically infer symbolic bounds on the resource consumption of the evaluation of a program. A longstanding challenge for automatic resource analysis is the inference of bounds that are functions of complex custom data structures. This article builds on type-based automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) to address this challenge. AARA is based on the potential method of amortized analysis and reduces bound inference to standard type inference with additional linear constraint solving, even when deriving non-linear bounds. A key component of AARA is resource functions that generate the space of possible bounds for values of a given type while enjoying necessary closure properties. Existing work on AARA defined such functions for many data structures such as lists of lists but the question of whether such functions exist for arbitrary data structures remained open. This work answers this questions positively by uniformly constructing resource polynomials for algebraic data structures defined by regular recursive types. These functions are a generalization of all previously proposed polynomial resource functions and can be seen as a general notion of polynomials for values of a given recursive type. A resource type system for FPC, a core language with recursive types, demonstrates how resource polynomials can be integrated with AARA while preserving all benefits of past techniques. The article also proposes the use of new techniques useful for stating the rules of this type system and proving it sound. First, multivariate potential annotations are stated in terms of free semimodules, substantially abstracting details of the presentation of annotations and the proofs of their properties. Second, a logical relation giving semantic meaning to resource types enables a proof of soundness by a single induction on typing derivations. read
08 2021
Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis with the Quantum Physicist's Method David M Kahn and Jan Hoffmann ICFP
We present a novel method for working with the physicist's method of amortized resource analysis, which we call the quantum physicist's method. These principles allow for more precise analyses of resources that are not monotonically consumed, like stack. This method takes its name from its two major features, worldviews and resource tunneling, which behave analogously to quantum superposition and quantum tunneling. We use the quantum physicist's method to extend the Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis (AARA) type system, enabling the derivation of resource bounds based on tree depth. In doing so, we also introduce remainder contexts, which aid bookkeeping in linear type systems. We then evaluate this new type system's performance by bounding stack use of functions in the Set module of OCaml's standard library. Compared to state-of-the-art implementations of AARA, our new system derives tighter bounds with only moderate overhead. read
07 2020
Raising Expectations: Automating Expected Cost Analysis with Types Di Wang, David M Kahn, and Jan Hoffmann ICFP
This article presents a type-based analysis for deriving upper bounds on the expected execution cost of probabilistic programs. The analysis is naturally compositional, parametric in the cost model, and supports higher-order functions and inductive data types. The derived bounds are multivariate polynomials that are functions of data structures. Bound inference is enabled by local type rules that reduce type inference to linear constraint solving. The type system is based on the potential method of amortized analysis and extends automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) for deterministic programs. A main innovation is that bounds can contain symbolic probabilities, which may appear in data structures and function arguments. Another contribution is a novel soundness proof that establishes the correctness of the derived bounds with respect to a distribution-based operational cost semantics that also includes nontrivial diverging behavior. For cost models like time, derived bounds imply termination with probability one. To highlight the novel ideas, the presentation focuses on linear potential and a core language. However, the analysis is implemented as an extension of Resource Aware ML and supports polynomial bounds and user defined data structures. The effectiveness of the technique is evaluated by analyzing the sample complexity of discrete distributions and with a novel average-case estimation for deterministic programs that combines expected cost analysis with statistical methods. read
04 2020
Exponential Automatic Amortized Resource Analysis David M Kahn and Jan Hoffmann FoSSaCS
Automatic amortized resource analysis (AARA) is a type-based technique for inferring concrete (non-asymptotic) bounds on a program's resource usage. Existing work on AARA has focused on bounds that are polynomial in the sizes of the inputs. This paper presents and extension of AARA to exponential bounds that preserves the benefits of the technique, such as compositionality and efficient type inference based on linear constraint solving. A key idea is the use of the Stirling numbers of the second kind as the basis of potential functions, which play the same role as the binomial coefficients in polynomial AARA. To formalize the similarities with the existing analyses, the paper presents a general methodology for AARA that is instantiated to the polynomial version, the exponential version, and a combined system with potential functions that are formed by products of Stirling numbers and binomial coefficients. The soundness of exponential AARA is proved with respect to an operational cost semantics and the analysis of representative example programs demonstrates the effectiveness of the new analysis. read
06 2019
Scalable Verification of Probabilistic Networks Steffen Smolka, Praveen Kumar, Nate Foster, Justin Hsu, David M Kahn, Dexter Kozen, and Alexandra Silva PLDI
This paper presents McNetKAT, a scalable tool for verifying probabilistic network programs. McNetKAT is based on a new semantics for the history-free fragment of Probabilistic NetKAT in terms of finite state, absorbing Markov chains. This view allows the semantics of all programs to be computed exactly, enabling construction of an automatic verification tool. Domain-specific optimizations and a parallelizing backend enable McNetKAT to analyze networks with thousands of nodes, automatically reasoning about general properties such as probabilistic program equivalence and refinement, as well as networking properties such as resilience to failures. We evaluate McNetKAT’s scalability using real-world topologies, compare its performance against state-of-the art tools, and develop an extended case study on a recently proposed data center network design. read
08 2017
Undecidable Problems for Probabilistic Network Programming David M Kahn MFCS
The software-defined networking language NetKAT is able to verify many useful properties of networks automatically via a PSPACE decision procedure for program equality. However, for its probabilistic extension ProbNetKAT, no such decision procedure is known. We show that several potentially useful properties of ProbNetKAT are in fact undecidable, including emptiness of support intersection and certain kinds of distribution bounds and program comparisons. We do so by embedding the Post Correspondence Problem in ProbNetKAT via direct product expressions, and by directly embedding probabilistic finite automata. read