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15-815 Automated Theorem Proving
Project Week 3: Resolution
- 1 Interface
- Design simple proof presentation tool
(e.g., combine invertible and successive focused rules)
- First exploratory implementation
- 2 Validation
- Proof term generation from resolution derivations
- 3 Search
- Extend search to use schematic sequents and unification
- 4 Redundancy Elimination
- Adapt unification to resolution and parameter variables
- 5 Coordination
- Manage regression testing and benchmarks
- Create additional ``interesting'' theory
- Signature coordination
- Group summary progress report
- Task assignment for next week
- 1 Interface
- Design simple proof presentation tool
(e.g., combine invertible and successive focused rules)
- First exploratory implementation
- 2 Validation
- 3 Search
- 4 Redundancy Elimination
- Students responsible for validation, search, and redundancy
elimination should consolidate the present implementation and devise
a plan for next week. This includes high-level or low-level
efficiency improvements and redundancy elimination, either in
the style of tableaux, matrix, or Prolog-technology theorem proving
(see tableaux and related methods
for reading). It should result in a document describing the planned
system for next week at a high level of abstraction, and the
implementation plan in some detail.
- 5 Coordination
- Manage regression testing and benchmarks
- Create additional ``interesting'' theory
- Group summary progress report
- Task assignment for next week
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Frank Pfenning