15-816 Linear Logic


Assignments are given and due weekly at class time as listed below. I will accept late homework only under exceptional circumstances.

  Assignment Due Date Code Sample Solutions
1 Exercises 1.2, 1.5 Thu Jan 22   hw1-sol.ps.gz
2 Exercises 2.5.1-4, 2.7.1-8, 2.9 Thu Jan 29    
3 Exercise 2.12 and programming an interactive theorem prover in Standard ML Tue Feb 10 hw3.tar.gz  
4 Modify the interactive theorem prover from Assignment 3 to incorporate unification and occurrence constraints Thu Feb 19 hw4.tar.gz  
5 Permutability of inference rules Thu Feb 26    
6 Exercises 4.1 and 4.2 Tue Mar 10    
7 Linear functional programming Thu Mar 19 hw7.tar.gz  
8 Programming in Lolli Thu Apr 9    
9 Programming in linear Twelf Tue Apr 21    
10 Soundness and completeness of uniform derivations Thu Apr 30    

The library code for Assignment 3 for programming a simple interactive theorem prover is also available as gzipped tar file.

Some macros for typesetting derivations in TeX/LaTeX from Rujith de Silva. I have made two small changes since the first announcement. In particular, \ndforalli now takes the parameter as a third argument.

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Frank Pfenning